Chapter 10: Werewolves and Dragons

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She narrowed her eyes at him. That was a Werewolf thing to do, but she already knew that he wasn't one. What was he? And why was he smiling like that? "You are a Wolf?" his voice was laced with pure delight. "How did you know that?" her voice was higher than normal in her panic. Now she wanted to step back, but she was trapped between him and the wall behind her. Fred waited a moment for the panic to come, the fear that she'd been outed. But it didn't. She was not scared. She felt excited, not anxious. And she liked it. "This is very good! Excellent! Fortune is smiling at me at long last, my love! Ha! Gaudium et veritate!" "What?" "There is joy in the truth, sweet Fred!" "Why do you say that?" "For many reasons, love." "Name one." "It will be easier on you, for one thing," he dropped a kiss on her temple and held her face gently while he breathed in her scent. His smile was contagious, but she needed to keep her head on right. How did he know what she was? She was determined to find out, but what did he mean by that last remark? "What will be easier on me?" she asked. "This," Callius pressed the hard length of his body into hers. He pushed his hips into hers as his mouth inched closer. Her lips parted, stunned by the thick length of his arousal. It strained against his tight leather pants and pressed against her stomach. Fred could hardly think as he flexed his hips into hers, a growl escaping his lips. Mm, so good. She opened her legs a little wider. She wanted to feel him. Their bodies fit like puzzle pieces. Locked in his embrace all she wanted was to feel his lips on hers. To taste that smoky-cinnamon flavor that was all his. As if he read her mind, his tongue snaked into her mouth and she opened for him, welcoming the fiery heat that came with his kiss. Fred couldn't think. She didn't want to. All she could do was feel. His lips were masterful. He kissed, licked, sucked, and even bit as if he could read her every want. His hands were the same. Just as proficient. They were everywhere all at once. Searching, fondling, caressing, gripping, squeezing. Fred held onto him for all she was worth. All the while, his lips locked onto hers and the world around them simply fell away. "I must ask a question," he said coming up for air when all Fred wanted was to drown in his kiss. He panted with the effort it took to speak. That pleased Fred. She'd hate it if this were all one-sided. "Ask already," she nodded following his lips with her eyes. Just hurry up and kiss me. "Milady, sweet Winifred, I need to know. Can I have you?" "I'm sorry, what?" Yes! Of course! Her brain was screaming at her to take him somewhere they could be alone. Where they could finish this explosive interlude. But wait he was talking again. What was the question? She could hardly focus. She couldn't believe how much she wanted him. Heck, she was about to jump him right where anyone could walk by without a single care, what other confirmation did he need? His question echoed in her mind, Can I have you? Yes, you can have me! Her mind screamed. As long as you never stop doing that with your hands! Her n*****s hardened under his touch. His clever fingers pulled and squeezed. Finally, he closed his mouth over one then the other, right over her thin shirt. She hissed out a slow breath. It had been months since she felt the touch of a man. Josh had lost interest long before he emptied her bank account. If she was being honest with herself, she'd admit she stopped trying too. He wasn't the man for her. She'd known it all along. Now this man, well, he teased her body into such a frenzied state of passion, she thought she'd burst right there. She felt alive. His hands travelled up her spine and down again. He cupped her ass and squeezed in a way that hurt so good. "Oh, don't stop, Callius!" "Say my name again," he grazed her throat with his teeth and ground his body into hers. "Callius." Fred felt his pleasure at the sound of his name on her lips and she smiled with her head thrown back. She held onto his face as he kissed her and moaned when he lowered his head. He licked a hot trail from her collarbone to her mouth and touched his lips to hers. Oh, my God! Fred drove her tongue inside of his spicy hot mouth. Holding him there with her hands while she explored the sweet cavern of his mouth. She couldn't get enough of the taste of him. Electricity sizzled between them. Like little bolts of lightning dancing along her nerve endings. The world stopped and spun round again. She thought she even heard her Wolf howl. His lips were spicy and sweet, like a bite of 70% chocolate and a sip of Bordeaux. A dark sort of delicious that went straight to her head. His hands roamed over her body with free reign. She allowed him access to her secrets without any reservations. His tongue and teeth teased her mouth until she was almost mindless with need. She wanted him, craved him. Fred couldn't hold back any longer, she wrapped one leg around his hips and pulled him close. If he could, then so could she. She steered him deeper into the small backroom. He squeezed her thighs and lifted her fully onto him, carrying her the rest of the way. She let him, her hands had better things to do. Like running up and down his heavily muscled back, down to his hips, and finally, to his firm ass. He felt soooo good in his tight black leather. She bit his lower lip. Grrr. He seemed to growl in response. Fred's hands moved to the front of the soft leather that encased his manhood. His c**k was long and hard under her curious fingers. She groaned again as he throbbed in her hands. Up and down she traced and squeezed, again and again. If the way his entire body vibrated under her touch was any indication of how he felt, he definitely liked it. She couldn't get enough. Fred wished they were in a bed somewhere where she could peel off every barrier between them and explore. "I need your answer, please, I beg you. You must tell me," he lifted his head, eyes glowing, "Can I have you?" The question. There it was again. She thought he would have gotten the answer by now. But maybe he needed the words. "Yes," Fred moaned the word and squeezed her thighs around him. "It's done then," he took her hands and put them around his neck, pressing as close as he could get to her with their clothes still on. He put his hands under her ass and lifted her up so that she was practically riding him. She moved and bucked, pressing into him as close as she could get. So close, but still so far. A sweeter torture, Fred had never felt. He bent his head to her neck and first his lips were kissing her, then his tongue, and finally she felt teeth. She groaned and clung to him as he sucked. His teeth grazed her neck again. Shivers travelled down her spine. Fred wanted something, she needed something more. She didn't know what it was, but she held onto him and exposed her throat fully to him. Longing for something she didn't quite understand. Then, her body tensed and before she could name what it was she wanted, he bit down. Hard. Fred gasped aloud as pure pleasure shot throughout her body from the place where he bit her on her neck to every nerve receptor. The brief pain of his bite was immediately forgotten, lost in the most intense orgasm she had ever felt. Then he was licking and sucking again, and Fred felt a delicious heat seep into her. "My sweet, sweet Fred," he penetrated her mouth with his tongue and kissed her again more thoroughly than she had ever been kissed before. His hands moved up and over her firm breasts. He flicked her n*****s with his left hand while his right hand snaked down her tight jeans. Thank God for jeggings! He parted her hot, wet lips with just the tips of his long fingers. Circling the swollen skin, teasing and tempting her, but not quite filling her. Fred bucked against him. She wanted him. Now. "Oh, my God, don't you dare stop, Callius," Fred said into his mouth. She bit his lower lip and swore she felt him smile against her. His hand dipped down further into her jeans. Fred grabbed a fistful of his dark hair and groaned as he inserted two large fingers inside her throbbing heat. With a third finger, he found the place where she ached the most and applied just the right amount of pressure. "Yes, oh, yes," she moaned into his mouth, loving the smoky taste of his kiss. With fast, even strokes he played her body as if she was an instrument and he its master. No one had ever come close to being as attuned to her every desire as this man, this stranger, who was like something out of one of those telenovelas her great-aunt used to watch. She let go of all her inhibitions and gave herself over to the pleasure of his touch. She kissed him hard, clinging to his lips to stop herself from screaming out as he rocked her into the sweetest orgasm she'd experienced. "Oh God, oh damn, oh damn, Callius," she growled his name as he continued to stroke and kiss and soothe. "Es meus," he growled and slid his hand out of her damp panties. His golden gaze locked with her as he licked each of his fingers. One. At. A. Time. It was almost enough to make her c*m again. "What does that mean?" she asked as she tried to regain some semblance of control over her trembling body. "It means you are mine." "Yours, huh?" "Yes. My mate. For life."
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