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TRIPLETS POV After the almost 14 hours of being sitting down we have arrived in Rome Italy, we go and get our bags and head to the entrance our father sees his old Fabricio the alpha of The Red Blood Moon Clan, they greet each other and as we get more near to him the smell of cherry blossom hits us like a brick wall and our wolfs start to go crazy. We get to the at the same time a young looking girl gets near to Fabricio and he put his arm around her waist, we take a big breath and she also smells like cherry blossoms but why do they smell like our mate we wonder. "Fabricio these are my sons and future alphas of The Silver Moon Pack Alastor, Apolo and Ares. On their left are Amun, Anubis, Harus and Bes Rivera future betas of the pack and of course you know Iris my mate" our father says "Hello" we all say as we shack their hand one by one "Welcome to Italy I have two cars waiting to take us to your hotel were you will be staying, its just about 2 miles away from my house so if you are in need of anything I can sent someone to you quickly" Fabricio says "Thankyou" our father says "Can I ask you a question" Alastor said to Fabricio "Go ahead" Fabricio said "Why do you and your mate smell like cherry blossom, just like our mate?" Alastor says "Well its a new shampoo/body soap that I bought the other day" Luna Irene says "O sorry for sorry for asking" Alastor says "No problem" Irene says "Besides, with her being pregnant her scent would be way different Alastor, she could be in this same building but we wouldn't know by her smell but by the way all your wolfs tells you that the girl in front of you is your mate" our father says We walk to the cars and start our ride to the hotel where we will be staying, Isis's brothers told us on our way here that they found a phone book that belong to their mother where they found that their maternal grandmother lives here, they also found a phone number for her. We all agreed that once we get to our rooms they were going to call her and see if they can meet with her so they can ask if she knew where Isis may be or if she has seen her, we just hope she is still here in Italy. RIVERA BROTHERS POV We get to the hotel and we head to our own rooms, we unpack our things and we meet with the soon to be alphas, the alpha and the luna in the meeting room that is located in the alphas and lunas room. As we make our way in to the meeting room we give alpha Eros the little piece of paper where we wrote our grandmothers phone number and address as well as the hospital information where she works at, he dials the phone number and the phone start to ring. "Hello" our grandmother answer "Is this Veronica Moretti" Amun asks "Yes who is this?" she asks "This is Amun, your daughter oldest son grandma" Amun says "Amun my dear child how are you and your brothers and sister doing?" she ask "Well my brothers are fine, they are here with me your on speaker phone" he says "Well hello guys and where is your sister" she asks "Well we were hoping you knew where she was grandma" Amun says "How would I know where she is" she says "Well she left the pack yesterday after she got released from the hospital after she was beaten to the point that she spent two day sleeping since her wolf was protecting her pup and not helping her heal, we would like to talk about all this if we could in person with you grandma if its possible" Amun says "Well how about we meet at the BELLA ROSA CAFE we can talk there without being bothered" she says "That will be great grandma, what time should we be there" Amun says "How about when I get off in about 1 hour" she says "We will see you there grandma" Amun says 1 HOUR LATER We all get at the BELLA ROSA CAFE and as we enter, we see our grandmother sitting in a big table, we head to where she is. "Grandmother these are Alpha Eros, Luna Iris and future Alphas Alastor, Apolo and Ares Isis mates" Horus says "Nice to meet you all but tell me what happened and why did Isis leave the pack especially pregnant with your pup" she says as she looks to the future alphas as she says the last part of her sentence "Well" Anubis says as he starts to tell her everything that has been going on with Isis since our parents died to the time that she left the pack, we also show her the letter that she left for Alpha Eros and Luna Iris. After we finish telling her everything we could see how disappointed she was of us, she doesn't say anything for what seems hours but was only minutes. "And you let this happened to my granddaughter and didn't do anything about it" she says as she looks at Alpha Eros and Luna Iris "We didn't know that she was going threw all that until she got beat at school and was sent to the hospital, she never said anything to us. We would have never let that happen to her if we had noticed because we love her as a daughter that we never had, that's why we are here as well to find her and take her and our grand child home where she belongs" Eros said "Grandma do you have any idea or do you know where she could be" Anubis says "Well all I got to say is that I did see her when she went to get check for her pregnancy, which I can say they are all doing good so far" she says "They" Alastor, Apolo and Ares say at the same time "They" our grandmother says as she pulls out three ultrasound pictures "How is she and the babies doing?" Luna Iris asks "Well, I can say that the babies are some little fighters since they didn't give up after the beating that their mother got. Isis is also doing good, but I did suggest that they keep a close eye on her because being pregnant with alpha babies she should be giving birth with in the next month or two" she says "But if she is pregnant with twins she should be giving birth with in two to three months not with in the next month or two" Luna Iris says "And your right on that if she were to be having just two pups, all I can say right now is that I have given you all the information that I have and before you ask I don't know where she is, I don't have a phone number for her either so don't ask so if you all will excuse me I have to go" she says as she gets up and leaves without another word TRIPLETS POV Twins we are having twins but mother is right if she was to be having two pups she would be giving birth with in the next month or two, she would be giving birth with in the next two to three months. As we sit there thinking of everything Isis grandmother said to us, my mothers face goes from confused to happiness. "O MY GOD" she says "What" our father says "When I was pregnant with the triplets I gave birth in three and a half moths" she says "Yeah so what does that have to do with Isis's pregnancy" he asks "Don't you get it" she asks "Get what" he says "These aren't three ultrasound pics of twins, these are picture of three set of twins, identical twins if im not mistaken which I am pretty sure I am not" she says We look at the pictures again and we finally noticed the little letters next to each baby, each one with a different letter. Baby A, Baby B, Baby C, Baby D, Baby E and Baby F. Our mother was right we are having six pups, we really need to find her now we cant let her go through labor with our pups by her self we just cant.
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