9. Who are you?

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RUBY. Weeks flew by, and before I knew it, I had been married to Toby for three weeks. We had moved out of the Daniels' mansion and into our own home, which was still excessively large for just the two of us. Chief Daniels seemed to believe that having a house to ourselves would provide more privacy. Privacy, huh? All that had transpired since we moved here was a series of arguments, mostly Toby shouting at me while I reluctantly obeyed his orders. It became even more unbearable when he expressed his disdain for books, something I couldn't live without. I mean, who hates books? It seemed like he was determined to make my life miserable. Feeling bored with the monotonous programs on the oversized TV, I turned it off and retired to my room. I was startled awake by the sound of laughter and voices. Checking the clock on the table, I realized it was already past twelve. I knew it must be Toby, as he consistently came home late every day. However, curiosity piqued within me as I heard another unfamiliar voice. Despite my inner voice urging me to ignore them and go back to sleep peacefully, I convinced myself that it was only proper to greet my husband's visitor. To my shock and humiliation, I discovered Toby and none other than Yasmin engaged in a passionate, aggressive kiss. Yasmin noticed me first and broke free from Toby's grasp, all the while sporting a devilish smile. "Uh... welcome," I managed to choke out, my heart sinking. I contemplated silently retreating to my room, shutting them out of my mind. But Toby abruptly halted me, "Hey, Duck! Where do you think you're going? Prepare something to eat for my baby and me. We're famished!" Couldn't she have done that for you, or better yet, why didn't you eat out with her before coming home? "Say it out loud, dumbass!" my inner voice screamed. Why did he take such delight in humiliating me? After spending the entire day with his baby, did he have to bring her into our home? Did he hold that much spite against me? My mind raced with countless questions, causing me to forget about Toby's request. However, he snapped me out of my thoughts with his loud voice as usual, eliciting a yelp of shock. "Have you suddenly gone deaf? Why are you still standing there?!" he thundered, and I hastily made my way into the kitchen. "She's such a dimwit. How do you even tolerate living with her? I can't fathom being with someone like her," Yasmin remarked. "I'm tired of her presence in this house, and it hasn't even been a month yet! She turns the whole place into a boring, putrid mess. I can't believe I'm stuck with her for years to come," Toby expressed in a voice filled with frustration, followed by Yasmin's giggles. "I'm so sorry, baby. Just remember that I'll always be here to brighten your day. Just think of her as a robot or a mannequin in your house, a mere showpiece," Yasmin advised, leading to Toby's deep laughter resonating through the house. Suddenly, I felt like a robot myself. After all, only robots obediently do as they are told without complaint. "And a showpiece too, just like that flower vase in the dining room," taunted my inner voice. "Shut the hell up!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I was losing my sanity, or rather, I had already lost it. Living in this house for less than three weeks had driven me to madness. I was now shouting and conversing with myself. After a few minutes, I managed to prepare pasta for Toby and Yasmin. Carrying the plates filled with food, I headed to the dining room, only to discover they weren't there where I had left them. Frustrated, I placed the food on the table and decided to check Toby's room. Once again, they were nowhere to be found. I was on the verge of giving up when I heard peculiar moans emanating from my room. Without bothering to knock, I swung the door open. After all, it was my room. Who knocks on their door, right? I was utterly shocked to find Yasmin and Toby engaged in an intimate act right on my bed. What an insult! How dare they! "Yes? How can I help you?" Toby questioned angrily. Yasmin, who was on top of him, paused and glared at me in annoyance. "Yes! You're in my room," I whispered. "So? Do you think I don't know that? I chose to have some fun here. It's just a damn room. Get the f**k out and sleep elsewhere!" Toby finally stood up, seething with anger. He forcefully threw me out of the room and slammed the door shut with such force that it reverberated throughout the entire house. Would it be acceptable for me to say that I despised Toby with an intense passion? Would it be acceptable for me to wish he were a pauper's son? Would it be acceptable for me to pray that his manhood suddenly vanished? Okay, would it also be acceptable for me to wish he became so hideous that he surpassed the ugliness of anyone in this world? I believe it would be more than acceptable. - - - - - - - - I woke up later than usual, thanks to their intentional loud cries and moans throughout the night that robbed me of precious sleep. Toby entered the room, his glare fixed on me. "Why are you sleeping in my room?" he asked rudely. "For the same reason you slept in mine!" I snapped back. "So? Aren't there any other rooms where you could have slept? How dare you bring your overweight, filthy body into my room and onto my bed? Have you forgotten my rules? Do not cross me!" He raised his voice even louder. I was already boiling with anger over what he had done the previous day. The fact that he dared to yell at me early in the morning for sleeping in his room was the final straw. He could sleep in my bed, even have s*x with another woman on it, and constantly intrude on my path, but I couldn't do the same. I wasn't foolish or naive to that extent. "Listen! I slept in this room, and that's that! You did something far worse. You had s*x in my room, s*x in my room! You're nothing but a conceited, rude jerk who doesn't deserve any of his possessions!" I said, seething with anger. His expression shifted from mere anger to boiling rage, but I didn't care. "Are you talking to me?" "Yes! I'm talking to you! What are you going to do about it? You don't deserve your wealth, your looks, your fame, or anything else. You don't deserve a single thing! You're an arrogant, disrespectful bastard who believes everything must be done your way! And your rules? To hell with your rules! Why can't you just act like a decent human being in this relationship? Fine, you hate me, I get it! But must you behave like a spoiled child every damn time? Your attitude reeks of arrogance, disrespect, and all sorts of unpleasantness. What is wrong with you?" I shouted, my words pouring out in a torrent. I had reached my limit with him acting as if he owned me. "Me?" he asked again. "Yes, you! Who do you think you are? Who the heck are you?! If it weren't for your last name, what would you be? What is your problem? What makes you think you can control me? Oh! Do you think that because I remain silent when you shout at me, it means I'm stupid? No, it doesn't! I only thought I needed to give you time to take this in, but look at me, Toby. Those high school days when you used to bully me because I had a foolish crush on you are long gone. I don't even care about you like that anymore, so stop giving yourself so much importance. You're not all that!" I snapped, surprised at the intensity of my outburst. I had kept it bottled up for far too long, and it needed to be released. This man had pushed me to my breaking point! "Oh! First, you agree to this pathetic marriage and trap me in it just for your selfish interests, and now you dare to gaslight me? Aren't you in this solely because your family is bankrupt? Aren't you practically selling yourself for money like the lowlife that you are?" Toby sneered, while I simply facepalmed. This man was the epitome of narcissism. He genuinely believed that the entire world revolved around his wealth, looks, and fame. "You know what? I'm done entertaining this. I'm done with your insults. I'm going to sleep in here until you go back to my room and remove the disgusting bed sheets that you had s*x on. Replace them with new ones. I'm done with your pathetic existence, and we need to establish some ground rules in this house too! You're not the only one with RULES! Now, get the hell out!"
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