19. Nightclubs and Perverts.

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KIKI. The music was blaring from the speakers. It was blaring making my head pound and eyes turn. I felt like screaming at them to turn it down a little bit but this was a club. How I found my way to the club was what I didn't still understand. All I knew was that I was seating on a stool in front of the barman, doing what I knew best at the moment, drinking. “Another glass.” I snapped at the barman who had downed the last drop in the glass. “Madam, this is the seventh glass you will be requesting for.” He told me, hesitant to pour me the drink. I stared at him with hazy eyesight. My vision was starting to get blurry and the blue dimmed light illuminating the club was adding to it. “Do as I said.” I snapped at him. He sighed and poured me another glass before placing it before me. I felt someone slip into the seat beside me, pulled out his wallet, and dropped his card. “A glass of whiskey.” He told the bar attendant, his eyes pinned on me. I knew this cos I was also staring at him. “Do I look like someone you know madam or am I just too attractive for you to be this awestruck?” He told me, winking at me. He was a tall man, obviously from his gait. He had this spiky blonde hair, tousled in a way that made me want to dig my hand into his hair. His face was beautifully crafted and he had these black stud earrings. His outfit was giving me the kinky bad boy vibes. I scoffed finally taking my eyes off him. “In your dreams,” I whispered as I picked up my glass to gulp my drink. He chuckled giving me the impression that he heard me. I paid him no heed and stared at the bar attendant. He was staring at us. Or no, just me. I traced his eyes only for them to land on my boobs. I looked down at my boobs and found them exposed, ready to meet lustrous gazes. I had unbuttoned the first three buttons of the T-shirt when I had stepped in earlier. I had felt a rash heat and suddenly felt like pulling everything I had on off earlier. So, that was what the foolish guy had been feasting his eyes on. I put down my glass and buttoned up the first two. He noticed cos he looked up to stare at me. I glared at him and he looked away. “Oooh! Nice ass!” The man I had even forgotten was beside me muttered. I swirled around to look at him and truly he had been staring at my ass. He winked at me, his eyes swiping over my boobs as I took another gulp from my glass. “You got the assets. Care for a one-night stand?” He asked me, winking again. “I don't do such deals,” I told him, eyeing him. “Ugh! Too bad. I would have loved to have you on my bed tonight.” He swiped his tongue over his lips licking them as he watched him, lust evident in his eyes. What was I doing here again? Right, trying to drown the sorrows of catching my long-time best friend with my boyfriend. “Get rid of such thoughts.” I snapped, downing the last drop in my glass again. I set the glass before the bar attendant ordered him what to do. My head spun and my sight got even blurrier but I laughed it off. I grabbed my glass having been refilled and placed it in front of me. I don't get drunk easily. “Seeing as you will not spend a night with me, I can still buy you a drink.” He whispered moving closer to me. I shifted back. “Well, you can pay for my drinks. ” I shrugged, belching lowly. “Martinez please,” Someone called out to the bar attendant. I turned to stare at the lady. She was smiling, now facing the guy beside me. She was dressed in this black deep V-neck neckline that exposed a little too much. The gown was open-backed with slings crossed over it to strap the gown to her size. It had a downturn flare that stopped on her thigh. She matched this with crystal heels. “Hey, handsome.” She whispered in this flirtatious voice as she crossed over to him. I watched her. “Hey, beautiful.” The guy engaged her. She smiled, definitely enjoying it. “I'm Zimi.” She introduced herself, giving him her hand for a handshake. He took it and brought it up to his lips to kiss it. That made her giggle and I soon watched her slip onto his lap. It was that easy. “How about we get a room for tonight?” She asked him, digging her hands into his hair. He grinned and rubbed her exposure back. “Nah, not tonight.” He told her. I looked away from them and gulped my drink. Soon enough, the girl walked away. “I thought you were looking for a one-night stand.” I reminded him. ”Not from her. Just from you." Then he inched closer to whisper into my ear. “I want you alone.” I laughed like he had said something funny and shrugged him off. The song suddenly changed and 'Only girl in the world' by Rihanna started to play. I put down my glass and got on my feet suddenly hyperactive. “That's my jam," I informed him. “Then, let's dance.” He suggested, also excited. He pulled out some notes from his wallet and threw them at the bar attendant. Next, he started to pull me toward the stage to dance. He started his move first and I joined in moving my body, swaying from left to right. Soon enough, I started to dance, feeling the music. A lot of people on the dance floor were dancing too, everyone was excited. I was excited too. I was excited to be dancing with a total stranger I knew nothing about. That didn't sound like me. I was drunk. When the song ended, another one came up and I gave it as much energy as I could. After about the third song, I called it quits and decided to heed home. I was feeling silly. I was probably the only one around in an old rag of a cloth and office T-shirt. So, I excused myself from the stranger and exited the club. My steps were feeble. I was feeling lightweight as I moved along the way. I swayed from left to right, almost falling but quickly catching myself beforehand. Suddenly, I got cornered. Two men looking like four cornered me and started to pull me towards an old alley I knew. “Leave me alone. Who are you guys?” I screamed when I noticed they were pulling me and weren't going to stop. “Keep quiet!” One of them snapped at me and I flinched at the intensity of his voice. My head began to pound even more and my vision blurred up. “Leave me the f**k alone. Stop pulling me.” I yelled again. “You got a sexy body, baby girl. Give us some to taste.” One of them, the one on my right whispered and they both laughed. Panic shot through me and I started to tremble. “Your skin, boobs, face and ass turns me on, every single thing about you is so arousing.” He whispered again, trailing his hands over my arm. Goosebumps sprouted on my skin and I began to cry. "Leave me alone. I don't want this." I yelled, screaming in tears. My balance was wavy so I couldn't get a grip of myself. They pulled me into the alley, laughing loudly. “Don't you dare touch me!” I yelled again when the one on the right pinned me to the wall to kiss me. He forced his lips on me and I bite him.. He screamed, horrified, and hit me across the face. “She's feisty. Let's do what we have to do.” He told the other one as he began to unbuckle his belts. I began to cry even louder when his jeans came off. I couldn't believe I was going to be r***d. They were going to r**e me. Suddenly, I was pushed somehow and I fell to the ground, hitting my head on the wall. A low whimper escaped my lips. I didn't know what happened but the next thing I saw with my blurry vision was the guy's bloody d**k flying off to God knows where as his screams echoed and the other being shoved into the wall. I screamed hearing them scream. I was terrified as I saw what had done that. It was a bear. That was all I remembered seeing and in that state, I fainted.
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