Chapter 4

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Mia's POV "What did you just say?" Ashley yelled over the phone. "Even I can't believe bish. Tyler Reid asked me on date. The 2nd hottest boy in our frigging school asked me on a date" I yelled back again and we soon fell into a fit of laughter. I got my wolf just days ago and the whole mindlink thing hurts my head. I find phones a way better way of communication. "But how and when?" She asked again. "When I went to the pack house to meet Alpha Titus regarding my study. I want to go abroad. But I couldn't meet him since he was running some errands outside the pack. I went to kitchen for water and he asked me there" I told her literally everything "You better not mess this up. And yeah, did you find your mate?" Ashely asked me. I bit my lip debating if I should tell her or not. She's my best friend, but I'm not ready to tell this to anyone yet. Moreover Tyler is Jaxon's best friend. And it would f**k things up. Like, Hey! Jaxon is my mate. But oops, I'm dating his best friend. Yeah b***h that's me.! "No. Did you?" I asked her back. "I guess our mates are lazy asses" she muttered and hung up the call. The mate subject is still a little touchy for her. She just has a lot of dreams with her mate. And in werewolves it's like, you meet your mate, they mark you the next minute. And some even finish the mating process. But I guess I'm just that unlucky. "Mia! Your dinner is ready" Ma called me and I went down. "What is on the menu today?" I asked but the smell of steak immediately hit my nose and my stomach answered it with a growl My man chuckled and served me some. We talked a lot while having dinner. Ma is super friendly. As long as I remember, she never put any restrictions on me. She even welcomed Dylan, my ex boyfriend with so much warmth. We ended our relationship on bad terms though. We soon finished our dinner and called it a night. My favorite part of the day! Sleep is my favourite of all time. ----------------------------------------------------------------- "God! It's already 6. I don't know what to wear" I whispered. Ashley sighed and went through my closet. After rummaging for a good few minutes she found a white flowy top and dark jeans that I didn't even know I had. I quickly thanked her and went to shower. I pulled my hair into a high ponytail and went with minimal make-up. The moment I was done, the doorbell rang making my heart beat fast. It's racing like a marathon. "He's here. He's here" Ashley squealed while jumping and I became nervous all of a sudden. "Mia. Someone is here to pick you up" Ma yelled from downstairs. I made my way downstairs and saw Tyler in blue jeans and black tee sitting on the couch having some tea and talking to ma. I didn't understand how but ma was laughing at something Tyler just said and he was smiling while sipping his tea. Well that's something new. I stood before him and his eyes held an emotion I didn't understand but he quickly masked it with his fake cough. "If your mom is this lovable, I would have dated her instead" Tyler laughed looking at ma. "If I didn't have a daughter, I would be in her place instead" my ma said and they both started laughing. I rolled my eyes. Tyler stood up and walked towards me. I stared in his sea green eyes for what felt like forever. They're just soothing. I wish Tyler was my best friend. "Shall we?" He asked, extending his hand towards me. I nodded and gave him my hand. "Well, come back before it's too late" Ma said and Tyler winked at her. I laughed looking at him. He's someone everyone loves. We walked outside and towards his car. He opened the door for me like the gentleman he is and I sat in there. He quickly jogged towards the other side and hopped in the car. He looked at me again with the same emotion I couldn't figure out and started his car. "Music?" He asked and I nodded. "Your wish" he said and I quickly opened my playlist. I turned it on and shuffled the playlist so that I didn't know what was about to come. Tiny surprises still matter. "Ah! This is my favorite" Tyler said while humming to’ I like me better’ by Lauv. We both sang, laughed and swayed our arms to the beat. "Oh f**k! We long crossed the place I wanted to take you to" he said and started laughing. I started laughing too at how dumb we were to focus on music rather than our destination. "So what now?" I asked him, still trying to suppress my laughter. "How about we drive a bit more in a random direction with the music blasting on?" He asked and I immediately loved that idea. To me,sitting in the car,jamming to the music,talking and laughing could be the best date! "You don't have to tell. I can see it on your face" he said and winked. I'm damn sure I'm beet red at this moment. We talked about life, families, school and basically everything. I never knew that Emily had a crush on Tyler until he told me. And the prankster Andrew did makeout with our ethics teacher Mrs.Ann. How didn't I know these all? Maybe I'm too focused on Jaxon other than all these. Thinking of Jaxon made my heart ache a bit. He's my God damn mate. But he doesn't want me. Why is Moon Goddess playing with me this way? I suddenly felt the car stop. Tyler's fingers held my chin making me look up at him. "Don't feel sad. He doesn't deserve you. But that doesn't mean you aren't good enough. You're the best. Give him and the mate a bond sometime" he said while brushing my cheek with his thumb wiping a lone tear. I didn't know I was crying till he did this. He held me close to his chest and that's when the walls broke loose. I sobbed like a child in his arms. I love Jaxon. I love him so much and when I knew he was my mate. I was the happiest. But he loves another girl. He wants her but not me. That thought is just killing me. Tyler just kept rubbing my back and whispering sweet words in my ear. The ride back home was silent and in no time, I was back home. I quickly got out of the car and so did he. "Thanks for the night. It was a much needed one" I said looking at his sea green eyes. "Remember, whenever you're not okay, I'm here. I'll always be there" he said smiling. I smiled and went back to my room. Ma was asleep already. I just changed my outfit into comfortable PJs. I laid down on bed, tucked myself under the covers. Looking at the ceiling, I cried a little more thinking about Jaxon. I cried till I found myself asleep.And I hate the fact that I am crying.
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