Chapter Two

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I've been told a thousand of times back when I was just a little girl and up until now, that everyone in the kingdom wants me to be the prince's destined mate. I'm still wondering why they would want someone to be tied down to a person like Prince Onyx who only cares about himself and the crown. Yes, we've been friends - best of friends before, but that's all in the past. We both grew up and forgot what we had when we were just tiny little kids who doesn't care about anything unless it's play time or story time. Okay, naybe he forgot but I didn't. Maybe falling out of friendship is a part of growing up too. It hurts but it's the truth. Nothing is permanent in this world. Friendship included. They say, people come and go. But do you know what I say to those people? 'Why would they want to be a part of my life if they're going to leave me anyway?' Funny that the only person who left my side was Prince Onyx himself. What once a dynamic duo is now a single sarcastic person, that is me. Prince Onyx grew up as well, you know, a well-groomed prince or maybe a dog but what's the difference, right? I mean, he's still nice and approachable to anyone here at the kingdom unless it's me we're talking about. It's like something would switch inside of him whenever I'm around, especially when he's surrounded by his friends who are a bunch of jerks and bitches - ehem, sorry for the word but I'm not a liar. My mother on the other hand, still believes that we're still destined to be together. Even the King and the Queen themselves are on it too. I mean, is there like a hidden book that contains that awful information that Prince Onyx and I are - oh god - I can't even say the word - ugh, mates. It sounded so wrong. I might as well find it and burn it or maybe chuck it to the sea while screaming bloody murder? Yup, definitely the last one is the one that a person like me would do. I'm a savage. "What are you thinking in that tiny little head of yours, dear?" my mother asked, stirring a pot of pasta sauce while humming her favorite song. "I hope it's not about burning or maybe chucking something or someone into the ocean?" "Well that's even better than what I'm thinking, mother! But I don't think I would be able to lift Prince Onyx's ass and chuck him to the ocean. Burning him would suffice." I said, eyeing the fire burning from the scented candle that my mother lights every single day. "I'll need a much bigger fire than that one though." My mother laughs, thinking that I'm just joking. I'm serious as a rhinoceros. She went to where I'm sitting and drag the candle away from my eyes and place it on the farthest side of the counter. Far away from my tempted hands. "You and your wicked funny ways, Halsey." She lifted the spoon and points it at my direction. "But hate is just the same with love, dear. You can hate someone you love and still love them for who they are." "...or I'll just chuck myself into the water. Even better," I whispered to myself, reaching another unlit candle and began toying with it. "burn myself and chuck my body into the ocean." All of a sudden, the sound of a spoon hitting the counter top infront of me can be heard and may or may not have projectile a few chunks of tomato and beef at my face. Yum! Mother sent me a glare that doesn't scare me at all. We are talking about my mother here. Mildred the Healer. She can't hurt a single living thing in her lifetime. I even once saw her leave behind a cockroach alive and free to fly because 'it's a living thing, dear. I can't hurt a fly, what's the difference between the two.' A fly is a harmless, small and definitely not scary and won't make you scream and run as if your life depended on it, mother. So, she won't hurt me. I'm a cute little freaking cockroach or maybe a butterfly. Placing both of her hands on her hips. She looks at me with those piercing brown eyes. "What's with you and fire and the ocean? I swear, you scare me sometimes." Grabbing the spoon infront of her, I started licking the sauce while looking at her with a small grin on my face. "I scare myself sometimes too, mother." We both laughed. See, I'm scary and funny. My mother shakes her head before grabbing another clean spoon and continues stirring the sauce. "Why are you here again? Aren't you supposed to help -" My eyes widened. "Crap! I got to go." Standing up quickly as if I just burned myself. My mother's laughter continues to resonate around our house due to the fact that I'm running like a mad man while grabbing a few things from by bag and trying to put my shoes on at the same time. Who says, multi-tasking is impossible? At least my mother finds my distress quite amusing. Once I'm infront of the door I heard my mother yell "When you don't come back in time. I'll make sure to check if the Queen chucked you into the ocean for being late again." but was muffled with a giggle afterwards. Queen Alexandria is going to kill me. Slamming the front door I sprinted towards the gates of the castle. Slowing a little to catch my breath because let's be honest, I'm out of shape. Fatima, an old woman who has a huge scar on her face that was caused by an attack a few years ago approached me with a smile. Few werewolves stared at her and began whispering towards each other. Children run away and hides behind their mother who are also staring at the poor old woman. "Fatima, looking good ey!" I said, opening my arms and giving her a tight hug. The old woman started laughing happily, her arms tightened around me while I try to swing her around. This woman is heavy. I think I may have broken my back or something. Hooking my hand on her frail arm, we moved forward. "What have you been up to, Fatima?" The old woman laughs, lightly smacking my arm before answering. "Here and there, darling." We passed by a few teenagers that I'm friends with and they waved at Fatima who waved back in return. "Your friends are such darlings. Trevor helped me with my chores yesterday. That boy didn't even bother removing his clothes and charged towards my pigs. At the end, he didn't catch any of them but did end up with a mud bath." I spot Trevor from a far who is laughing on what his friend Brent had said. "That's Trev for you, Fatima." "I spoke with Prince Onyx the other day. The lad offered to help me go to the market but I declined. Such a good looking man and a prince at that will surely attract young she-wolves but I don't think he liked it." I hummed, looking away from the teasing eyes of the old woman. Not liking the topic anymore. "Didn't liked what? Being declined to help or attracting young she-wolves? I'm a hundred percent sure that it's not the latter, Fatima." "You sure about that?" she said, walking towards the gate. Her son, Felix who is a part of the guards greets her and briefly sent me a teasing smile. "The prince isn't that bad, Halsey." Fatima bobs her head in agreement and turns to her son. "Oh, Felix. It's hard to convince her that Prince Onyx is not what she thinks he is anymore. Come on now, son." They both started walking away from me, leaving me confused as to what she just said. "Oh and dear?" she glanced back at me and pointed at someone from the garden before tugging his grinning son. "The Queen is waiting for you." "Halsey! You're late, again." Oh crap.
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