Dinner and Dancing

1859 Words
That evening, Lyria and Wallace hosted a large banquet. As more wolves of importance poured in from around the Kingdom, preparing to celebrate Gathering Dark, the castle was full to bursting with courtiers and nobles. Lyria had quickly grown fond of such times, even though she had once been afraid of a life lived in the spotlight of the Kingdom. She was fortunate that her friends, many of them made during the contest held last year for the King’s love, visited often. When the castle was full, so was her heart, sometimes so much so that she felt it would push at the seams of her dress and burst forth. A full castle in Lyria meant a gathering of those she loved most, and she cherished those moments. Her friends and family were now scattered across the Kingdom. Aertis was the Luna of Winding Road Pack, mated to Lord Lyle Windmere. Haribelle was the Luna to be of Evening Sky Pack, where she had been raised. She had not yet had her mate ceremony,  Lyria’s parents had returned to Winding Road after Lyria’s coronation, and had reported back that their lives had improved considerably since the former Alpha, Lyle’s father, had been removed from the position. Lyle had even lifted the banishment of Lyria’s grandparents, and they had moved back to Winding Road to make up for lost time with Lyria’s parents and younger siblings. Of course, Lyria had many friends in Cyrrillest. Sirre Firesell, Wallace’s rather crotchety Chief of House, was fond of stopping by Lyria’s chambers to listen to her read aloud to Prince Wyatt. Wera Inkera, the head laundress, and Navaill, her most loyal friend and now an apprentice mystic at the Keeping of the Shrine, both still lived on the castle grounds. Ravelina now lived in the city just beyond the castle gates, her mate a shopkeeper who sold curios and cloth. She even sometimes thought that she missed Aidria Windmere, her one time chief tormenter who found herself humbled after her father, the prior Alpha Windmere, disowned her for finding her mate to be an Omega. Aidria was now acting as her brother Lyle’s Beta, for the time being, though it was a temporary solution and Aidria talked often of wanting to travel when Lyle appointed a permanent Beta. She and her mate had even discussed traveling abroad, to one of the human Kingdoms that bordered the Wolf Kingdom. Aidria said she now wanted to better understand those she had once derided. It was a nice sentiment, but Lyria privately thought that Aidria was still embarrassed by her past and wanted some time to start fresh. Aidria would not be attending Gathering Dark, since Lyle and Aertis were in the city for the festivities. Nor would Lyria’s parents, although her grandparents were meant to arrive the next day and stay for a week. It was Lyria’s first Gathering Dark as Luna Queen, and she was nervous. The ceremony required quite a lot of her as a hostess. “You look pensive, my love,” the King whispered to her over their meal, breaking her out of her thoughts. He reached over and took her hand to kiss it.  “Oh,” she said, blinking as she looked around the room at the happy faces, feasting and socializing. “No, or maybe yes. I was just thinking that I will probably never have the luxury of having everyone together all at once.” “Darling, if it would make you happy, I would summon the entire Kingdom here just for you,” he said. “Just say the word! I shall command the people to abandon their homes and run here as fast as their wolf legs carry them!” She laughed. “A kind offer, my love. But no. Though I think I shall travel to Winding Road after Gathering Dark, is that okay? Will I be needed here? I’d like to catch up with my parents.” She had to remind herself not to place a hand where she knew a child was growing, not wanting to give away the surprise before the festivities in two days. “Of course! I could come with you, if you would like. I have not been on a tour of the Kingdom all year, and I really ought to visit some of the packs before the cold sets in.” “I’d like that very much,” Lyria replied, perking up. She felt considerably better at the thought of being able to show the King more of Winding Road Pack. He had only been there for a few hours, for Lyle and Aertis’s wedding, and had barely seen much at all beyond the ceremony site. She wanted to show him where she had grown up, the tree in which she had sat in a pup–at just the right angle to see into the gymnasium where the Warriors practiced–dreaming of the day she had her first shift. She wanted to show him the little cottage she had lived in as a Warrior, which Lyle and Aertis still maintained for her. The painted glass of her bedroom windows had been the same as always the last time she had been able to visit, shimmering prettily onto the unused bed. “I would too,” the King said cheerily. “And I hope it puts your mind at ease somewhat. This is a celebration, after all!” He gestured around the room at the wolves from all over the Kingdom. Some were old, some even younger than Lyria. Many Alphas brought their children to such events in the hopes that they would find their mates among other noble children. This year’s Gathering Dark had already seen a match, and half the Kingdom’s nobility had not yet arrived. She smiled. “It is, and I suppose this means I’ll be asked to dance after the meal is over,” she groaned. Wallace laughed, throwing one arm over Lyria’s shoulder and stroking her hair with his hand. “You’re so beautiful when you dance,” he whispered.  “You just like when I am embarrassed, remember? You said so earlier,” she replied, nuzzling against his chest slightly. He kissed the top of her head and she let his joy and love wash her twisted, pensive, gloomy thoughts away. Their mate bond made it easy for his touch, even the simplest embrace, to completely change her mood. It was one of the many things that she loved about him. She sat up straight once she felt better, and he removed his arm from around her shoulders, immediately taking up his large goblet. “More wine,” he called out, “more wine for the table!” To his left sat his best friend, Duke Theoboro Greyfur and his wife, who both cheered loudly and raised their own goblets. Laughing, Lyria raised hers in unison. She smiled when she saw the wine bearer approach. It was Sorah, the newest Omega who she had met in the kitchen earlier that day. “Your Majesties,” Sorah said. She bowed to Wallace and Lyria. “Your Graces,” she added to the Duke and Duchess. Then she poured the wine. Lyria noticed with satisfaction that the girl’s tunic was now properly fitted. “Thank you, Sorah,” Lyria said when her own cup was full. “Are you enjoying the feast at all?” “Yes,” Sorah said, blinking rapidly for a moment as she realized Lyria was speaking to her. “I did not realize that even working Omegas were permitted to join the festivities here.” “Of course,” Lyria replied. She had been pleased to learn that the King already permitted such when they married. She had been planning to demand it. Her family worked every large holiday, and Alpha Windmere had never permitted working Omegas to celebrate. “My parents are Omegas, I would never exclude anyone from the holiday just because of their rank. As long as your duties are performed, I encourage you to enjoy yourself. The King agrees,” she added, looking fondly at her husband, who was deep into his goblet of wine. The King nodded enthusiastically, putting the goblet down already empty. “Yes, yes,” he said. “More wine!” he added, flourishing the cup toward Sorah. “Sorah, is it? I don’t recall your face,” he looked at her more closely. “Are you new? I do recall that we brought in several new servants in past weeks.” “Yes, Your Majesty,” Sorah said, looking surprised that he knew that he did not know her. “I just started.” She poured him a fresh cup of wine. “Very good,” he said. “You’re doing well enough so far! Anyone who can keep my plate and my goblet full is right by me. Please,” he added, waving about vaguely, “enjoy yourself. Make sure your table has plenty of wine and food! Is there anything you need?” Sorah laughed, her face betraying utter disbelief that King Wallace Wolfsblood would bother to ask her such a question. “No, Your Majesty,” she finally replied, still grinning. “Our table is quite full.” “Excellent, excellent. There will be fireworks later!” he said. “I suggest running up to the turrets beforehand. Everyone jostles to get a spot on the lawn, you know, but that’s not the best view. The best view is the west-side turrets.” “I will be sure to try that, Your Majesty,” Sorah said. She smiled at Lyria, then she curtsied and rushed off. Lyria took a long sip of her wine, then a large bite of the roast piled high on her plate. She felt a warm, happy glow that had nothing to do with her mate’s touch from moments before. Instead, looking at Wallace, she felt genuinely blessed by the Goddess to sit next to so kind a wolf. “What?” the King asked, suddenly realizing her eyes were upon him with a lovestruck grin. She giggled. His lips were gently wine stained, and a forkful of roast and vegetables was halfway to his mouth, hovering just above his collarbone.  “I love you, Wallace,” she said. “I love you, Your Majesty,” he replied. He quickly and heartily stuffed his mouth with food on his fork, and after chewing he added, “you look much happier now! So happy, in fact, that I think I can get away with asking you for a dance.” Lyria gave another giggle as the King stood and extended a hand out to her. With his other hand, he signaled the band in the corner to play more loudly.  As the band struck up a lazevolta, a sensuous and quick paced dance, Lyria rolled her eyes. But it was all in good humor as she nodded and took her husband’s hand. The pair took their places on the dance floor, all eyes–both friend and foe–on them.
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