Chapter 35

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"I don't know why but I burst all the thoughts I have in mind to that person," Hedeliza said sighing while fixing her seatbelt remembering the scene she had with the new Mr. President. "What did you say?" Raixen asked. "I said, we need his help. But honestly, I don't like the guts of that detective officer — and oh, he's looking at us. I have this feeling that there is something in him, or it's just my thought," Hedeliza said narrowing her eyes while looking at the side mirror and stared at the old man in the back. She was studying every gesture of the officer and the vibe didn't pass for her. Hedeliza is observant but she didn't mind things before but now that they are clueless who are the enemies, who are the people they should be careful with, who are the culprits, she can't just calm her mind with everything her eyes can see. "I have that feeling too, but dad knows him. If he is a foe then he will be sorry if I can catch him. I can't wait for another 3 months finding Shekinah, Hiede. I am getting scared day by day that without any information about her takes even more longer," Raixen said gritted his teeth and jaw tightens. From the day Shekinah was gone, all of them they weren't able to go back to school again. They focused on searching for her. They know how Shekinah struggled to stay all night just to take her summer school so she could join the graduation together with them and so they are not graduating without Shekinah even if that means, extention. And that came in Hedeliza's thought when she spotted their school. She confusedly look at Raixen for she have no idea why they are here. "Rex, what are we doing here?" she asked. "We haven't visited here yet. Let's just asked the guard if by any chance someone came here and asked for Shekinah, or she went here," Raixen said shrugging but didn't push thru his plan when they saw a new guard. Raixen just continue driving until he reach his parking area. Gone the cars Felix and Hedeliza as well as Shekinah's. "Why do I am feeling strange in here? This isn't my first time in this place but this is strange," Hedeliza said while roaming her eyes in the parking area and follows Raixen entering the hallway to the buildings. Hedeliza saw Georgina Torres and the lady smiled at her. She was about to approach and ask her some questions but she and Raixen's are blocked by the new face guard. "You are not supposed to be here inside, you are not allowed to get in here," the guard said. Hedeliza simply take a photo using her phone in the guards name plate. "Why not sir?" Hedeliza asked. "You two — you don't have your ID and the car you brought inside belongs to Gio Foster, how did you get the car?" the guard asked and that made Raixen and Hedeliza turn into face palm. Like, really? Is this man damn serious? Raixen was about to speak and say something when Hedeliza notices a tattoo behind and under his left ear when the noise from the side caught his attention and he turn his head to look at it. That tatoo is familiar, she's not sure but that's familiar and in her entire life it's the second time that she see that tattoo. She can't be wrong. Hedeliza smiled to the guard and bow her head a little but her smile can't stay longer and it fade itself. Hedeliza pressed Raixen's arm to get his attention and she succeeded, she showed a meaningful smile and her eyes are telling something to Raixen before she turns to the guard. "I'm sorry sir, we were just about to go to the admission office for our subjects and we don't have our ID with us since it wasn't the the original plan. It just happened that we passed by the school, we're leaving now sir," she said wearing a weak apologetic smile. She then turn her back and she can feel Raixen following her. "Hiede, what was that?" Raixen asked whispering. "Wait until we get out of here," she answered and calmly walk towards the parking area. Raixen unlocked the doors and they both go inside together. Hedeliza scanned her eyes inside the car and check everything from the seats and everything. "You seems shocked, Hiede!" Raixen said when finally they were able to get out from the school. "Lizle is awake, right? And she can talk now. We have to go home, Raixen. I just have spotted something made sense today," she said seriously and the puzzled Raixen just nodded his head and followed. Different height, different body build but the same tattoo. That keeps on playing on Hedeliza's head. How can she forget that tattoo if that is the only thing that catched her attention before. That means, there are a lot of people have those tattoo. That wasn't an ordinary tattoo because it seems like latin, it wasn't an image that was a words formed into an image. None of them speak a word until they reach home. Hedeliza went straight to the room and see Lizle seriously leaning in the bed's head board alone. "Hiede," she said when Hedeliza get her attention by harshly opening the room and Raixen followed, "Rex." she added. "How are you?" Raixen asked and slowly walk towards Lizle's bed and sit down in the edge. Hedeliza glanced her bed and sit in here. "Where is Felix?" Hedeliza asked. "He's getting a warm water," Lizle answered and Hedeliza just nodded. "What happened? Why are you seems intense, Hiede?" she asked making Hedeliza to look at her again. Raixen just didn't say a word and transfer in the couch while waiting for Felix to come in. He can feel like it has something to do with what happened with Hedeliza and Lizle inside the Foster's home. He wanted to know that, every detail of that. Because all of that has something to do with Shekinah. Felix came in and his eyes widened when he saw Hedeliza and Raixen inside and the room was filled with silence. "You're here, why are guys are quite?" Felix asked and carefully placed the tumbler in the table and hand the glass to Lizle. He smiled when Lizle said thank you. Lizle already have an idea what are they going to talk about. She wanted to about it as well. "I do not know you almost died," she abruptly said looking at Hedeliza, "I thought you were able to leave the place with me, what happened to you, Hiede?" She asked and her tears sneak out from her eyes. Felix gulped because he saw what happened to Hedeliza, he saw how fast the door got opened and pull Hedeliza inside like it was the room itself absorb Hedeliza with the air. "I don't know," she answered. "I just got pulled. I have entered that room when we were searching for you and there was no strange things in there until I closed it back. But when I was pulled inside, there are two person that I am certain both are guys and they were wearing a black cloak and a mask. And when I was inside, I lost my words, I was screaming but I can't hear my voice. I can feel something that absorbing all my strength until I lost everything that even a finger, I can lift a finger. My body was drained and I can find my voice," she said and managed to hold her tears on while remembering everything that happened to her inside that room. "There was no broken windows in there, the question is how did they got in there — in the room?" Raixen said gritted his teeth trying to analyze things that all of them can't find out. "There's none, I don't know where did they go, I can't turn my head to see what they were doing. I was helpless and when the door finally open and Raixen comes in they vanished just like that," she said. Because she couldn't understand how fast those things happened. She know she didn't last even 10 minutes inside but she was drained, she felt like being crumpled to release her water and air. "I was dragged in a room as well," Lizle said that made the three look at her. "In a guest room, you said, Hiede? Because I was dragged there too. I tried to fight back because I thought it wad just one person but when I was about to poke my elbow to the nape of whoever dragged me, someone dragged me outside." "Outside? But we checked the backyard, the garden and didn't see you there," Felix said narrowing his eyes and look at Hedeliza and Raixen who are quiet in and carefully listening. Lizle nodded and look at them all, "outside, in the garden near the main door and I didn't see you guys there as well. I felt like I was hypnotized because I can remember how I stand in front of the guy pointing his gun on me and I accepted the knife that is going to stab me for sure. I was also screaming but I couldn't even hear my own voice until I found myself lying in the carpet and I do not know how did I get there then I saw Hiede," she continues. Raixen is listening, trying to think what he could possibly do in the Fosters house. There's really is a bug possibilities that some of Shekinah's evidences are just hidden in there and to keep them stay away from the house is to scare them in danger. Hedeliza's trying to imagine what else her eyes caught in the room but there's nothing coming in her mind. She is curious, deeply curious what's with the guest room. She scanned the whole room when she was looking for Lizle and she is certain it was all clean. "Is there something you noticed from those guys you encountered?" Hedeliza asked Lizle that made Lizle look at her as well as the boys. Lizle's eyes narrowed and trying to remember if there was a thing that caught her attention. She couldn't remember anything for she was busy trying to pull a escape from the hands of those evils. "Nothing, but those guys are seems possessed or controlled," she said. "What do you mean controlled?" Felix asked trying to understand everything while imagining how can they enter the Fosters home. "I don't know if literally controlled but somehow, like that. They were also seems like a member of a black organization that eats flesh. They were evils," she said strongly. Raixen exhaled sharply and just listening. The word of Lizle is giving him a little hint to think back the mysterious house in the middle of the uncivilized and scared place. That was seems like a house of an old people that believes to be lived by offering a blood and flesh to whoever. The place was quiet that looks like nobody's there but there are several people around and that is what the Foster's house looks like now. That make sense, still, he is not sure if those people in the house are a friend or a foe. The way into the house is gone, that means they are not allowing anyone to go there anymore. Then why did they allow Shekinah to go there once? That house really have something that he wanted to know and do not know how, until he realizes something. He can go there by a chopper, can't he? Raixen smirk and just leave the thought. That was a nice idea that he supposed have think way before, why the f*ck he just remembered it now? "Rex, do you remember the guard in school?" Hedeliza asked Raixen that caught Raixen's attention and nodded, "when he turn his head I saw the tattoo behind his ear, that tattoo that was very familiar because that was the second time that I saw that kind of tattoo and the first time was in the Fosters guest room. The guys that dragged me, I saw the other guys with the same tattoo, the area of tattoo when this hoodie was removed." Raixen's eyes widened as well as their other friends. "Why didn't you tell me?" "Because it will not be okay if he will know that I know something he has. That is connected to the guy in the Shekinah's home and I am sure of that," Hedeliza answered. "Are you sure that wasn't the guy? Hiede, we can have him, we have to get him and make him spill a tea, babe, Rex," Lizle said. She knows a*******n is illegal but if that's the only way for them to get an information about Shekinah then, sure, why not. "Different body build, different height, it's just the same tattoo," Hedeliza answered shaking her head. "That's impossible babe, because you are right, I remembered those people are probably really are controlled when Hedeliza just woke up in the hospital there was two women pretending to be a Doctor and they were on there way to your room but Raixen caught them. They have strychnine in the injection and that's a poison and before the security can make a move to them they fell down holding their guns, they died," Felix said that made the girls gasped. They never knew for the boys didn't bother to tell them the story. They looked at Raixen when he sigh deeply and speak weakly. "That is why, we can't keep any of them to wring their knowledge."
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