Chapter 4

1005 Words
Carl's POV "How are you doing?" Mom asked over the phone. "Amazing Mom!!" I said with a laugh. "Yeah! Yeah!! I can sense" she laughed. "So, we have come to a decision. Don't you think the pack house is getting crowded?" She asked. "Yeah so you kicking me out? Do I gotta stay here forever?" I asked playfully. "Nice try but no! Your Grandparents decided to move out to have their own privacy since they are free birds now" She said I could picture her smiling now. My Mom Cartia always adored the relationship my grandparents have. "That's ok." I shrugged. "And Kevin and Abigail as well. But.. Layla and Jason will be staying in the pack house" She said. "What? Why Jason?? Mom! He is still a kid" I yelled. Jason Henry Reid is Layla's younger brother who is in the line for Beta's position next to Uncle Kevin. But he is just 10 year old now. "Younger than you doesn't make him a Kid Carl" Mom laughed and for a fact I know she might be rolling her eyes now. "Yeah yeah whatever" I muttered. "Alright! Make sure you get your ass in here in 2 days. Bye. Love you" she said. I laughed before hanging the call up. She can be crazy at times. If there is no whole mate thing and if someone asked me who my ideal mate is, I would say her. Being a bloodsucker Queen and a mate to the Werewolf King, never considered rejecting Dad. It's the matebond they believed in. But with Layla, if she really doesn't want this mate thing to work, then I wouldn't even ask her again. I don't feel the vibe that she wants this. She doesn't even care about my existence sometimes. I shook my head and resumed watching the movie 'The Perfect Date' with Aiden. It might be hard for humans without having the power of matebond. They struggle to find their soulmate in everyone that passes their life. "It's way too boring," Aiden muttered. "What is ever not boring to you?" I rolled my eyes at him. "You" he laughed, making me throw some popcorn at his face. "I know. And I love you too" he laughed. "Ew eww ewww!! I knew you were gays from the beginning" Lana joined us on the couch with a playful smile. "Was that meant to be a joke?" Aiden asked. I tried my best to stifle my laughter but at a point, I couldn't. Looking at me, Aiden couldn't as well and we burst into laughter. Lana left us again because she didn't get what was running through our minds. "Dude! She is weird af. No wonder Luke behaves that way" Aiden said looking at the direction she just left. "My grandparents are moving out. Privacy!!" I air quoted the last word raising my fingers. "Mann they are goals!" Aiden said stuffing his mouth with popcorn again. "How's Layla by the way" he asked me while I just shrugged. She is always in her world. She knows that I'm her mate but she pretends like she doesn't know or more, she actually doesn't care. "Good thing you know about your mate already. I wonder where mine could be" he said, moving his eyes back to the screen only to see that the movie had already ended. "It was boring anyway" Aiden muttered as he stood. "Why is it so boring here?" He asked as he walked out. I silently followed him wondering what he wanted. He's been nagging all over since this morning. He walked to the kitchen where there was a girl I never saw. Brown hair with a pair of black eyes. She was humming to some song as she cooked some bacon. Tiny freckles sat on her nose that actually looked cute on her. "Yo! What's cooking?" Aiden asked as he took a seat at the counter. I joined him as well, still looking at the girl. She soon noticed my presence and bowed her head making me nod so she could stand again. "Well, bacon can't cook itself so here I am," she said, clicking a pair of tongs in the air. "I'm your future Alpha you know" Aiden smiled looking at her. "Future Alpha? Oh yeah!! He is actually my friend. Have you seen him somewhere?" She asked, flipping the bacon. "Nope." Aiden shrugged. She just smiled and put the bacon on a plate. "Prince!" She said as she slid the plate before me. She then passed Aiden one while she cooked some more for herself. "I like to eat bacon as it is without anything on the side" she smiled looking down but I knew she was talking to me. Since I am the prince no wolf should look me in the eye while talking. Exception to family members, which is why this piece of s**t Aiden never follows any rules. "She is Leah. Omega who recently started doing house chores in pack house" Aiden said. So that explains why I don't know her. At the same time, Omega is the least rank of the pack. Their wolves are weak so that explains why they are placed at the bottom of ranks. So Aiden talking to her in a friendly way warmed my heart. Omega tends to receive criticism from Alphas or other pack members. The way Aiden is smiling while talking to her, I can't help but wonder what if they are mates? "Going to the pack later. Wanna join?" I asked Leah. "I am an Omega, Prince!" She said, still looking down. "I didn't ask you your rank Leah!" I said as I chewed my bacon. "I-I can't," she stuttered. "Well, I am the Prince so you still gonna talk about rules?" I asked and she just nodded. "So you are gonna ditch me for a girl?" Aiden asked, making all the three of us laugh. Of all the visits to this pack, this time is my absolute favourite one. For.. well, many reasons.
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