8. A playboy.

2014 Words
RUBY. The pleasant chirping of birds woke me up, and I found myself greeted by the beautiful sight of the rising sun. With a lazy yawn, I reluctantly got out of the cosy bed, instantly considering it one of my closest companions. After all, friends are meant to provide comfort, right? As I prepared to rush into the bathroom and get ready for school, a commotion outside the room piqued my curiosity. Opening the door, I discovered the maids diligently cleaning and dusting every corner, as if it were forbidden for a speck of dust to exist. I called one of the maids over to inquire. "What's with the thorough cleaning?" "Madam is hosting her closest friends and their children today, as she does every other month, ma'am," she politely replied, bowing her head so low that I worried about the strain on her neck. "No need to bow before me when you speak. Look at me and answer. Does this concern me at all?" I asked, hoping for a negative response. I couldn't handle any more spoiled brats or judgmental looks from anyone. "I don't know, ma'am," the maid replied, and I sighed, feeling the weight of exhaustion. "Alright then, thank you. You may go about your tasks," I said politely before closing my door. Hoping to make it to school before the so-called visitors arrived, I hurried into the bathroom. The school was my sanctuary. However, luck was never on my side, as I encountered Mrs Daniels immediately upon stepping out of my room, ready for school. She was scolding one of the maids about arranging her favourite flower vase properly. "And where do you think you're going dressed in those hideous, oversized trousers?" she asked, glaring at my jeans. "Today's Monday, ma'am... I have classes at the university. You know I just started my final year," I replied. "And you're going out like that? You shouldn't even be seen wandering around the house in that rag you call an outfit, let alone wearing it outside, where reporters are lurking, waiting for an opportunity to embarrass this family. Whether you like it or not, you are now a part of the Daniels family, and you should start acting like it. You have become a public figure," she lectured angrily, while I stared at her, already weary of her tirades. But that was merely a pause; she wasn't finished yet. "Furthermore, you're not going to school today. Go back into your room and make yourself presentable, and I don't care how you do it!" she snapped, glaring at me. "Um... I don't think you'll approve of most of my clothes, Mrs Daniels. I prefer to be comfortable," I responded. "Don't argue with a fashion icon, Ruby. In case you didn't realize, you are now living with celebrities, and the great Clara is never wrong when it comes to fashion. Besides, have you ever explored your closet? The clothes inside could sustain you for an entire year without repetition. So go, choose something from there, and try to look classy for once!" she concluded, striding away, her hips swaying in a manner that exuded elegance. Talk about an inflated ego! I trudged back into my room, seething with anger at myself for not eloping instead of surrendering to this wretched marriage. Opening my closet, I struggled to take in the sheer beauty of the clothes displayed before me. The closet was nearly as large as my former room, without exaggeration. On one side, a shoe rack boasted hundreds of high heels, sneakers, flats, and sandals. Although I knew I wouldn't be wearing many of those heels, as I was never a fan. Just as I had finally settled on one of the simple dresses in my closet, a knock echoed through my door. I hurried to open it and was greeted by Sarah and Mama, whom I welcomed inside with gratitude. Things were getting dull around here anyway. "We're here to clean your room, ma'am," Sarah said, beaming with a smile. "I thought I told you to call me Ruby," I corrected, my tone firm. "I'm sorry, ma'am... um... Ruby," she stuttered, while I chuckled softly. I suppose it would take some time for them to adjust. Mama, on the other hand, was comfortable with it. "I hope you're not planning on wearing that dress, Ruby. I don't want you to become a laughing stock in front of those spoiled brats you'll be meeting. Sarah, find something elegant yet simple," Mama instructed as Sarah began rummaging through the closet. "Thank you so much. Fashion is not my forte at all. By the way, is there anything I should know about these girls beforehand? I want to be prepared," I stated, pulling Mama to sit beside me on one of the fancy cushions. "Well, Mrs Daniels has three best friends, and they all come here with their daughters, all girls. Doctor Tasha is the closest to her, and her daughter happens to be the most irritating one. Plus, she has a huge crush on your husband," Mama explained in great detail. "Doctor Tasha? I believe I met a woman with that name at my dinner party. She acted all nice, but it was fake. I've seen people who don't like me in school act that way several times." "Well, you know the saying 'like mother, like daughter'? That applies to Doctor Tasha and her daughter, Lovett. Only Lovett is even worse than her mother. So don't be surprised by her fake smile, high-pitched voice, bratty whining, and judgmental stares. She's not hard to spot, as she's always clad in pink from head to toe. And I must add, an excessive amount of pink that makes her look rather plastic," Mama explained, gesturing animatedly, and we both laughed. "Tada! I found the perfect dress for you!" Sarah exclaimed with excitement, holding up a stunning flared yellow dress that seemed to illuminate the room. "I love it!" I exclaimed, thrilled by its simplicity and elegance, just as Mama had described. "I knew you would! Sarah here is a talented fashion designer and a fashionista herself. She's working here to save up enough money to start her clothing line," Mama shared, and Sarah nodded in agreement. "They pay you guys that well here?!" I asked, utterly surprised. "Yes, the pay is substantial. Do you know how many people applied for this job solely because of its generous compensation? They selected just thirty of us out of hundreds of applicants. It's all luck as they choose randomly. That's why they treat us like dirt and fire us for the slightest mistakes. But I don't care as long as they keep paying!" Sarah concluded, bouncing up and down with excitement. I admired her spirited attitude. After a few minutes, I descended the long staircase wearing the bright yellow dress and a gorgeous pair of black flats, opting for no makeup. Sarah and Mama showered me with compliments, assuring me that I looked beautiful and younger in the outfit, making me impervious to any other opinions. As I made my way to the door, the doorbell rang at the same time I bumped into Mrs Daniels. She seemed impressed by my attire but chose not to comment. Mentally, I thanked Sarah a hundred times. Walking past Mrs Daniels, I took it upon myself to open the door, even though one of the maids was already heading there. I managed to beat her to it. I swung the door open and found myself face to face with Dr Tasha and Lovett. I greeted the mother respectfully, slightly bending my knees, and exchanged a brief "hi" with the young girl, to which they both nodded. They walked in on their clacking high heels, heading towards Mrs Daniels with open arms, ready for an embrace. "Clara, dear, you have no idea how much I've missed you. I can't wait for our girl talk," Dr. Tasha squealed like a schoolgirl, while I fought the urge to cover my ears due to the high-pitched sound. "Same here, Tasha! And Lovett, how have you been, my beautiful goddaughter?" Mrs Daniels inquired, releasing her friend to embrace Lovett. I stood awkwardly, observing the whole scene. "I'm doing fine, Aunt Clara. And I can't help but wonder how you always manage to look so beautiful. You seem to get younger each day," Lovett commented in a high-pitched voice, while I rolled my eyes. "Oh, thank you, dear. You know just how to make this old woman blush," Mrs Daniels responded. Lovett smirked at me before acknowledging my presence. "So, I guess you're Toby's wife, Ruby, or something? I see you practically everywhere these days—social media, magazines, newspapers, TV, and so on. How are you coping with the newfound fame, Ruby?" "I feel the same, nothing new," I simply stated. "What? Try going out alone without an escort, and you'll know what I mean. It's not easy being famous, you know. I'm telling you from experience," she retorted. "Oh, you're famous? What do you do?" I genuinely asked, unaware of her identity. However, she assumed I was attempting to humiliate her. "Wait, what?! I'm an actress, and I was once Toby's girlfriend," she responded condescendingly as if it should be common knowledge. I ignored her claims of being an actress; I had never come across her in any movie. We all proceeded to the dining hall and took our seats. Soon, the other two women arrived with their daughters. None of them seemed to notice my presence as they chatted away. The maids began serving a variety of continental dishes, and I suddenly forgot about being unnoticed, focusing solely on the enticing food before me. Well, food was my third-best friend after books and my bed. I mean, who doesn't love food? It's simply satisfying. I began devouring my meal as soon as it was served, ignoring the perplexed looks I received from Lovett and her friends. "Why do you eat so much? Aren't you afraid of getting even fatter than you already are? Don't you worry about getting bloated?" one of the other girls sneered, but I simply ignored her. However, Lovett couldn't resist commenting. "You can't blame her. I bet she never had dishes like these in her parents' home, so she has to have her fill," Lovett remarked. "I beg your pardon? My family is not wretched or poor. My dad owns one of the best pharmaceutical companies, so don't even go there!" I snapped, returning my focus to my meal. "What pharmaceutical company? What's its name?" Lovett mocked, pretending innocence, as if she wasn't intentionally trying to get on my nerves. "RS Pharmaceuticals," I replied. "What the heck is that?" Lovett continued her mockery, feigning ignorance, while her friends laughed along. "I don't expect you to know. You're just an upcoming actress, after all," I said, smirking. Two can play this game. "Upcoming? Do you know how many blockbusters I've been in?" Lovett asked, clearly angered by my remark. "Oh? Too bad I haven't seen you in any," I retorted. Tension filled the table as Lovett's knuckles turned white with fury. Just then, Mrs Daniels broke the silence, her voice commanding attention. "Ruby, you do not get to be rude to our visitors! That is so inappropriate! Apologize to her immediately," Mrs. Daniels demanded, while I looked at her, saying nothing. If the situation were reversed, she would never have asked Lovett to apologize to me, I thought sadly. "Now!" Mrs Daniels snapped. "I... I'm sorry," I muttered. "What's that? I can't hear you," Lovett taunted, smirking. "I said I'm sorry," I repeated. "Oh, what is she sorry for?!" a masculine voice interjected, and we all turned towards the source. It was Toby. Lovett immediately stood up and hugged him, or rather, she pressed herself against him, as if trying to seduce him. I rolled my eyes, reminding myself to remain calm since there would be more of this to come. After all, he was just a playboy. A spoiled, rude, and egotistic playboy.
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