An Unmasking Never To Be Forgotten

1534 Words
Thailand looks good at this time of the year and living expenses there are much cheaper...hmmm... "Don't be a stupid cunt." She mumbled to herself as she stripped out of her dress. Why settle for a measly sausage when you can have the whole pig? The advance was only forty percent, meaning the gig bag was seventy grand! Seventy f*****g grand!!! She only had an hour and twenty minutes before seven and the doll treatment she needed wasn't in any definition short. She half- arsed her face routine, hopped into the shower, washed her hair and shaved. The client did not want her looking "fancy and like a hen," Chevy's words, meaning they preferred a teenage kind of look, not the whole red carpet, or highend b***h glam. Her fanny senses were tingling, she could smell a DDLG kink coming from oceans away, over the stench of cigarettes and Pukeface's old leather boots roasting in the summer heat. She had handled a few of those; Daddy doms looking for submissive littles and naivety and "angelic" innocence was not a look she wore very well. She was a tough girl and her character expressed that very well. She had no choice, life had brutally forced her to grow up, the streets and the s**t show she's seen made her grow very thick skin. But for seventy grand she was going to give that fucker a show, she was going to be the best little the f*****g world has ever seen. All those hentai chicks were not going to have anything on her. Lynn was all hyped and ready to get the bag, but first she needed to collect her package and it arrived exactly at seven on the dot. "Creepy kind of punctual." She thought out loud as she made her way to the front door. She thought she would have to sign something but there was no one there, just a lightly bedazzled box covered in velvety material. The fucker was filthy rich, even the packaging had to scream money. Lynn, highly intrigued by the contents of the package rushed upstairs to her room, locked her door and quickly opened it. "What the f**k?!" She exclaimed as her fingers clipped the waist of the skirt and lifted it out of the box. This was the last thing she was expecting. She was expecting to find leather or fur or some barbie doll kind of wear- not a perfect duplicate of her high school uniform. The shirt with the Theodore Beckley Private Academy logo, the tie with the logo as well and the plaited blue skirt. Then shockingly enough, it came with her favourite brand of knee highs and Hex Princess black heeled sandals. The uniform had not been altered at all to look more slutty and scanty or something and it looked exactly how it'd look coming from the school store. To make things even more creepy; everything was precisely her size. Okay, maybe Chevy had provided her measurements...but still. She was weirded out now. 'What if it's principal Harris?" She wrinkled her nose in disgust at that thought. As much as she was all for the zaddies and was weirdly attracted to grey hair; the man was ancient, old enough to belong in a museum. 'Can he even get that wrinkled thing up?' One thing was for certain; whoever the client was, had a fetish for the Becks, which was the name for girls from the Academy, especially those part of the gymnastics, volleyball team or the cheerleader squad. Lynn had been part of all three and in her senior year she was captain of the cheerleading squad. It was beginning to feel like this fucker knew her personally, but she quickly convinced herself that would be impossible. They would have seen her pictures on her portfolio and known it was her so they wouldn't go for her... Right? Lynn carried on and emptied the box. Oh wow! What used to be her favourite perfume that she now can't afford as well. Inside there was also a photo of a girl with auburn hair in french braids and the back of the photo had a written instruction. She had to braid her hair to look identical to the braids in the picture. Which was easy for her. She always did french braids on her waist length, loosely curly hair before going to bed so she doesn't look like she was in a cat fight in the morning. Only problem was, she was tired of having orange hair and being called Cheetos girl by Chevy and co. She was a natural ginger with almost unnaturally orange hair and only a tiny dusting of freckles on her nose cheeks, but lots on her shoulders and chest. As a kid she'd get bullied and be called all sorts of ginger related diss names, but she started embracing her gingerness when she became an adolescent. But to shut Chevy up and try something new; she had dyed her thick, wavy, luscious hair chocolate brown and it was one of the best decisions she's ever made. She was smokin! Carolina Ripper level of hotness. She looked like she'd walked right outta of a telenovela- she looked exotic. Her greenish- blue eyes scanned over the picture once more before she began braiding her hair. Then she proceeded to put on the uniform after she received a notification that the driver will be here in thirty minutes from an unknown number. After slidding her feet into the sandals, she examined herself on the full- length mirror and her fanny senses tingled again. That lady down there was rarely ever wrong. She trusted her intuition and she was telling her that something wasn't right with this gig. Grabbing her phone, she snapped a quick picture and sent it to Chevy with the caption. 'Are you sure I'll be coming back with all my kidneys? My weirdometer has never had such a high reading!' He first responded with a trio of laughing cat emojies. 'Calm that sweet fanny down, Angel t**s! You know I'd never let anything happen to ya! Frost, Venom and Prick will be close- by and kick the s**t outta them if they pull some prick moves, yeah.' Lynn nearly laughed as he named his trusted muscles, especially since she had named Prick herself. For someone with a face like a smacked arse, he sure talked a lot of s**t and was cockier than Chevy's uncircumcised willy. "Knew it!' Lynn responded without fully thinking things through. She thought Chevy was taking the piss. This was one of his pranks. If she was going to an undisclosed location then how the f**k was he going to send those three mental beefies over to where she is? 'Knew wha?' He texted exactly how he'd speak most of the time, which was annoying. 'That you're taking the piss! Well joke's on you, the money's mine now.' 'Aye you've gone blonde! Don't be a divvy, Angel t**s, you better go there and have that fucker creaming in his trousers before you even touch him. He paid lots of money for you, even though he doesn't know what ya look like, what a f*****g drongo!' Lynn read the text and dropped the phone on the bed. This had never happened; for a client to request her without seeing her pictures. Seriously, what the f**k was going on? 'What's one last f**k up? At least you get to go to Thailand after this.' She gave herself some much needed pep talk so she doesn't bail out of this one. She was seriously tempted to. Thirty minutes went by like it was nothing and she received a messaging telling her that the driver was outside and she shouldn't make him wait. A knotting feeling stirred alive in her gut as she deliberately left her cell and left the room as she was. There was no allowance for a purse, so her fake gun wasn't going to get her out of whatever s**t she was walking into. Outside was a sleek beast of a car, possibly a Jaguar and there was a man in a black suit leaning into it. Lynn was about to croak out an awkward hello when she remembered that she was forbidden from speaking a single word to the driver and "other staff". Although there was a shadow cast across half his tense face, his features were visible enough for Lynn to conclude that his face was one she had seen before. Maybe he reminded her of someone she knows..yeah, that must be it. The tall, buff baldie nodded his egg- shaped head twice at her and gave her an expecting look. He was clearly trying to communicate something to her and clearly needed a response from her, so Lynn cracked a wry awkward smile and nodded her head as well. Like they had reached some understanding, his lips curved up to a mock smile that lasted just a split second before he turned his body and opened the back door. He gestured for her to get in and Lynn had a internal battle but pushed through it and got into the car.
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