Chapter 3

1408 Words
I sighed as I got home from school. I threw my bag on the couch and plopped down.  Mom narrowed her eyes at me, coming from the kitchen. She walked to me and sat beside me on the couch. “Did you have a good day at school?” she asked with a wide smile on her face.  She sounded so excited. Well, she has always been looking forward to having a daughter in college. And since I don’t have a sibling, she’ll only experience it with me.  I shrugged. For some reason, I don’t want to make her upset. “It was boring for now because it’s only the first day…” She smiled and caressed my hair. “Don’t worry. I think it will get better as time goes by. You’re still a freshman and you have a lot of things to experience before you graduate,” she told me in her usual motherly voice. “Did you make a new friend? Or were you stuck with Synne the whole time?” I smiled and shifted in my seat. “We didn’t have any classes today. We just attended several meetings which I don’t think are necessary.” I shrugged. “I wonder if we really needed to be oriented at every single aspect…” Mom chuckled and shook her head. “You’re just like your father. You always hate wasting your time,” she chimed. “Anyway, I want you to have a lot of friends, Anjelina. I don’t know how it really feels to spend time with friends so I want you to experience that for me.”  I nodded. Mom was never the social butterfly type. She would just always spend time alone or with Prayne, her handler. I only see her have fun with him.  “I will have a lot of fun, Mom. Don’t worry about it.”  She grinned and caressed my hair. “Now, go and take a bath. Your father is on his way home. We’ll be eating dinner when he arrives.”  I nodded and diligently obeyed her. I grabbed my bag and went straight to my room to get changed and prepare for dinner. *** “Are you and Synne classmates?” Dad asked while we were eating the steak that Mom made.  By the look of the steak and how Dad is having a hard time slicing it, I can already see that it’s not what I am used to eating at restaurants. Mom has never been the best cook but it’s not like they’re inedible. They’re not the best. Just…bearable. I shook my head. Synne and I have different courses so we have different subjects. However, we are classmates in our minors. “Not all but we have three classes in common.”  Dad nodded. “That’s nice,” he replied while chewing on the steak. “I hope you find a lot of friends, too.”  Dad also does not have a lot of friends. He’s so focused at work that he seldom even has time to make friends. As a matter of fact, he doesn’t have a best friend. He only talks to Mom, Prayne, and Grandpa most of the time.  “I will, Dad. Don’t worry about it,” I told him because I don’t want him to worry about me that much. I can handle my life in college.  He nodded and then turned to my mother to ask about her schedule for the coming days.  My parents have started to plan on what we would do on Sunday. We have never missed a family day in my whole existence. Even with their busy schedules, we still find time to spend one whole day with the three of us.  Last week, we had dinner at one of the best hotels in California. Dad would drive us there without whining. He looked so whipped for my mother and I wonder how love grew on them. I know their love story and they did not have an ideal meet-cute like what I always read in books. But somehow, they managed to stand the test of time and make it work. It’s amazing! My parents actually make me really believe in love that comes in unexpected times. I wonder how I am going to meet the man who’s meant for me. I wish it’s not some kind of bizarre first meeting like my parents’. “I think we can just dine at a restaurant,” Mom suggested. “I have a magazine shoot on Monday and I need to sleep early on Sunday.”  Dad nodded. “Sure, I’ll book us a table at our favorite hotel,” he replied. “Should we invite your parents?”  Mom shook her head. “Mom would just keep the dinner longer with her stories. We can invite them next Sunday.”  I chuckled. “You really know how Granny is,” I chimed.  Mom laughed. “Well, that’s the truth, right?”  I shrugged while Dad laughed because we all agree with her.  *** I smiled widely as I walked to my first class the next day. Wearing a simple white shirt and a pair of black pants, I walked down the hallway hugging my notebook. The students are all talking to each other like they already know each other for a long time. I wonder if I will be able to make more friends.  I don’t even know how I became friends with Synne. We just automatically clicked. She was like my soulmate and I don’t think I would be able to find someone like her.  I shrugged all of my thoughts away and stopped by my locker to get my book for the first subject. I don’t know if the professor would be terror or what so it’s better if I am ready. I don’t want my first class in college to be a disappointment.  “Good morning.”  I almost jolted from my spot when I heard a low voice behind me. I closed my locker door and looked behind me only to be surprised to see Xavion York looking at me before closing his locker.  I swallowed hard. So, his locker is just beside mine? How fun! He narrowed his eyes on me, confused. “Are you okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” I pursed my lips and smiled awkwardly. The eyes looking our way couldn’t go unnoticed by my peripheral view. I am well aware that everyone is staring at us right now. They are all probably wondering why the number one scariest guy on the entire campus is talking to me. A freshman. Basically nobody.  I chuckled. “Ah, yeah,” I replied. “Good morning as well…” I know I sound awkward. But I wanted him to know that because I badly want to escape from him now.  Why did I have to stop by my locker? I should have just gone straight to the room.  “Are you going to class?” I nodded before looking at my wristwatch. “Yeah, actually I am running late,” I lied. I am fifteen minutes early. I just really need to go because the atmosphere is kind of suffocating. Who would have thought that talking to someone would make me uncomfortable like this? “Sure,” he replied. “I hope to see you around here, Anjelina.” He slightly smiled before motioning to leave but stopped. “I have a question though…”  I stared at him, waiting for his question.  “Are you going to the party on Friday?” he asked.  “”  He shrugged. “I guess I’m going now. Have a good day,” he replied before walking away.  I bit my lip and watched his back. I swallowed hard before letting out a heavy sigh of relief. Now, I just need to make sure to not bump into him at that party. 
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