Chapter 1 - The Alpha

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Chapter 1 “Mom, I found my mate!” I squealed. I really feel excited about it. Mom said before that having a mate will complete your life, it’s like he is the missing piece of a puzzle that when you found it, you’ll feel that as if you are the happiest thing alive. I saw how Mom and Dad so inlove and happy with each other. I’ve always admired them since I was a little kid and I’ve been wishing to find my mate too, and goddess I found him! and he smells like cinnamon, sweet! After the dinner, mom accompanied me to my room saying nothing and my mate was taken by dad to his office.  “You’re going with him.” “What? Can’t I stay here with you and dad?” “No. He is your mate, Llana, the love of your life, the missing piece of your puzzle, remember?” I hugged her side coz for sure I’m going to miss her and dad. “I’m gonna miss you and dad.” I mumbled. “We will miss you too. Don’t forget to visit us, okay?” “Of course, mommy! I’ll visit very often.” I giggled and hugged her tighter. “Don’t be stubborn and give him a headache, alright?” “I am not stubborn, mom.” I pouted in which she chuckled at. “And you should stop acting like a kid, already. He’s an Alpha, Llana, he’s not going to babysit you. You have to be tough like a Luna, coz someday you will be.” “He’s an Alpha?!” Wow. I can’t believe I am mated with an Alpha. Is that why he looked so dangerous? What if he kill me if I act childishly around him? or dump me somewhere else? or he might reject me for being weak and not a Luna material. “I know what’s going on inside your head, sweetie, but trust your mate, alright? He will not hurt you.” “What if he doesn’t like me, mom? I am not a Luna material, you know.” Although I have abilities like a werewolf, I still feel weak for not having a wolf in me. And my attitude. All my life I’ve been spoiled and treated like a baby by my parents and friends, even telling me that I am their youngest sibling although we were all have the same age. I am aware that I am sometimes childish, but I will try to change.  “You are. Go wash up now and I’ll help you pack up.” “I’m going tonight? But I have not talked to my friends yet.” “You can visit us anytime you want. Your friends will understand.” A knock on the door was heard when we finished packing. I opened it and saw dad with my mate waiting outside. “I’ll carry your things downstairs.” Dad took my luggage and we descended the stairs to the living room to outside of the house where a car is waiting for us. I did not look at my mate although I can feel his gaze on me. I don’t know how to approach him knowing that he is an Alpha of a pack I do not know neither is his name. “We’ll miss you sweetheart. Be good there, alright?” dad hugged me and so my mom. “I’ll take good care of her, sir.” my mate offered his hand to my father for a handshake which my father took it too. “Thank you, Alpha. If you don’t mind, we would like to visit her someday.” “Of course, sir. You are all welcome.” I bade my farewell to my parents and approached the car not knowing where to sit, if I should be on the passenger seat at the back or front, or does he have a driver? Should we both sit at the back? I scratched my head trying to figure out what to do. I’m so stupid. He opened the passenger seat and motioned me to enter which I did. He drove the car in silence, focused on the road and a car is following us too. “Umm. Hi.” I started. He just took a glance at me before returning his gaze to the road. “You’re an Alpha?” and I did not get an answer. It’s starting to piss me off but I calmed myself, he might throw me out. “I-I don’t know your name yet.” “Storm.” “Huh? There’s a storm ahead?” I did not hear about it on the news. Is it going to rain soon? I looked out the window and at the sky, but it was clear as the stars twinkle in the dark night. “Why?” I asked when I saw him smirked. He’s moody. He was so serious seconds ago, now he’s smirking as if he has an inside joke with himself. “Alpha Storm of Clawfur Pack.” “Clawfur… I’ve heard that one before.” My friends and parents have mentioned that pack before, even our own Alpha Preston did. I racked my brain trying to remember but it’s hard. “Clawfur? Like claws and fur? Rawr!” I acted my hand like claws as if motioning a roar. He cleared his throat at my childish act so I quickly shut my mouth and shifted on my sit. I said I’d try not to be childish but I just really act without thinking sometimes. I mean, often not sometimes. “Oh my goddess!” my hands flew to my mouth when I realized who he is. “You’re… Alpha Storm? The Clawfur Pack.” The Clawfur Pack is the strongest pack in the region, feared by other packs and Alphas. And rumors said that the Alpha of Clawfur Pack is ruthless and cold-blooded who would kill instantly whoever crosses him or his pack. His way of torture to his captives has spread to the region as well, they said, it was very brutal and captives would just plead to die instead or kill their own selves. And this ruthless Alpha is my mate. What if I accidentally make a mistake and he would throw me in the dungeon? “I… I’m sorry at how I acted earlier at the dinner, Alpha.” I bow down my head and stared at my fiddling hands on my lap. I wanted to talk to him more, to ask him if he knew that I am his mate when I was looking for that cinnamon scent. But I kept my mouth shut, afraid that I might make another mistake that would cause my death. “Are you scared of me?” “You’re not going to hurt me, right?” my voice was quiet that turned into a whisper. “We’ll see about that.” I looked at him in shocked and he raised an eyebrow at me so I lowered my head again and just looked at my hands. “I apologize.” I said again. I leaned my head on the window and fell asleep knowing that the drive will take an hour. I hugged my teddy bear tighter but it’s not fluffy, it feels warm as well. I groaned coz I can’t find my life size teddy bear beside me. I opened my eyes and I immediately sat up and got out of the bed and I stumbled on the duvet that wrapped my feet causing me to fall on the ground. The Alpha woke up and looked at me sat on the floor. His jet black hair is messy that made him look… hotter. Hot? Oh goddess why did I even used that word. Forgive me goddess! “I-I’m sorry, Alpha. I did not know it was you. I thought it was my teddy.” I immediately stood up and rambled, afraid that I might be punished for touching the Alpha’s body. I don’t know how I ended up here, I don’t remember entering this room. Oh. I wasn’t woken up in the car, I guess. I looked down on my feet touching the cold tile, avoiding the Alphas gaze. Dad told me before not to look an Alpha in the eyes directly because that would mean a challenge to them. “Why are you so afraid of me?” “You are Alpha Storm of Clawfur Pack.” I whispered an answered as my hands started fiddling again. “Come here.” His voice was deep and firm, I do not know if he’s angry or not, so I hesitated to go. He leaned on the headboard and maintained his gaze on me. “Come here, Llana.” His voice saying my name sent shivers on my spine. I picked up the duvet on the floor and approached him near the bed. “Sit.” He ordered and I obediently followed maintaining a good distance between us. I yelped when he lifted my waist up and settled me on his lap. I looked at him wide eyed and he returned the gaze as well with intensity I couldn’t bear so I looked away. He wrapped his hands on my hips and I stared at the floor. He’s shirtless and although his body was enticing with his muscular built, I could not get myself to stare at it without getting flushed. He leaned closer to my ear, with his nose travelling towards my neck sending sparks all over my body. I quivered at his warm breath fanning my soft skin. “Lavender, it’s very soothing.” He whispered referring to my scent. I clenched my fist and my toes curled when his lips touched the crook of my neck.        
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