
The Cursed Wolf and Luna's Fate

love at the first sight

"Reject him now!" My brother Damien ordered. "Adeline!"

Tears fell down my cheeks once more. I shook my head. It was killing me, and I couldn’t reject him. I heard my mate growling furiously. His black eyes were directly fixated on my brother like he was prey.

"Stop." I begged, "Please, don’t make me, it hurts."

My heart was crushing in on itself at the thought of rejecting my mate.

"You can’t be with him." Damien ignored my pain and continued to yell at me. "He’s a Lycan, and not just any Lycan but the son of a bastard that destroyed our family. REJECT HIM NOW!"

"I’m sorry." I whispered to Zanda.

I looked up into my mate’s eyes. They were no longer black, but light blue, pleading with me...

A curse is a heavy weight to bear. Young and powerful werewolf Adeline has lived with this curse her whole life, and she is forced to push away everyone she loves.

Even after meeting her mate, a Lycan Prince Zanda, at the yearly mating ball, Adeline was faced with another choice: reject her mate and save the world or follow her heart and potentially kill them all.

After attempting to reject her mate, he refuses to accept and takes Adeline to his home, where the curse is set in motion and war started to loom on the horizon.

Will Adeline be their destruction or bring peace?

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"I’m not going!" I screamed furiously at my father and brother, the current alpha of our pack, the largest and most powerful werewolf pack in the country. We were standing around in the living room. Well, I was standing with my hands on my hips whilst my father and brother sat on their stupid arse, looking at me with frustration. The living room was a large open space, big enough for about 50 people, which was good, because we always had pack members showing up. The room was very bright and open thanks to the large bay windows that took up an entire wall and the huge skylight, large soft white couches lined another wall, all covered with different sized cushions, and the white walls were covered in family pictures of all of us at various ages of growth, the wooden floor was almost covered in a plush white rug and several toys belonging to my new nephew and favorite person in the whole world Lucca who was currently taking a nap. My family’s home was separate from the pack house but still close enough, so the pack always felt welcome to drop in. When my father built this home, he told me it was because he wanted privacy from the pack, but I knew the truth. It was to keep me away from everyone. Half of the pack was afraid of me and my abilities, and the rest took it day to day. Some days they were afraid, some days I was a savior. If I wasn’t the alpha’s daughter, I doubted they’d talk to me at all, well except for most of the boys in the pack, who were constantly trying to get in my pants. My brother, Alpha Damien, sighed in annoyance before standing up and towering over me. His 6 ft 2 size was much more intimidating to my 5ft 6 height, he was also covered in muscles unlike myself, I did have muscles, as I’d been training to fight since the age of 4 but I was mostly just curves. 'Here we go.' My wolf Kalene said inside my mind as she rolled her eyes, 'Now you’ve done it.' "Addy," Damien used my nickname, attempting to placate me as he rubbed his face profusely. "You’re 18 now, and you still haven’t found your mate, which means, he’s not from our pack or any of our allied packs. Going to the mating ceremony is the only way for you to find him." "I DON’T WANT A MATE!" "Don’t raise your voice at me!" My brother said in his Alpha tone, finally losing his composure at my attitude. I glared at him, was he stupid, he knew his alpha tone did not work on me thanks to my powers. My twin Elias and myself, were the only ones in the family who had inherited my mother's powers, not that it was a gift, curse was more like it. Every time I used my powers in any serious way, it would drain my life force. Eli seemed to have better control over his powers, although he wasn’t as powerful as me. The first time I used my powers to heal Eli after a rouge attack when we were 10, I coughed up so much blood that I nearly choked to death myself before passing out for 5 days. If my mother had been around, she could have taught me how to use my powers safely, but I guess her children didn’t matter to her as much as her stupid Lycan mate. My chest was restricted when I thought of my mother. She had broken all of our hearts when she was rejected by my father and banished from having an affair with a Lycan Alpha called Toben, and not only were they having an affair, but my other brother, Sebastian, who I haven’t seen since I was 6, turned out to be a child of that affair. My father was devastated to learn of the affair and that Sebastian wasn’t his son, and he nearly died from rejecting my mother. I used to write letters to Sebastian every week for 4 years after they left, only to him, I hated my mother, but after 4 years, Sebastian stopped writing back to me, I was heartbroken all over again, I guess a werewolf sister wasn’t good enough anymore. Now that he was a Lycan, or perhaps he was just scared of me, the last letter I wrote to him was about me discovering my powers and that my wolf was a white wolf. I pushed away thoughts of my traitorous mother and brother and focused on the matter at hand, my traitorous Alpha brother and dad, who were trying to force me to find a mate. "Addy," My Dad stepped in, "Going to the mating ceremony will be good for not only you but the pack. It’s most likely that your mate is an alpha from another pack that we aren’t aligned with, so we will be able to make a new ally, and with all of the recent rouge attacks, every new ally is a blessing." "How do you even know my mate will be an Alpha?" I asked stubbornly, crossing my arms, "For all we know, he could be an omega or a human or even a witch." 'Or a Lycan.' Kally added knowingly in my mind, but I ignored her comment. We already knew what species our mate would be thanks to several visions I'd been having. My father’s eyes tightened the way they normally did when I mentioned witches, it reminded him of my mother. Despite finding his second chance mate Eloise, my mother’s betrayal had still left a massive hole in my father’s heart. If it hadn’t been for a witch coven our pack was allied with, and he would have died years before meeting her. "Well, even if he is a witch, he’s most likely one of the leaders." Damien said, looking at our dad with concern. "So we can make a pact with another powerful coven, which might be good for you with your powers, a witch would be able to train you how to use your powers properly or at least help you control them better, but I doubt your mate will be anything other than an alpha, all of us have mates from Alpha lines, you shouldn’t be any different, so go get packed, we’re leaving in the morning." "I’m not going!" I screamed, my eyes darkening with rage. "And you can’t make me!" "I am Alpha." Damien snapped, his eyes turning golden as his wolf Rammy pushed to the surface. "And as long as you are in this pack and this family, you will do as your told and do what’s best for the pack!" "Adeline," My father stepped in again when I began growling. "I understand why you’re afraid to find your mate, but you need one unless you want the prophecy to come true." I closed my eyes in anger, Kally was still growling inside of me, that stupid prophecy my mother had seen at my birth has ruined my whole life. Either my mate will kill me to stop me from taking over the world and killing all Lycans, or he'll save me. Either my mate will help me bring peace, or he’ll reject me, and I’ll destroy everyone. "Adeline, you need-" Damien began again, but I cut him off. "AHH!" I screamed and threw up my hands dramatically, unintentionally killing all of the flowers in the room as my power shot out. "Fine, I’ll go, but I hate you all!" "Dam it Addy." Damien snapped, looking around the room. "We only just replaced all the flowers." I stormed off to my room, slamming the door dramatically. ‘Stop acting like a child!’ Kally snapped. She wanted to find her mate. She was so excited about the mating ceremony that she would wake me up early every day just to talk about him. ‘Shut up, Kally.’ I snapped back and threw myself down on my queen-sized bed. I pulled one of my pillows over my face and screamed into it in frustration, not that I needed to, all of our rooms were soundproof, a must feature in a house with werewolves who all had wolf hearing. We could hear a bird a mile away. ‘Kally, you know why we can’t find our mate?’ For the past few weeks, I’d been having visions about my mate. He was so handsome, with dark green eyes that I couldn’t look away from, and messy chocolate hair that I kept imagining myself running my fingers through he was tall, taller than Damien and the boy was all muscle, he had tattoos up one of his tanned arms, covering it like a sleeve, and it continued on to his right chest area. Various scars lined his perfect body, including one thick scar down his neck. It must have been painful and deep if his Lycan blood could not heal it. I had already found myself in love with this stranger, and I wouldn’t have minded being mated to him, but the problem was that he wasn’t a werewolf. He was a Lycan, and my whole family hated Lycans, including myself. ‘Dad will understand.’ Kally told me, though she didn’t sound quite so convincing. ‘Will he?’ I murmured, 'It will break his heart if I marry a Lycan, and I feel like he’ll be at this stupid mating ceremony.’ ‘I know, I can’t wait!’ ‘Kally, stop it.’ I said angrily and curled up on myself. ‘You know we have to reject him before anyone finds out.’ ‘But we need our mate.’ Kally warned me, ‘If we’re not marked, then the prophecy will come true, and we’ll kill everyone. Lycan isn’t like us.’ Kally never sounded so serious. ‘They take the mate bond very seriously, once they find their mate, they mark them straight away and are very possessive. If we reject him, he might lose it and hurt our pack!’ "Then what am I meant to do?!’ I snapped, tears filling my eyes. ‘Either way, I’ll hurt everyone if only I can get out of this stupid ceremony!’ ‘NOO!’ Kally screamed, ‘I want to go, I want to find our mate!’ ‘And how do you think our mate will feel about us being a white wolf or our powers or this stupid prophecy?’ I asked sadly. ‘What if we lose control and hurt him?’ ‘We won’t.’ Kally dismissed my fear. ‘The moon goddess made him for us. He will be strong, and we won’t be able to hurt him.’ I couldn’t hold back the tears anymore. I pulled my pillow back to my face and cried into it until I fell asleep.

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