4 | Demonix Servants

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NADIA'S POV "Where is this place?" I asked when Asura and I walked out of the portal. "This is where my devils taking request from humans or other creatures of this and my world. They summon us if they think they're willing to sell their soul they will make a contract with my devils. This is my way to gather followers." She handed me a paper that has the same design as the teleportation circle drawn on it. "This is how they summon us. All they have to do is summon the Demonix devils and my devils will aid them with anything they desire." My Master leads me to a group of people. "Meet some of the high ranking devils that worked under me. You may not remember her but this is Agramon. My advisor and close friend. She has over 100,000 pupils that made a contract under her." 100,000?! "Agramon. I was there with Asura when you die." We shake hands. Was she there? So Asura was there at the reunion because someone summons for her? Or her? Who? Who is this summoner? "Were you at the reunion because someone summons for you?" I asked my master. "Yes. He made a contract with me. His request was to make him popular. That's a dumb request for trading your souls for but hey, at least I made a contract." Asura chuckled. "So why am I here?" Both Asura And Agramon looked at me. "You will learn how to make a contract with a human. Since your a rookie I don't think you can handle with another supernatural creature yet." My Master explained. Agramon picked a piece of paper and handed it to me. "Your first client will be this 16-year-old boy." Too young! I took the paper and read his personal information. "Meet him and asked what does he want so bad that he willing to sell his soul to our kind." Asura smiling at me. Agramon prepared a circle for me to use. "Before your client told you about his or her desire, you must explain to them about the contract. We only accept payment in the form of souls and nothing else. We're not that evil. We'll give them a choice. If they wish to continue, by all mean, do take their soul. If not just leave them and never look back, understand?" I nodded my head at Asura. "Good luck. You'll need it." Agramon said when I stood at the center of the circle. She sent me in front of a confused male teenager. When I looked around I noticed I'm probably inside his room. "Are you..." He didn't find the perfect word to say but when I saw he's holding a summoning paper I know I'm in the right room. "I'm one of the many Demonix servant devils. How may I help you this evening?" He's still too speechless to say anything. "Do you need anything? You summoned for me. You must have something you wish to do, right?" He slowly nodded his head. "Before that. There's something you need to know before you tell me about your desire. We will not accept anything other than your soul. Once you agreed on trading your soul for your desire, we will form a contract. In other words, your soul doesn't belong to you anymore." I smiled. "I know." He said lowly. "Since your here, why not just get it done. I want you to end my bullies in school." I watched him looked horrified all of the sudden. "I want them to end. I want them to get the taste of their own medicine. I had enough of their torture." Suddenly a black paper appeared in front of me. I offered my hand and it landed on my palm. "If that's your desire, you may form a contract with me and I will fulfill your request. Remember this, once you do, your soul will be for my master's to have." The boy nodded. I used my nails to graze her thumb and let his blood drip on the black paper. After it glows, it disappeared from us. "Thank you for doing business with us." The circle appeared beneath my feet and I excuse myself. "That was easy." When I opened my eyes Asura was smiling wide in front of me. "You're a natural indeed." Agramon praised me. Soon everyone in the room clapped their hands for me. "You earned yourself a splendid servant Asura. I'm jealous." Agramon said to my master. "Now, to fulfill your client's desire, I will be there to assist you for your first mission. What were your client's words given to you when he told you his desire earlier?" Asura asked. "To end his misery. Get his bullies the taste of their own medicine. That was his words." Asura smiled. "To end his misery, we could kill the client himself." I was shocked! "But ..." She added. "He did say to get his bullies the taste of their own medicine. That said, we're going to meet his bullies." Is it just me or she seems like she's having fun. "I want you to end this matter quickly because I'm beginning to crave for his innocent soul now. It's so.... pure." Asura snickered. "Right." My master opened her arms wide and the circle appeared beneath us. "I almost forgot you can't summon this circle yourself. Silly me." When I opened my eyes, we're actually in the middle of a teen gang fight. Their eyes were on us when we suddenly appeared out of nowhere. "The f**k ... where did you two come from?" Asked a bulky guy. "We're here on an errand of Mr. Fabian Hugh," I said out loud. They were looking at each other before laughing their asses off. "What? That nerd? Why did he send you two here? To tend our s****l desire? By all mean please." Disgusting. This is how the newer generation act towards others? "It's fascinating how fast they agreed on things when just a couple of minutes ago they were fighting each other." Asura shaking her head. "Now, list check. Since they all knew your client, that means they all take a turn in bullying him. Am I right boys, and girls?" Asura asked them all. They smirked at us. "That settles it. Now, Nadia, destroy them." It's my turn to please My Master. The way she called my name made my inner demon awakened like it did before. "Yes ... My Master!" *** "Nice job Nadia." Asura was pleased with my work. "You manage to leave their bones intact! Amazing!" She was delighted. She froze when I turned to face her. "Your eyes..." She quickly covered my eyes with her hands and I see her hands glow bright red. That's her healing magic, am I right? Why does she need to heal my eyes? It's not even hurt. "That should do it. How do you feel?" Asura asked. I'm not sure myself. I just shrugged my shoulder. I can't believe this... I am slowly leaving my humanity. "Good job my servant. I am proud of you. Now let's leave and let Agramon deal with the bones. Okay?" I followed my master into the circle again. Once we arrived at her chamber, I just wanted to clean over and over again. This scent of blood reminds me of how I killed those teenagers. I can't believe I actually ate those teenagers without having some second thoughts. I'm ... a monster.. "Having a hard time recuperating? Or your thinking of how beastly you were munching down that human who you used to be?" Asura startled me. For a slight moment there, she gave me a sad expression but it goes as fast as it came. "If I may be frank." She nodded. "I ... don't feel guilty at all. For eating them I mean. I just.. I feel like I'm ... beginning to turn into your past servants. Am I being rebellious against your wish, My Master?" I don't want to leave my master side. Not yet. "You were worried about that this whole time? How noble of you my dear. My answer is no, you're not being rebellious. Your following orders. It was fun seeing a newborn devil like yourself getting loose like that. Now, open your arms and let me examined your body thoroughly." I did as told and just stood there with my naked body exposed. Every touch my master gave me was bliss. It feels like she's relaxing my tense muscle by rubbing her hands all over my body. I was surprised when her hands started to glow bright red. "It seems like your scars decided to stay. It wouldn't heal properly even with my magic." She released my body. I saw her faint smile. "Clean yourself up. I'm going to introduce to my oldest son." She leaves me while I cleaned myself up. Why does she want me to meet her son? Did I do something that offended her in any way? After I'm done and put on my clothes, I followed my master to meet her son. We stopped in front of a door that was guarded by two knights. The knights bow before opening the door for us. I'm beginning to think if we're still in the presidential suite. "Israfel. It's mommy." Mommy?! "Mommy?" I fell on my butt when a man suddenly appeared in front of me. "You're not my Mommy." He said when he stepped on my chest. "Israfel. I'm here." He turned to my master and he's about to ... cry! "Mommy. It was horrible. I lost my arm because of it. I'm sorry to disappoint you." I feel.... jealous of their relationship. I never felt my mother's embrace me before. This guy, Israfel, he probably feels this kind of love every day. I got up from the floor and just watched them being mother and child. "Meet Nadia. She's my servant." He released his mother from his arm. "I am Israfel Demonix. The first son of Asura Demonix. Nice to meet you." Devilishly good looking and charming, that's a high ranking devil for you. "Israfel, Mommy needs your help in training my new servant with some combat skills. Can you do that?" The son nodded. "Sure Mommy." My Master leaned into her son's ear and whispered. His eyes widen but he nodded in the end. "Yes, Mommy. I will do you proud." Asura messing up her son's hair before touching her son's missing arm. "Hold still while Mommy fixes your arm." He nodded before he screamed for his dear life. When his arm miraculously grew back, it's like it was never gone. "Nadia, my son will teach you how to fight properly. He will shape your strength and tell you how to control them. Okay?" I nodded. "I'll be leaving you both alone now. Have fun." Asura excuse herself before Israfel circling me. "Have you met a vampire before?" He asked. I shake my head no. "Well, you will. Because you'll be defeating a group of them for this introductory lesson." He clapped his hands and four female vampires appeared from the ceilings. "Meet my brides." The vampires circling and hissing at me for no reason. "They're cranky. Girls, do as you please to her." What?! NO! NOOOO! I used my arms to covered myself from being scratched by their nails. "Come on and play with us!" Said one of the vampires. Play? More like killing me! "Come on girls. Kill her! Do it!!" Israfel commanded his wives. "WHY!" I asked. "Because my mother says so. She said you should train to death again and again." My Master wants me to die again and again? I ... That's ... that's considered as her order, right? "Are you going to disobey your master's order?" Israfel asked me. "You're going to disobey my mother? If so. I have no choice but to ..." Before he could finish his words, I took his knife and stabbed my chest myself. "My master's order is absolute. I will die upon her orders." Israfel suddenly laughed together with his wives. "Mommy was right. She's a natural. Well, we have a lot of things to do. I hope your ready to face the hardest training you'll ever go through." Israfel clapped his hand again and more vampires walked in the room. "You'll have to defeat every single one of them before you could protect my mother. Can you do that?" I stood up with the knife still sticking on my chest. "Yes. I can." *** I tried to turn the knob into Asura's chamber as hard as I could. After the nonstop training I had with Israfel for 2 weeks, he finally let me go. While he was allowed to have food and sleep, I don't even allow to eat nor sleep! Right now I'm ready to die for the hundreds of times. When I manage to turn the knob, an alluring smell of food invaded my nostril but I was too weak to make it out. It didn't take me long to just lay on the floor to experience this bliss I've been yearning for days now. "Is that how you greet your master?" Asura's voice echoes in my ears. I was too weak to greet my master properly. I can't move at all as the pain from the vampire venom still inside my body. "Seems like Israfel's wives really did a toll of you. I'm impressed you manage to walk with that poison inside your body." Asura turned my body around and straddling me on the floor. "You need some help in healing yourself. I will gladly do it for you, my dear." Asura didn't hide behind the bushes when she stabbed my chest with both of her hands. With her hands twist and turning my organs inside out, I feel like she's going to end me for real! I felt her grabbed a hold on something tar-like when she yanked her hands out. "What ... is that?" I asked as the place where she stabbed me beginning to heal. "The poison." She shakes her hands off the tar-like liquid. "Did you learn anything new from my son?" She asked while helping me up. "It's hard to defeat vampires." I took a seat on the bed and looked at the wounds that beginning to heal after the poison was out from my body. "And?" "Do not stab yourself before the real war happened." Asura laughed. "I heard. Israfel told me how loyal you were. I'm impressed by that fact. Good job my servant." I smiled when she praised me. "Get yourself stronger. I have a job for you to do when you're ready to face it. Okay?" Somehow I think her tone was different. "Look at you. You look horrible. My son and his wives really hurt you this bad huh?" She was talking about my slashed face. "It's fine. As long I'm strong enough to protect you, my master." "But you did protect me. You took a knife for me. For now, live for me. Turn your existence to serve me. Have your revenge on the humans you hate if you please but my orders first and foremost the important one. Understand?" I nodded. "Good. Now, I've prepared some food for you. Eat up. I even prepared my own blood to wash away those remaining poison in your body. Drink it. My blood will help you heal much faster." I went to the table filled with food and eat. I was enjoying my meal when I came across an open photo album. "Is that you?" Ashes looked up. "Master," I added before she could categorize that as being rude. "Yes, that's me." This guy must be her husband. He's beautiful! "That's my former husband." I can see where Israfel got his good looks. "We were forced to marry each other by my father. After some time, I grew to have feelings for him. But when I was with Draven, he changed, and leave. From that moment I live only for my kids and kids alone. But recently, those feelings changed." She looked up at me with a smile. Changed? Did she found somebody else to fallen in love with and live her immoral life for? I noticed that there's a lot of different scenery in every photo she took but most of them with her being pregnant. "This brings back memories. This was when I had Israfel. My very first pregnancy." Whoa. She never ages a day. "How old are you in human years?" She hummed. "I'm probably 28 years old. That how far I age I guess. My mother stopped aging when she turned 20 and my father was 29." So her mother is a lot younger looking than herself?! "How was that possible?" I asked, curious about their ageless feature. "Purebred devils like me have the ability to choose our preferred age. That's before you take the potion of immortality. That potion will stop your age to grow and your outer body to change. I gave my kids permission to choose whatever they want to do with their life." Asura chuckled. "What about me?" I asked. "Since you were created, you will have to stay that way forever. You will never age." The perks of being a beast huh. "How do you manage your time to take care of yourself, the business and your kids? Isn't it hard to balance it all?" Asura shakes her head. "Being a Mother is the best thing that happened to me. I hate their father but I love them all equally." I smiled. I'm glad her kids have the best parent ever. "It's must be nice to have a mother like that." Somehow I think I'm full now. I lost my appetite thinking about my past life. "You missed your mother huh?" My master asked me. I slowly nodded. "I don't remember much about my childhood but when I was little I remember vaguely how my mother used to tell me a story every night before bed. She was ... a kind mother that time." After she found my father was having an affair outside of their marriage, she changed. She manages to convince my father to break up with his mistress but she changed completely. I still remember how mad she was when my grade's started to drop like crazy when I was in junior high. That's when she started to ignore me while my brothers and sisters succeed in their life. "Do you want to meet her?" My Master asked. "Meet her? My mother?" As much as I want to, I decline the offer. "Even if I meet her, she probably ignoring me like always. I visit every birthdays and Christmas. But I always received the same rejection. Either they're all on a vacation or they ignored me." I smiled at my master. "It's fine. Now I have a new purpose. I shall serve you. To you, my master, it's a stupid thing to do to sacrifice myself to protect you on that dreadful night. But, if I don't protect you, I would've been kill by somebody or something else in the end." I had welcoming death to greet me since the day I was chased out from the house I was born in. But, I wouldn't have thought that death would bring me joy like this. I am glad to die for her, my master.
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