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ISIS POV My grandmother came by today after meeting with my brother, my mates, Eros and Iris. She said that she give them a copy of the ultrasound pictures she give me and that they thought I was having twins, which by now they should already know that im having three sets of identical twins and not just one set of twins. I have been in my room most of the day after grandma left thinking of everything she told me that was told during the meeting, she also told me of how sad everybody looked but after thinking about it all I decided to call Iris and Eros and let them know I was okay. RING RING RING "Hello" Iris answered "Hello Iris" I said "Isis, is it really you sweetty" she said "Yes its me" I answered "Where are you sweetty? Why didn't you tell us anything?" she said "I didn't know how to tell you that your sons were my mates and since we promised that we weren't going to say anything until after we got out of high school, I couldn't say anything" I said "Lets meet sweetty just you, Eros and Me please" she said "Okay but just us" I said "Where do you want to meet" she asked "How about at the pizzeria in the mall" I said "Sounds good lets say in a hour" she said "Sounds good, see you both there" I said ONE HOUR LATER I am sitting at the very back of the pizzeria with Veronica while we wait for the pizzas we ordered and for Iris and Eros to get here, GOD I have been craving Pinapple and Ham pizza with Green Bell Peppers. I am also starting to have a semi small baby bump that you can see through my shirt, another reason I wanted to meet here is because we came to do some baby preparing shopping (how the gang said) so while Veronica and I are at the pizzeria the others are doing the shopping, Veronica and I are going to do some clothing shopping for me and the babies afterwards. Just as the pizzas were arriving on our table, Eros and Iris walked through the doors of the pizzeria and Veronica went to get them so we can all sit and have some pizza and talk. "Isis look at you, you got that pregnancy glow" Iris said "You look beautiful like always sweetty" Eros said "Thankyou" I say to both of them as I give them a hug "Can I" Iris said motioning to my baby bump "Yes, its fine after all they are your grandkids" I said and as soon as she puts her hands on my baby bump we feel my fast growing pups kick at her touch "Well they know their grandmas touch and they aren't even born yet" she says "Do you want to feel" I ask Eros and he nods placing his hand on my baby bump "They also know who their grandpas touch as well" he says with a big smile on his face "Lets sit down and eat before we go clothing shopping for the babies and Isis since she will be outgrowing hers quick" Veronica said We all nod in agreement and start to eat as I every so often rub on my baby bump, it feels strange having little living creatures in your stomach and feeling over protective of them. As we ate they asked about my new look and I explained that I did it because I didn't want to be found so easily and that I am using my grandmothers name to make it a little more harder to find, they said that if it wasn't for Veronica they wouldn't have recognized me. After we finished eating the pizzas and our drinks we went clothing shopping, after awhile we went our separate ways but not before going in to Bath and Body Works to buy my cherry blossom shampoo/body wash. Eros bought one for Iris since they both smelled like me and they did promise not to tell anybody that we met up, I also promised to keep them updated on how we are doing. IRIS'S POV After we got back to the hotel I went and took a shower with the shampoo/body wash that Eros got me at Bath and Body Works so incase if the any of the boys came near me or Eros they wouldn't realize that we had been with Isis, I got out of the shower and for some reason I started to cry. Maybe of happiness of seeing Isis again, seeing her baby bump and being able to touch it and feeling my grandbabies kick for the first time then going with Isis and Veronica to buy clothing for all of them. Eros came in and just hugged me tight while I cried in his arms, all I needed at that moment was my mate holding me and brushing my hair with his hands. How could my own kids do this to Isis, we raised them better then this. They should had to be there for Isis, they should have protected her since the moment they found out she was their mate and mated with her, they should have never made that stupid promised, they should have at least told us and that was the last thing I remember thinking before darkness took over me and fell asleep. ONE WEEK LATER Its been a week that we got to Rome, we still see Isis and today she has a doctor appointment to see how the babies are doing. Our sons and her brothers are going crazy trying to find her without any luck, we know that we are doing wrong not telling them that we know where she is and that we have been seeing her for a week now. Seeing how her baby bump has been growing through out this whole week, she is showing so much more and has been feeling so tired lately which is understandable due to the amount of pups she is having. As we were heading to the meet up with Isis we noticed that we were being followed so we had to change our plans and not be there with Isis to find out what she was having, so we called her and told her what was going on and she understood and said not to worry that she was going to ask her grandmother to give us a copy of the ultrasound pictures with the baby gender on them. That when we decided to go to eat, we arrived at the mall and went in to the pizzeria were we met with Isis. We got to admit the pizza here was good and we ordered three large pineapple, ham and green pepper pizza just like Isis had ordered. We asked for a big table because we were going to have company since at any minute the boys were going to walk in through the door, as if on que all seven of them walking in and looked for us. When they were at our table they all sat down and we had a good lunch, then we all went walking around the mall for a while before going back to the hotel.
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