Chapter 23

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Aubrey’s POV Vampires are evil mythological beings who roam the world at night searching for people whose blood they feed upon. They may be the best-known classic monsters of all. But, are they really evil… are all of them evil? Or they are just like us humans who try to live and in their case, drinking blood. The only difference is them having superhuman strengths and powers that I cannot even fathom. I can not believe that vampires were so close to me. There was no way of knowing except for their different colored eyes— which was hazel brown eyes but I just found it normal. Who would have thought that I was this close to a vampire? And even two at that! There are almost as many different characteristics of vampires as there are vampire legends. And according to it, they love sinking in their sharp fangs to drain their victims blood and eventually kill them. Now I am having thoughts about Wane and Cass. Why are they involving me into the world of vampires? Are they going to make me their food that’s why they are so good to me? The thought made me shiver. It was agonizing knowing I was fooled by my so called friends. But what were they supposed to do then, when they met me? Say something like … “hey I am a vampire, I want to be your friend?” How stupid can that be. I shook that stupid thought out of my mind. First of all I still cannot believe that vampires exist. Second, I almost died by having friends with them... even though I did not even know. I have been avaoiding them for a week now. A week passed and yet the memories are still fresh like it just happened yesterday. Now, everytime a stranger approaches me, I move a distance away. I can never be too careful. Cass has been texting me non stop but she has been keeping a distance from me at school, so did Wane. They are actually giving me space. I am not really angry at them or anything, I just do not know how to act like it was before. It's hard to act normal when you clearly know this... or what happened to me was far from normal. I did not know why those other vampires kidnapped me. But perhaps it's because I got too close to them, and they saw that. My memories from that day were so c lear. I was sure I was injured all over my body but when I woke up, I was in my room, no wounds or bruises.and three days had already passed since that happened. And the memories of vampires and my new friends, were like HD in my memory an dI cannot seem to erase it or lock it out of my conciousness. I am sure that it really was not a dream. ''Hey, you okay? you seemed lost in your thoughts,'' a concerned voice spoke in front of me. It was James. He finally showed up to school. I am inside the library now since I have a long break and I do not want to go back to the condo because I might run into them. I still do not know what to say to them or how to act. ''I am fine. You should be studying for your test,'' I told him. He did not listen to me and instead he grabbe dthe book that I was reading. ''Are you seriously reading this?'' he asked and looked at me like he was curious about what I think. ''Yes, and mind your own business!'' I dismissed him and grabbed the book back to my side. ''Do you seriously believe Vampires are real?'' he asked. Hi voice was a little loud so I 'sshd' his mouth. ''Quiet, someone might hear you,'' I said in a whisper. He moved closer to my side and leaned near my ear. ''Why are we whispering?'' he asked amused as he whispered back. I pinched his shoulders and he winced in pain. ''Ow!'' he exclaimed. I rolled my eyes at him as he still continued to rub his now red shoulders. I might've pinched him hard. Nevertheless, I continued to what I was reading and he moved to me closer, observing me. ''Can you give me some space?'' I told him sounding annoyed. ''Are you into that stuff now?'' he asked. My brows furrowed and looked at him. ''No, I do not believe in vampires. I was just curious,'' I said and looked back to the page I was reading. I lied but I cannot say I met not one, but a lot of vampires now, can I? I cannot drag my only childhood friend into this. ''Whatever you say,'' he said and shrugged his shoulders and minded his own business. He finally left me alone as he concentrated on studying for the exams he missed. I can finally read in peace! I went here to the library not only to avoid them but to research about them. at first, I was not really sure if something about them will be here in the school's library, but I did found a few of them. The Blood Suckers, is the title and some Vampire Mythologies book that I also grabbed. It sasy here that, According to the legend, a man first sold his soul to the devil to save his kingdom and the person he love the most. He was then reborn as the first blood sucking monster that every human in that time could imagine. Later on, he was called a vampire where he is named as immortal and a God of evil. He was granted with his wish to save both the kingdom and the person he loved but there was a price to pay. His thirst for blood was iincomparable to any beast ever known; feasting on human blood and the thirst for human blood and the advantage at night. During the day his movements were limited. Eventually, he created pure-blooded descendants , and followers and became the king of a different world. It also said here, this was only a theory frrom fangs, skulls and burried teeth holes from dead bodies and drained blood. Nobody could really prove their existence... until now. I know it is real. This became a long forgotten tale that was passed down from generation to generations and use this to scare children at night to go to bed early. I cannot believe I met several Vampires already. I need to know why I was targeted. I need to talk to them!
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