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Bank my parents chose looked like castle. I never had been in this place, didn't remember here my parents ever. Assistant asked if I'm sure I wanna those two guys with me and I answered yes with full confidence "Have to check, bank policy" she was talking to me but her eyes were focused on Jimmy "We here for safety of my son fiancé" said uncle Jerry to got this girl attention. Jimmy even didn't notice was fully concentrated on me. We walked after her to room full of drawers from floor till ceiling. She checked number at same moment I put my key and she hers on 3 we opened locks. She helped put box on table and left us. Jimmy covered me with his body Jerry patted my shoulder. I closed my eyes and opened it. Inside were documents and envelopes with letters to me, to Jimmy and uncle Jerry and his mate Eleonor. I took all and read paper by paper. My mom left me some buildings they owned and found. I packed all in my bag. And played with envelope in my hands "On 3?"asked Jimmy and we looked inside. I had letter from mom and dad. They knew they will die. My dad gift let them saw part of future, also mine. Had some clues. Mom wrote that the best in relationship is conversation and at the end she add to remember that mate bond is unconditional. Dad was more specific with my future life. At the end wrote that me and my mate will. Always find each no matter time and distance. Did they knew something more and didn't wrote it. Jimmy had wide smile while reading his letter I tried check but he hid his note from my parents and closed his head. I even didn't look in uncle direction. I still felt bad about his mate. I kissed my letter and put it in my jacket. "Congrats Sothie of being rich" said sad uncle Jerry "Isn't it belongs to pack?" I put out documents in the car. "No we give part incomes to pack but you as hier got your own" I nodded and started wondering if I should gave half to George "It's only yours princess" It's annoying Jimmy - loud and clear ' I love you' I got answer by mind link. As Alpha said as fast we went to city same fast we got back. We put papers into safe in our room Jimmy and set new double code. We went for ours wolfs date to woods. I needed this time to think to read in my head this letters again. My parents knew they will die still didn't change that. Didn't write me what to do, just some clues and slogans. "Hey princess you wanna talk?" he asked on our walk to the creek "Doesn't my head threw what's inside?" I teased him. I didn't want to make him angry just thought it will be easier. "Nop" he said and I knew he was lying. "A lot to proces babe. I feel strange. My parents knew and did nothing to change their faith still not much in their words for me" I really was confused. I missed them so much. It's like dad saw things but it was done, just prepare what's ahead. "Strange I got list of tips how to deal with you" his chuckling was so sexy. When his messy hair bounced in rhythm of laugh, his large biceps and chest flow with it. I could stare at him and felt I was calming. Again one look on him and my feelings has changed. My medicine "share at least 5" I made puppies eyes. I was curious if a girl they knew is same woman I've become "Provide you sweets and things like that" I rolled my eyes and my lips made perfect grimace line. It wasn't time for jokes "they knew Sophie about us, they knew we strong personalities with flaws. Your dad wrote about 5 times quote 'make her talk' your mom add that you looovvveee blame yourself for things you not responsible for and quote 'talk kids' after that sweets will help" I squeezed his arm and he tucked me in gis grip. "We are and always will be great together Sothie I have no doubts" optimist! "And why is that?" I put up my head to find answer in my emerald doom. "why not Sothie, give me one reason that's it can't work. I can't find one" well I can help in that. So many things can go wrong between us. Mayby now I remember my youth but truth is I know nothing about Jimmy. We met for real week ago. What if in short time we won't like each other. What if imagin of who we are will be different from reality and it bring disappointment. Still all blame on my side! "My jealousy, I can't control it. My anger, my lack of confidence. Soon you may be tired of me" list was longer I didn't want sound like total looser. Most important I didn't feel like leader material, how be a Luna how help him run this pack with war in the way. "I'm jealous too. Your anger is sexy and soon I will learn deal with it. princess you are smart, talented and beautiful and you make me the happiest man on the planet. I can't be tired of that, and nothing tired me so don't worry" I could just kiss this guy, my guy. Our make out stopped our impatient wolfs we rolled eyes at the same time. But we've promised them time 'you got time till 4,we need eat before practice!' I was hursh for Emmanuel but I knew she will listen 'Yeah, yeah whatever' 'love you girl so much' she just purr to me. We shifted and she ran waving her tail to her love I found my meadow and on my own I cut from listening their date. Just dropped eye to see they happy game on the grass. I was supposed to think about my parents but my daydreaming was around Jimmy and what he just said. His belive in us, his love it touched me. And me so full of doubts. My parents wrote him truth I love blame myself even for things that didn't happen. We are great and I already assumed I will f****d it. This fear is dragging me down, that's why I'm so jealous and full of doubts. Two ways to handle it. Go with the flow as Jimmy does or slowly fighting my fears one by one. Mate bond is unconditional so both ways won't affected us. But do I wanna be this girl who is afraid of everything, no I don't. I messed up! He wanted go slow, gave us time to build something to know each and what I did! I marked him, I sentenced us for internity and now it was me who created problems 'Jimmy?' I made my decision 'Yup?' 'do you hear my thoughts even now?' 'Some' he sounded strange was he angry at me? 'I'm not, I feel some of your arguing with yourself but I don't know what you have decided' 'I love you Jimmy, I don't wanna waste time, I'm in complitly!' I was jumping on my meadow sure it was right decision. Once in my lifetime just let go all fears, and be happy 'I'm the luckiest man on the platenet! In whole gad damn universe!' after a moment I was in my body with control I looked around and couldn't see Jimmy 'Emm what's going on?' 'Look up' she growled at me. I looked up on water fall on top of it stood Blade when he saw I found him, he shifted. Jimmy jumped and screamed all the way down "Sotheana Thompson I love you" Loud splashed and no Jimmy. My amusement changed fast in fear I run to water and where was no sign of him without thinking I got to the cold water, before diving I felt strong grip dragging me under water. Managed take only some air and was under surface. I tried fight, freed myself until his lips were by my I realized it was Jimmy. Down the surface he kissed me. I surranded him with my legs and let him kiss me till we were breathless. I crocked my head to gave full access to my mouth. When we reached air I slapped Jimmy in arm just to hug him strong after. "Jeremiah Malroy the 3rd don't you dare do it ever again!" he started laugh and got back to kissing me. Taste of heaven. Without breaking the kiss we talked by mind link 'My fear Sothie is highs. I never jumped from this water fall always had lame excuse to avoid it. With you I beat this fear' I took my lips away and looked into his emeralds eyes as loud as I could screamed "I love you Jimmy" and while kissing we dived again. The best day in my life. On shore Jimmy laid me down on the grass and left thru my body path of wet kisses from ankle trough knee to my inner thigh straight to my wet v****a. Electricity and sparkles ran in my vains. I arched my back and catched grass in fists when I felt pure pleasure but than he just stopped and watched me "Don't torture me Jimmy" I mumbled meeting our gaze, he smirked and covered me with his warm body. His breath tickled my face "You so beautiful princess, so perfect" he watched my face and cleared it from hair before we kissed he got into me with one roughly slide and my inner walls clenched on his thick d**k. Our lips were hungry of each, he was hursh and rough he took my hands behind my head I lost whole control Just moved my hips in one rhythm with his. We were one. I felt I'm close to c****x and pressed him stronger with my legs "Come for me princess" he whispered and sucked my neck leaving wet marks on his way to my mark. I was moaning and saying his name soaking from pleasure. He slowed down and kissed me again. When I felt he was close to reach his o****m I trailed to his neck and suck his mark to bit it gently "f**k! So good Sothie, so good" he whispered to my ear and just laid on his elbows on me catching air. With finally free hands I played with his hair and draw patterns on his back with my fingers cherishing his soft skin and tensed muscles. "Can you sorry Emmanuel from me, I cut a little bit their date" he said smelling crook of my neck. "maybe after wolf training we let them have some fun? I've promised her as much as possible freedom time?" he looked at me examined my face "Sure. You wanna jump with me?" I giggled. We fought with our fears but this! Never! "don't be a chicken! Come" I didn't know how that happened but I climbed with him on this f*****g water fall and jumped all the way down we held our hands. I felt free and happy.

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