Taking orders like a good girl

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Luxury leather and a futuristic interior that looks like one of those Men In Black cars. Lynn had actually been in cars similar to this one, her father had employed chauffeurs for her that took her everywhere and delivered her to and from school- but since she had fought off rats in the streets, she felt dirt cheap sitting on such fine leather and a bit shitty about herself seeing as this was what she could have been used to. But that feeling was nothing compared to the stomach knots she was breathing through. What was she doing? Here she was in a car with three goons in suits. They never once glanced at her but she felt like a juicy, thick steak getting waved in front of wolves. And worst part was, she had not a single, f*****g clue where they were taking her! The first seconds she had tried to look out the window and she immediately realised that there was no way she was going to know where they were taking her. The windows were so darkly tinted that she could only see her reflection not even a slight hint of the outside. And if the creepy fucker was not shady enough as it is, he made sure for a design that separates the front of the car from the back, so she could not get a peek from the windscreen either. Now the streets had shown her all kinds of nasty and this was a glaring, dancing, outrageous hell no! Since when did something like this end well? All for seventy grand she most likely will not get to enjoy- ugh she f*****g hated being poor! And it was too late. There was no getting out of this one. She had no phone and no one knows where she is going or who she is going to meet. Oh she could just see it, them dragging her inside a stinky cottage in the sandy, deserty middle of nowhere or into an abandoned, dilapidated warehouse. And she was going to f*****g die without seeing her father. Well that f*****g sucks. She had a lot of unfinished business with that man. Just thinking of him even and remembering his cold, stolid face as he would glance her way made her feel....... strange.... Lynn gasped lightly after she was startled out of her reverie. The baldie from earlier had smacked his hands together close to her ear and once her attention had been diverted, she realised that the car was no longer moving. They were here. Mr Egghead Batista pointed to his door with his unsightly head and got out before Lynn could sneer fully. Before she made the mistake of speaking, the door on her side opened and she immediately got the hint that she should get out. 'f*****g fantastic!' Lynn thought to herself, her heart starting to race. Yep, she was kidnapped, she'd just given herself to kidnappers- gosh she had never done something so stupid. If she could kick herself in the fanny she would've! Now what could she do? She just had to keep going. Slowly strutting through the spacious, underground parking lot. At the end of it was an elevator and that is exactly where they were headed. She said nothing and successfully resisted the urge to look over her shoulder to assess the situation behind her. She still had three beefies accompanying her and no other car had pulled in. It was again creepy and tell- tale that there was only one other car parked in such a big parking lot. The freaks she was about to meet probably owned the establishment and operated it privately. 'Oh god! Oh god! Oh f**k what have I done?!' She kept asking herself over and over again as she imagined ugly, greasy, heavily bearded, chubby faces belonging to pudgy, overweight fuckers in suits welcoming her as soon as the elevator opens. Then she imagined them taking turns with her. The tiny, saggy, smegma ridden fellows she saw almost made her physically gag. 'Ewww.. ewww.. ewww..no, don't think about. Please don't let it be, please god, I swear I'll back home after this, oh f**k!' Lynn never thought she would find so much dread in watching elevator doors open, but there it was; her end. She adjusted her dress and foolishly contemplated making a run for it. 'You can't outrun a bullet, stupid!' Lynn looked over the belts of the men. She had not spotted any weapons on them but she was sure that men like them carried guns on them. 'You can't run out of this one, Angeltits.' Chevy's annoying voice filled her head and she groaned out, immediately earning a warning look from one of the goons. What, she was not allowed to make sounds too? What the f**k was this? Much to her temporary relief, the elevator led them to an empty long hallway like that of a hotel except there were much fewer doors for the rooms to just be hotel rooms. It was looking to be more of apartments, the kind she'd have to sell her t**s, a kidney and bone marrow to afford to rent. Before her surveying could conclude, the baldie spun her by the shoulder and pointed to a red door. A f*****g red door, what was this?! Of course it reminded her of a popular horror movie with red door in its name. And indeed, this felt like a really bad dream she had no control of. After a brief moment of hesitation, Lynn took slow strides to the door and noticed that the three musketeers were not following her. They just stood by the elevator, staring at her in such a deeply disturbing way, waiting for her to get inside. Lynn looked over her shoulder one last time before mustering the stupid bravery to open the door. Just as she had suspected, it was unlocked. What she walked into however, surprised her, was not what she was expecting. As soon as she was inside, the door slammed into the frame and a loud beep sounded and she heard the lock turn. She had been locked inside. She was on the verge of panicking and going crazy. She was within a living room, she could not see much of it because the ceiling lights illuminating it were so dim, on purpose... but that near darkness was what made her notice the flashing light bouncing off a small tablet on the couch. Out of pure curiosity, Lynn picked it up and it had a message for her. 'Find your way to the bedroom.' Was all it said. Before any stupid plans could be conceived, the tablet locked itself and its screen went blank immediately after. 'Well there goes that, f**k!' She sighed loudly, feeling defeated. This was something right out of the novels she used to be obsessed with. Ohh she had cheered on as a terror of this nature was heavily romanticized. Now that she was here, she realised she didn't want to be a mafia babe. But what was she to do? She was here now and she did not want to anger the fucker within minutes of being here. Lynn appreciated little of the interior she could see and finding the bedroom was quite an easy task. A fine white door with initials CSB carved into it and dusted with gold. CSB. She chuckled to herself. That again reminded her of her father. She did not know why he was such a reoccurring thought in her mind, but she just strangely missed him. Strangely. He did not care for her. He was always so distant, aloof and unapproachable, they barely had any relationship, despite her desperately wishing that they had one. Well, now she was about to kill any remaining hope of that happening. This was the last thing she would have him catch her doing. Drawing a deep breath, she finally decided to open the door and walked into the unexpected yet again. A large, luxurious red room glowing lowly like those they had in private rooms at strip clubs to 'set the mood'. But that's not where her attention was, Her entire presence was captured by that imposing silhouette of a very tall, hulking, broad- shouldered man with a very sharp back profile standing next to the wall- sized window. As still as a statue, he effused a stupefying, rich aura of danger and mystery and Lynn knew for sure that he was the one she was here for. He was quite something. In an sudden twist, this had become exciting for her. She could feel it in her core. A chime sound rang through the silence and made her jolt up in shock. She was too engrossed with staring at the mysterious figure to notice that the tablet had been flashing for her attention. She picked it up from the nightstand, not turning away from the figure for more than a few seconds. She was waiting for him to move or for him to say something. But then again there was something that made her inflamed about the way he remained entirely a mystery to her. She could see his features and did not know how his voice sounded...it was thrilling and she could not wait to unravel him. But first, she needed to show that she was a good girl who can follow orders. The tablet displayed longer text this time. It read; Put on the blindfold and get on the bed, then position yourself on your knees, back arched, arms reaching towards the headboard and spread your thighs open.
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