Chapter Ten

805 Words
Onyx ended up inviting our friends much to his dismay when Peter sent a message on our group chat about how 'his friends' don't want to hang out with him anymore while tagging all of our names on it. "This is so much fun! Everything looks expensive as f**k — is that a golden chandelier?" He says, spinning around and pointing on anything his eyes lands on. "Being friends with Onyx is the best! Ohhh.. can I be your royal best friend aside from Hals?" He grabs Onyx's shoulder and gives him his best puppy dog eyes. It's really terrifying and not cute at all. "Of course." Onyx pats his head and leads the way, leaving me with the others. Ericka and Trevor are both quiet as they look around which is a total opposite of what Peter is doing. "Hals, take a picture of me here." I catched his phone as he throw it my way and began posing beside a statue. "Get my good angles, okay." After a few minutes of goofing around which consists of Peter sitting on the throne, and watching him scramble down when King Magnus greeted us along side his wife we finally arrived at Onyx's room. I took a sit on the edge of the bed as I watch our friends roam around while Onyx stands awkwardly beside the couch near the door. Peter whistled as he picks up a frame and examines it very closely before looking at me, then at Onyx. "A family photo with the royals. Wow. It's like they already accepted you as his future queen, Hals." Because I am the future Queen. I think. "Because she is." Onyx states, moving away from where he's standing and settling beside me. Our friends stared at us then at each other. After a few seconds, a loud squeal accompanied with groans came out from them. Peter holds out his palm with a huge grin on his face. "200 dollars, bitches!" He screams, snatching the money from Trevor's hand. "The smell of victory!" "What? You have a bet between us?" I said Peter nods, waving the money he just got at Ericka and Trevor's faces. "They said, it's impossible that you two would accept each other. I, on the other hand, yelled at their faces that at the end of this month, both of you would be smooching like wild rabbits on heat and accept that you're both destined to be together!" "Wild rabbits?" "Smooching?" "As if you haven't kissed each other yet." Peter scoffs, crossing his arms. We both went completely silent. "Holy mother oh s**t! Double kill!! Pay up you mother fritters!" Ericka glares at us. "I'm broke because of you two." Onyx laughs. "That's what you get for betting on the wrong side." And it all happened so fast. Ericka is grabbing Onyx's hair and tugs it left and right. Peter is screaming bloody murder while waving his hard earned cash. Trevor and I? We just watched. "Get off me." "Never! I dreamed of this and now I'm doing it." She tugs even harder that they both lose their balance and lands on the floor. "Eyy! Don't touch my hair, you moron!" We both watch as they start going back and forth, screaming bloody murder. "Rip her hair off, Nyx!" Peter yells but shuts his mouth when Ericka glares at him. "I mean, go friends!" Having enough of this nonsense, I elbowed Trevor to get his attention. "I love to see them rip each other apart, but we should act as adults and separate the two before Peter bursts a nerve by getting all hyped up." We both glance at our friend and see him bent on his knees, completely acting as a coach or a referee. "Is that all you've got?" Onyx grunts, trying to get away from Ericka. "Halsey, doesn't even need to try as hard you are." "Because you let her win, you moron! You lovesick, b***h!" She then proceeds to tug on his shirt until a ripping sound is heard. She just ripped his shirt off in half. My eyes almost budged out of its sockets at the sight. I didn't know he was this ripped. Oh god. "Stop drooling at him, Hals. It's making me sick." Trevor groans "I am not..." I trail off, wiping the edge of my mouth just to prove a point. "drooling." "Put another shirt on, Onyx. Halsey is getting red like a tomato." Trevor says teasingly. Onyx raises an eyebrow and looks at me. Slowly, a smile forms from his face. "You hot for me, Hals?" Ericka was the first to react pushes herself up on the floor. "Don't say something like that infront of us ever again." Peter waves his phone side to side and grins. "I got that on video!" ——
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