Chapter 9: Check This Out

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"Hi, this is Winifred Castillo at The Thirsty Dog. I think you need to come here and check someone out...He's different...Not a normal...No, I don't know what he is, that's the problem. Okay, bye," Fred put the cell phone back in the old black leather hobo bag she carried around with her. She snapped it shut and tossed the bag back into her employee locker. Fuck. What did she just do? Was it the right thing? Fred didn't usually doubt herself like this, but something was very strange about the guy. And not just the way looking at him made her stomach do somersaults. Crap, Fred, maybe you're just antsy cause you've got the hots for him! Shut up! She thought to herself. Gosh, she could be such a jerk sometimes. She rolled her eyes and peeked out from the backroom towards the bar stool where she left her mystery man sitting just a few minutes ago. Only now, he was gone. Dammit. Maybe I should have waited before calling the Pack. "Milady, I really must speak with you." Fred jumped at the sound of his deep voice near her ear. Her heart pounded in her chest and she had to stop herself from swinging out with her fist. How the heck did he manage that? She couldn't recall a time after her Change that anyone was able to sneak up on her. Maybe she needed her ears checked or something? "Ooh! You scared me!" "Forgive me, sweet, I wasn't trying to startle you," the dark-haired giant tilted his head. Fred followed him with her eyes, hypnotized by the pulsating warmth that shone in his. His irises were translucent. Like hot caramel sauce. The kind Fred ordered on top of her ice cream. But they weren't all sweet, there was fire there too. They burned along the edges with a lightning-like glow. She could see herself falling in those depths and never finding her way out. No, wait. She tried backing up a step. He was just so big. He took up most of the space in the room. But he didn't crowd her. Not at all. In fact, she liked it. She wanted to lean into him, to brush her body against his. Was he as solid as he looked? Did those muscles go everywhere? And what was the deal with those crazy gold eyes? A woman could fall in love with eyes like that. Especially the way he was looking at her, like he could eat her whole. Oh, damn! But she didn't believe in love, anymore. Did she? He reached out with his right hand and traced a path from her hairline to her jaw. Little jolts of electricity seemed to sizzle along her skin where he touched, distracting her from her wandering thoughts. She felt herself leaning into him. The way she imagined only seconds before. Heat seeped through her clothing from his large body. His hands continued to trace her face, her neck, her shoulders. She should stop him, she really should, but it felt so damn good. "Beautiful," his voice was soothing, mesmerizing even. His fingertips seemed to get warmer as he traced little patterns all over her body. She was sure his body temperature was well over hundred degrees. She ran a little hotter than normals which was typical for a Werewolf. Maybe three degrees' higher tops, but this guy, well, heat seemed to radiate off him. Fred swayed a little closer, unable to stop herself. Mmmm. His warmth was so enticing, so inviting, especially when she thought about the cold outside. It was a rough winter. Cold and bitter. But there was nothing cold about him. Slightly callused hands continued their exploration. She stood perfectly still. Unwilling to break the fragile spell between them. He gently traced lines from her jaw to her brow then back down again. Her eyelids dipped low, though she fought to keep them open. She wanted to watch him as he touched her. His fascination evident in his own heavy-lidded stare. Even breathing seemed intrusive. Fred slowed down her breathing as much as she could. Not an easy feat when her heart felt as if it was going to burst through her chest. She didn't want him to stop. The noise from the bar, the problems with her landlord, and Josh the rat, all faded away in the space of a few seconds. She existed in that moment for one reason. To feel his touch. His warm fingers tenderly caressing her skin. Harder, she thought, more. "I don't want to hurt you, love," he whispered against her temple. He kissed her head and his lips seemed to sizzle on her skin. Did she say that aloud? She needed to get a hold of herself, for f**k's sake! She was acting like she was in high school. Letting some guy paw all over her! She didn't even know him! Slow down there, Fred. "Okay, look, I'm sorry, I don't even know you-" she almost lost her balance as his hand fell away and he backed up half a step. She immediately felt cold. And empty. "Did I frighten you, love? I apologize, I simply had to touch your skin. You're pale as freshly whipped cream and just as soft-" his gold eyes seemed to glow as he reached for her again, but Fred evaded his hand. She needed to think clearly and that was not going to happen if he touched her again. "No, you didn't frighten me, I- I just don't know you." "But you do know me," his words were nothing more than a growl as he stared into her eyes. Fred's stomach tightened. Yes, I do know you. She bit her lip to keep from answering aloud. The lie tasted foul in her mouth, but what was she supposed to do? She had no idea who or what he was. What if this was some kind of trap? "What's your name?" "Callius Falk. And yours, milady?" "My name is Winifred, but people call me Fred." "My sweet Winifred, you are beautiful as your name," he leaned close again. Fred's eyes rolled back. Heat seeped into her. Wait, did he say her name was beautiful? Seriously? Mmm, when did he start rubbing her shoulders? Mmm, feels wonderful! "My name's a joke, definitely not beautiful." "I am sorry to disagree with you, but, love, you could not be more wrong," he placed a whisper of a kiss on her brow and she swayed closer to him. The soft material of his shirt felt good against the places where her skin was bare. She'd never been so turned on in her life. Certainly not by Josh. She wanted to trust him, but, how could she? Even if everything about him said he was telling the truth. Okay, so maybe he liked old-fashioned names. She took a deep breath. Werewolves could often smell a lie. Mmm. He smelled good. Pure and honest. Not one trace of deceit as far as she could discern. Yes, he was telling the truth. His scent was like cinnamon spice with a hint of Applewood smoke. Wow. She hadn't breathed in that particular fragrance in years. It was like being in a time machine. The past caught up to her and suddenly she was thinking about her life before she Maccon City. Fred travelled across the country with her older brother in an old, beat-up RV. They often stayed in the woods and slept outside near the campfire. They told each other stories while breathing in the pleasant smoke. She recalled making cobbler in an old cast iron pot outside on the open flames. She burnt her lip after stealing a bite of too-hot apple cobbler on their very last trip together. The flaming-hot cinnamon sugar left an angry red mark, but it tasted so good. She remembered what she told him afterwards. It was worth it. Her mouth watered a little as she stared at the man in front of her. Cobbler? Maybe. Just maybe. She wondered if he would taste as hot and sweet. One thing she was willing to bet on was that he'd be worth the burn. "I wonder, milady, if I may?" his voice was a rumble in the darkness. It pulsated right through her, making her tremble. This was getting dangerous. "If you may what?" "If I may this," he pushed her gently against the exposed brick wall and placed his hands on either side of her head. Fred was used to being stronger than most of the guys around her, even the Wolves. This man was easily twice her width and a good ten inches taller than she was. Would she be able to move him if she wanted to? The question was valid, but the thing was, she didn't want to. She tilted her head back to meet his golden eyes. Her Wolf generally did not like it when she was outsized, but for some reason she was not bothered by him at all. In fact, she seemed to encourage Fred as she pulled him closer. He felt solid and deliciously warm against her scantily clad body. She readied herself for what she assumed was going to be a passionate assault on her mouth, but he leaned in the top of her head and sucked in deep breath of her hair.
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