377 Words
"Let's have lunch first, we can talk after that. It's not good to leave food in the middle." She must've known what I'm going say. So she made that excuse. "Come on, one minute won't do any harm," I said again. "Okay," she said and we both got up from the table. I went to the kitchen where she followed me. "What is it you want to talk about. What's so urgent, I'm hungry you know." She whined. "What is going on? Why are you dating Sean mayor? You know how he uses to be when we were in school. How can you date him? He is a total womanizer." I whisper yell at my sister. Since I did not want mom and dad to hear our conversation. "Come on Ren, why are you still judging him? It was a long time back. He's changed. We were kids then. People change when they grew up." She said confidently. "How can you say he's changed? how are you so sure. Don't you remember how he uses to dump girls? Like they were his property." I said again trying to prove my point. "I know you're worried about me. But I'm serious about him. He's changed, I can guarantee that. He was like that because we were alone, but now we're together. He never did anything bad with me. He is always sweet to me." She persisted. "I hope you won't regret your decision. But I'm still not convinced. I won't accept him until I'm sure too." I said. "You won't be disappointed Ren, he is a nice guy. He always looks after me." She said. "I'll test him my way. And if I still thought the same, you'll Have to leave him" I warned her. "I know, but I'm confident." She said with confidence. "Wish you luck," I said. "Now come on at least hug me. We haven't met in such a long time and you're still whining at me." She pouted. "Come on", I said and pulled her in a hug. "Come let's go back before mom and dad came for us", Eli advised. "Sure, madam", I teased. We went back to the table and resumed our lunch. We ate and chatted, while we have our supper.
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