Chapter 2 Trevor

1972 Words
    The morning after the first day of school. Trevor was getting ready for school when his mind wandered to the girl he ran into yesterday. He thought she was pretty, he especially liked her eyes. He wanted to talk to her some more yesterday but he was meeting up with his brother and their best friend to discuss some football stuff, since he was the captain and star quarterback of the team. He was surprised that she was in his first period class as well. He was hoping that they would get paired off for the class project, so he could get to know her better.  He hasn’t dated much because of school and practice took up most of his time but he was considering it for his last year of school. After he finished getting ready for school, he met his mom downstairs and told her good morning. He and his brother Davis only had their mother because their father died overseas while he was serving in the Army a few years back. They all missed him dearly. Their mom took it the hardest and fell into a depression of sorts. She was an elementary school teacher and she didn’t make much, so during the summer, he and Davis worked down at the marina to help her out. It was finally time to head out, he leaned over and kissed his mom on the cheek and said ‘I love you’. She yelled after him, “I love you too, make sure to tell your brother to remember to go do his errands after practice.” His mom had mentioned last night that she needed Davis to go get some things from the hardware store, so they could fix the sink in the spare bathroom. Davis always rode to school with Michael because Davis didn’t have his license yet. Michael said that he would take him to the hardware store after practice. Trevor yelled back, “Sure mom, have a good day at work.”     He parked his truck in his normal parking spot at school. He grabbed his bag and headed to the front of the school. He looked around for the girl but didn’t see her. He walked inside and went to his locker and found his brother and Michael hanging around it. He got there and slapped Michael on the back “What are you guys talking about? Oh, Davis, Mom said don’t forget to go by the hardware store after practice.” Michael spoke up first, “I was telling Davis about how cute that new girl is. I have fourth period with her.” Trevor was feeling a little jealous that Michael noticed her too. Trevor wanted her to himself. Maybe, he could tell him that. But he didn’t have a right to because he didn’t really know her well but he wanted to. She had a right to choose for herself if she wanted to date either of them. All he could do was to become her friend, if that is what she needed. It was time to get to know her, he thought. So, he brushed it off and agreed with Michael that she is pretty and nice. Then they started talking about their upcoming game which was this weekend. Then they started walking down the hall for first period. Half way down the hall he noticed that the new girl was at her locker and some guy kept trying to talk her. He heard their conversation, she was saying “Leave me alone please, I just needed to get my books and head to first before I’m late.” The guy was saying “Ah, come on, I just wanted to be helpful and show you around town one day. Since you’re new.” I went over there and said “Douglas, I’m sorry but we had plans to do that this weekend.” Douglas said “Lydia, are you really going to go out in town with this guy, instead of me?” Douglas was your typical bully, always trying to get his way. She looked at me and smiled. I thought it was the prettiest site I have ever seen. She finally said, “Yes, we planned it yesterday.” I was glad she was playing along. I didn’t like how Douglas was trying to push her into doing something she was uncomfortable with. Then she looked at me again and mouthed a ‘Thank you’.  I smiled at her and offered her my arm to walk her to our first class. She accepted it shyly. We walked like that to Mr. Kingsford class and I asked her “So, Lydia is your name? I think it is really pretty.” She said “Thank you and I heard your name is Trevor Sanders, the star quarterback.” He was taken back, he didn’t care for the famous title. He was just him. He said “Yes, that is me, does it bother you?” She looked at him a little confused and said “Why would it bother me who or what you are?” Trevor thought about it for a minute and she did have a point. They didn’t know each other well. Then he got an idea and asked her, “So, back there with Douglas, would you really be willing to actually go out Sunday and let me show you the town?” She looked at him like she was contemplating the idea and then she answered, “Sure I would like that,” Trevor smiled at her and nodded, pleased with himself for the idea. They made it just in time for the tardy bell to ring. They sat at their seats they had yesterday. And throughout the class he noticed that she kept sneaking glances his way and blushed when he caught her. He thought that it was cute.     The class went by rather slowly because he couldn’t wait to talk to her again. Finally the bell rang and he stood up and waited for her to gather her things. She smiled at the gesture and hurriedly grabbed her bag and stood up beside him. He walked her out to the hallway. He asked her how she was liking Belmont so far. She answered with a laugh, “The town is smaller than my hometown back in Tennessee, but the people are friendly here. The school is smaller too. But I am looking for to going to see what else the town has to offer this weekend with you.” Trevor smiled and said he is looking forward to it as well. They stopped at her next class and said their goodbyes until after school. Trevor went to his next class feeling like he was on cloud nine. Second and third period went by rather quickly and then it was lunch time and as he got to the cafeteria he looked around to see if he could find Lydia, and found her with Samantha at the table they sat at yesterday. He was kind of happy that she found a friend like Samantha, he always thought she was cool. He went to the line and grabbed his lunch and made his way to his table with his brother and friend. Trevor announced that he had a date with Lydia, the new girl on Sunday. Michael said, “Dang, dude you work fast.” Trevor said, “Michael, shut up. It isn’t like that, I am just taking her around town showing her some sites, since she is new in town.” Davis pitched in and said, “Trevor, I give it about a month and you two will going to the homecoming dance as a couple.” Trevor didn’t argue, he liked the idea of going to the dance with her. She was everything he liked in a girl, sweet, smart and knows how to take care of herself. They both kept teasing him about Lydia but he didn’t pay too much attention to it. Once the bell rang to go to the next class, they all stood up and went their separate ways until practice. The rest of the day existed in studying and pop quizzes and then it was practice time. The place where he shown bright. He loved to go to practice, where he can let off some steam, if need be. After a long and exhausted practice he finally made it home.     His mom was in the kitchen finishing up dinner. Davis hasn’t gotten back from the hardware store with Michael yet. Trevor went to the kitchen and grabbed a glass from the cabinet and filled it with water and drunk in one go. Then, asked his “Do you need any help with dinner?” She replied “Just need you to set the table.” He nodded and grabbed some plates and silverware and got busy setting the table. He heard the door open and Davis came in with the supplies for the sink. He yelled at him saying, “Just put the stuff in the bathroom and we can work on it after dinner.” Davis nodded and went straight the bathroom. Davis came in and said hello to their mother. She acknowledged him with a smile and said “Since you are in here, why don’t you grab some drinks and set them on the dining table.” Davis said “Of course.” Trevor knew that when their mother asked you do something you do it without question. That is what their father taught them before he went on his last tour in Iraq. It has been about five years now since the officers showed up on the door step with a folded flag and look on their faces that said they didn’t want to do this. My mom went to open the door and fell on the foyer floor in tears. Trevor was about thirteen at the time and knew that it wasn’t good but couldn’t quite figure out what was wrong. He went to his mom and wrapped her in his arms and said it was going to be OK. She finally stopped crying and pulled herself together and turned to the officers still waiting at the front door and said ‘thank you’ and took the flag and bid them goodbye. She yelled for Davis to come downstairs and pulled them both in the living room and sat them down on the sofa and explained to them that their daddy won’t be coming home again and we need to prepare for a funeral. So, since then he and Davis as stepped up and helped their mom with everything. So, now as they sat at the table eating dinner and chatting about their first couple days of school. His mom asked Trevor “How was your day? Meet anyone new?” Trevor nodded and said that there was a new girl that came from Tennessee. And that she agreed to meet up Sunday and go explore the town a little bit. His mom said “Well, that is sweet of you to show her around.” Davis nearly choked on his tea. Davis said, “Yeah that is sweet Trevor.” Trevor just rolled his eyes and went back to finish his dinner. After that he excused himself and took his plate to the sink and rinse it off and then went upstairs to shower and do some homework before he fell asleep.  
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