Chapter 11: Es meus

1429 Words

"Wow, I mean, really, that was great, amazing even. I mean, mind-blowing, but it was really just a kiss." "Just a kiss? I still taste your woman's honey on my tongue, and I can't tell you how much I want to indulge in it for the rest of the evening." "I'd like that too, but-" "No buts. Let us leave here now, I've already marked you, love, our bond is made." "What bond? What mark?" Inside her heart she knew exactly what he was talking about. Her hand flew to the place on her neck where she'd felt his searing kiss just minutes ago. Fred ran over to the small mirror on the wall of the employee locker room. She turned her head and lifted her hand. When she saw the raised puncture marks, her face fell. He bit her! Like actually bit her! "You did say 'yes', my love. I've given you the mo

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