
Werewolf Elemental

friends to lovers

Halsey grew up believing stories about powerful beings such as Elementals exists.


It was said that there is another kingdom hidden inside a magical shield that only elementals can enter. Powerful beings that posess the powers of every element.

Fire. Water. Earth. Wind.

Halsey & Prince Onyx grew up knowing that somewhere far from the Kingdom of Mandarro lies another hidden kingdom. A Kingdom full of Elementals.


Found outside the gates of the kingdom by the Healer. Halsey grew up alongside the next heir for the throne of Mandarro; Prince Onyx Erebus Mandarro. Something about them draw everyone into a conclusion that they'll both end up as mates.

Maybe because of the way the Prince looks at her. Clear adoration can be seen from miles away.

Or... Halsey is the only one who can calm him down in an instant with just her presence.

But everything will change on Prince Onyx's 18th birthday when monsters began appearing from the dark forest and both Halsey and Onyx will be put to the test.

Will they succeed or lose everything?

Will Halsey finally realize that the only person Onyx's only see is her?

But the most important question is...

Does the Werewolf Elemental exist?


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Chapter One
Mildred watched silently across the garden as the two kids play happily amongst themselves. She laughs to herself silently, not wanting to ruin the moment, when the prince trips and face planted on the mud while the little girl stopped running and rushed to help him stand up. Ignoring the mud that was going to ruin her favorite purple dress. The prince smiles and grabs the little girl's hand and continues to play with her. "Is that my son?" A voice from behind said. Mildred glanced behind her back and saw Queen Alexandria watching his son and Halsey roll on the mud. She nods, with a grin etched on her lips. Both turned their attention to the two who are now laughing about something that only the two of them will know. A few minutes has passed until the two kids ran to where they were sitting, covered with nothing but mud from head to toe, eyes glimmering with mischief and happiness while holding tightly on each other's hand. The prince tries to hug his mother but Halsey tugs him to her side and gently shakes her head, telling him no. Queen Alexandria smiled at the way her son followed the little girl. "Milly, can you tell us that story again? Onyx and I really loved listening to it." The little girl smiled shyly and fiddles with her mud covered dress. "Please. Maybe the Queen wants to listen too?" Queen Alexandria faked a gasp that made the little girl giggle and the prince to look at her with a fond smile. "I sure do. Please, do spare me all the details. What is the story all about?" "The Elementals!" they both said out loud. Mildred took a deep breath and smiled. She doesn't understand why the little trouble makers loved to listen to her whenever she tells that certain story that she told them a hundred times already and yet here she is, re-telling it again. "I was told when I was just a little girl, a story about a were-elemental. A werewolf that possessed all the powers of the elements and the ones that are born with it. That certain werewolf can be fast like a vampire, shift like a werewolf and be as strong as a lycan, create magic and cast spells and curses like a witch, and act like a normal human without the others knowing and yet posses all the powers of the element. Land, Air, Earth and Water." The little kids looked at each other with excitement before staring back at the story teller. "But not everyone can be an elemental, that's what my mother said. You have to be a chosen one or become a child of two powerful elementals that possess two elemental powers which is really rare and almost non-existent. Mother said that the were-elemental has both, but no one can tell, no one knows. My mother also said that if two elementals mate, it's highly likely to become an ordinary being, for example if their mother and father are an earth and fire elemental— the child could be an ordinary witch or a lycan that does not possess any powers unless it's a chosen one. The elders on our village said that it's just a silly legend, a story to tell to scare the children on our village but my mother insists that they are real. Elementals are real, she said. Every elemental has an coztraex which means, general or leader. But do you know who controls those elements?" Prince Onyx raises his hand, eager to answer. "Vampires, Lycans, Witches and Humans!" Mildred laughs as the two kids gave each other a high five. The Queen just shakes her head and waited for Mildred to finish the story. "Why yes, that is correct! Lycans are the fire elementals. They can conjure fire as high and deadly — injuring or killing anything on its path. Burning red eyes will stare at you, making you want to look away. Vampires are the air elementals. Can control the wind and can summon the most deadliest tornado and other deadly forces with just a twirl of a finger. Purple eyes that can definitely lure you in on how beautiful it is. Air and Fire can create the rarest and most known catastrophe known to man, the fire tornado and wild fires. No explanation needed for that one." Halsey immediately huddled closer to her friend in which Prince Onyx wrap his arm around her, securing her safe and sends her a warm smile before turning back to Mildred. "The earth element can only be controlled by a witch or a warlock. Imagine the devastation if they use this power on any of us. The ground crumbling and trembling beneath our feet like a massive earthquake. Plants that we may find useless can actually come to life like monsters — trees uprooted with deadly branches swinging with every move it takes, ready to swipe anything or anyone and what else can be found under the ground? Mind answering that question, my Queen?" The Queen shudders and quietly moved towards the huddled kids who are not bothered at all and are now waiting for her answer. What is wrong with these children, she thought to herself. Mildred continued talking making the Queen to look back at her grinning face. "Oh well, here's a clue. They are once living among us but are now resting underneath us — silently and un-moving. What are they?" Queen Alexandria gasps when a pair of muscular arms wraps around her waist, hoisting her up and making her scream bloody murder. Prince Onyx covered Halsey's ears while she does the same to him, grinning at each other. "Magnus! Bloody hell-ephant! You almost gave me a heart attack!" The Queen said, pointing a finger at the laughing King. "Don't you laught at ... Mildred? Oh god, stop laughing!" King Magnus cackled once more and smacks his knee. "My apologies, my love. I just can't resist since you look so scared listening to whatever Mildred is saying." "Milly is telling us the story about the elementals, Papa." Queen Alexandria rolls her eyes. "And I was about to answer her question when you bloody scare the s**t-ake mushroom out of me." "Oh please." The King said and look directly at Mildred. "What is the question that got my wife almost running to the hills?" The Queen scoffed and folded her arms across her chest before sending a huff to the teasing King. "I am not scared. Right, kids?" Prince Onyx and Halsey didn't even answer making the King laugh before covering it with a cough by the way the Queen looks at him. Thank you for your cooperation, kids. Mildred claps both her hands together creating a loud sound that made all of the attention goes to her. The kids smiled knowingly. "Here is the question, your highness. What can be found under ground? I'll give you a clue. They are once living among us but are now resting underneath us — silently and un-moving... answer it now so that I can proceed to my story." King Magnus eyes widened. "What is this story about again?" "The Elementals! And the answer is corpses of the dead." both Prince Onyx and Halsey exclaimed at the same time. "They can summon the dead to fight for them. Like good zombies." Now the King and Queen stood horrified, clutching each others hand while staring at the two kids who are now smiling at them. "Please continue with the story, mother." Halsey said, ignoring the whispering of King Magnus to his wife that sounded like 'It's not finished yet? I don't want to be here anymore, my love. How can I run to the hills when we don't even have any hills here.' Prince Onyx snickers and leaned his head on his friend's shoulder. "Okay, where are we? Oh yes! The Earth elementals eyes are a wonderful sight to see, no pun intended. Two different colors on each eye — one green and one brown. Air and Earth combined can make sand storms and many more. And lastly, the water elemental that are controlled by humans. Another powerful being that can summon the highest waves on the sea that can erase an entire city to it's existence, the strongest hurricanes that can kill thousands and snow storms with hale bigger than a baseball. Air and Water elementals are one of the catastrophic ones. Especially, with their powers combined can create the most deadliest outcomes." Mildred leans forward, eyes darting between the two kids and the still horrified adults. "Imagine all those powers being controlled by one person. If that's the case, I wouldn't want to be at the end of that persons wrath. But it's just a legend. Just a story told by my great grandmother to my grandmother who passes it down to my mother and to me who is now telling it to all of you." She leans even more further almost falling to her seat. "Is it just a legend or not." The two kids claps their hands, happy that their favorite story has ended or has it? While Mildred glanced at the King and Queen who are still wide eyed and pale. She laughs when King Magnus said, "I hope it's just a legend." Oh, how terribly wrong he was.

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