Chapter 55: Implicated

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How can Baron Felix miss this chance? So, he ran towards his bride and comforted her. Meanwhile, Leui looked at Gie. “You are quite the schemer, are you?” he asked with a grin. “What are you talking about?” Gie asked, playing the fool. “Not only will you get rid of the woman, but you will also get Baron Felix’s good will.” Leui said. Gie didn’t speak. “So, she knows that you are in the Capital and insisted to hold the wedding here, thinking that if you’d see her you will feel jealous and might realize that you like her?” Leui said. Gie speechlessly looked at him. “Are you a detective?!” he can’t help but ask. Leui just laughed. “So, did you feel anything when you saw her being married?” he asked. “I did.” Gie answered. Leui was about to speak and tease him when he heard Gie speak again. “I felt relieved.” Gie smiled. “… whatever, then.” Leui said, feeling defeated. Gie just laughed and then turned to Mhir who was immersed in food. “Oh, right. How old is Mhir now? Isn’t she planning to get married?” he asked. “She’s a hundred and eighteen. Dwarves can live up to five hundred years.” Leui spoke. “I think she isn’t in a hurry. Neither her family.” He shrugged. “Oh?” Gie muttered and looked at Mhir. “Mhir.” He called. “Do you also want to get married?” he asked. Mhir’s attention was finally pried away from the cupcake she was eating. “Getting married?” she said. “Why did you ask that?” she asked. Then, she glanced at Leui. Gie caught her subtle action and he finally realized Mhir’s behavior of always sticking to Leui. He thought that the two just have a close relationship as Mhir is Leui’s benefactor and Mhir also want to go to the human kingdom out of curiosity this Leui took her with him. But, it turned out that the reason why Mhir followed Leui is because she likes him? Gie glanced at Leui and saw that the other’s expression was calm. So, Leui actually knows about Mhir’s feelings. Just like Gie towards Halie, Leui also doesn’t want to give Mhir some hope, especially that they are friends, not because of the friendship between them, nor because Mhir was his savior, but because he respects Mhir’s feelings. “Oh.” He muttered. “I thought that you might have suddenly felt like getting married, too, after you saw a wedding.” He explained. “Only us short-lived humans can be stimulated like this.” Leui said. “If you were stimulated, why don’t you snatch away the bride?” he asked and grinned at Gie. It’s his turn to tease him. Gie sneered at him. But, after a while, both of them burst out in laughter. Mhir was puzzled after she saw them suddenly laughing. What’s wrong with these two? Didn’t they look like they were about to fight earlier? She thought. Why are they suddenly laughing together now? She felt confused. Humans are really complicated creatures… she heaved a sigh and patted her slightly bulging stomach before she resumed eating. Night. “What am I planning in order to deal with Fedrich and Fedrey’s suspicion?” Leui spoke after he heard what Gie said. Gie nodded. “Yeah.” He answered as he picked up his cup to drink coffee. They are on the terrace, watching the people walk down the street. The Capital is as bright as during the day because of the large number of lights lit up and hanging around. Thus, the people in the Capital can have a nightlife. Though, the night life here is just staying up late to wander around under the romantic atmosphere because of the contrasting light and darkness that radiates a somewhat ambiguous mood to those passing by. “I don’t know.” Leui honestly answered. Gie paused from his drinking and he raised his head to look at Leui, waiting for an explanation of his answer given. “They already suspect me even if I didn’t do anything.” Leui said. “What if I make a move? Although I’d hardly make any, but as long as I would make one, the suspicion would just increase, no matter how innocent the action that I’ll make.” He explained. Gie paused before he opened his mouth to speak, as if he wanted to say something. But, in the end, he didn’t say anything. “What you said is right.” He agreed. “But, I don’t think it would be that bad.” He said. Leui’s brows raised as he looked at him, wanting to hear what he was about to say. Gie smiled. “Don’t you already know what kind of people they are?” he asked. “Even if I just met Fedrich, or Melton, I can feel that they are good people.” He said. Then, he paused. “It’s just Fedrey…” he muttered. “Do you know something about him?” Leui asked and made a pause. “It is because of him that I didn’t get to meet the king. He suspects me. And, he is convinced that I did something.” He looked at Gie. “Fedrich and Melton aren’t convinced, but since he is Fedrich’s cousin, Fedrich would be convinced by him soon, as well as Melton, since he is Fedrich’s subordinate. He believes in Fedrich, even if he doesn’t believe in Fedrey.” He explained. “After suspicion takes root in one’s heart, it will only grow.” Gie said and heaved a sigh. “So, you’ll continue to be suspected. There’s no going out of this.” He shook his head. Leui was about to nod when he suddenly paused after he remembered something. He looked at Gie. “Gie.” He called. “You… you are my friend.” He said as he tried to word what he wanted to say right. “You… are you not afraid of getting implicated?” he asked with much difficulty. “’implicated’?” Gie muttered as he looked at him. Leui felt embarrassed. Because of him, his friend might be implicated. Mhir is of a different race. She can go back to the Other Shore anytime. But, Gie is different. He is his only human friend, and the Capital is his home. If something happens to Gie that would make him lose his home, Leui would definitely feel guilty and regret that he came to the human kingdom… “Ow!” Leui cried when he suddenly felt his forehead hurt. He blinked and raised his head to see Gie actually flicked his forehead. “What?” he asked. “Your face looks ugly.” Gie snickered. Leui’s face instantly darkened. “I am more handsome than you!” he told him. Gie chuckled. Indeed, it is true. Leui is really a handsome man. He looks reliable, and has a good temperament. It makes you feel that you want to get close to him. “What are you thinking about?” he asked. Leui fell silent. “That I might have to leave after associating myself with you?” Gie asked. He figured out Leui’s thoughts. Leui didn’t answer. Gie smiled as he looked at the street outside where people come and go. “Indeed, the Capital has become my home.” He spoke. Leui was about to speak when he suddenly heard Gie’s words. “’has become’?” he asked as he looked at him. Gie nodded, seeming to guess Leui’s thoughts. “This isn’t my real home.” He told him and stared at him for a long time. Leui suddenly felt that Gie’s gaze, and words, seemed to carry another meaning. But, he can’t figure it out. So, he can only ask. “Where is your real home?” he asked. Then, he made a pause when he remembered something. “Is it that place behind the mountain near a village?” he asked. This was what Gie told him before when they met. Gie stared at Leui making Leui feel some discomfort. Gie knows that Leui is starting to suspect him, and he knows this isn’t the time to confess everything to him. He secretly sighed and then forced a smile. “Yes.” He answered. Leui was taken aback by Gie’s sudden change in behavior. Was I overthinking it earlier? He thought. He felt like Gie was about to tell him a big secret that concerns him, and would definitely make a big impact. “Let’s go to sleep.” Gie spoke, rousing Leui from his thoughts. “O-oh. Okay.” Leui absent-mindedly answered. But, he didn’t leave his seat. Gie didn’t say anything and just silently left. Leui looked at his back before he retracted his gaze. Gie sometimes gives off a mysterious vibe. Leui doesn’t know what it is, but he felt it was strangely familiar. This feeling of familiarity was the reason why he acknowledged Gie as his friend when they met. Someone whom you just met declared you as his friend. Of course, you would feel half-suspicious, especially that you had no memories of it. The other half is to figure out if he was telling the truth. And Leui felt that Gie was telling the truth. That he is his friend. Gie didn’t lie to him. He never lied to him. But, Leui still felt that there was something that Gie wasn’t telling him. And that would shake all his beliefs. 
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