Chapter 27: Director.

1078 Words
"See you later Shiro! I will call you when I get out as usual!" Michi leave the car and waved at me. I wave back and I immediately drive off. I look at my phone and there's a message from the Jewelry. Saying that both the Engagement Ring and Wedding bands have arrived. Now... I'm planning to actually pick all three up because... I'm afraid if I store it too long there. They're going to charge extra. So I will just pick it immediately and store it somewhere in the house. To be honest. I know where to store it. In my bag. Since Michi never check it because... There's no need to! So, I drive to the Jewelry store and wait for it to open. Couple minutes later. It opened. So I go into the Store and talk with them again. They hand me all three boxes and I immediately put it inside my bag and thanked them. Now, I go inside my car and Drive somewhere to waste time. After a couple hours of going stray for a bit. I go back to the Parking Lot on her Uni. "So... Marriage huh. To be honest, I can get married with her immediately after 17. So I need to be 17 first. And then go to the government official and get the documents. And after writing them down. We're Husband and Wife." It's pretty easy. I don't think I will go as far as going to rent some building. I will just host a dinner in the house or something. Invite my family over and eat together. Yup Yup. That's it... I do need to wait for Aunty and Uncle to come back... "Ah well. That's later problem. I've found the answer anyway..." I muttered. I take my bag and go out of the Car. I go inside the Uni lobby and talk to the front desk. I asked her where The Filming Class was. She tell me where it is and I ask her when can New Students can take the test. And she said that it's Next month. So that Means that I need to get ready for the next month. "I'm sorry. But how old are you?" "I'm 16. 17 in about a few months." "Hm... That means that you're in 2nd Year of High School right?" They asked. I shake my head. "I already graduate. I'm boosted. So I graduate really early. I think I graduate last year." I said. She nodded. I mean... It's rare for Boost student to only boost in High School. To be honest. In Middle School. I didn't boost at all because I didn't want it. But in High School, I take that offer to boost and graduate Super Early. "I see. Well then. If you give your Documents to the Director. He might let you go in. But, It's not always guaranteed." She said. I see. So I can try it. I don't think I will bribe him. Or should I? Frick... My Mind was corrupted... No good. I look at my watch and it's still 10. There's an hour left. I quickly go to the Director Office and knock on the door. "Come in." He said. I go inside the Room and there's this Old Man sitting on his table. He is wearing a really cool blue flannel shirt and he's wearing round glasses. He's already gray so, He's at least 50 something. "Hello. I never see you here." He said with a smile. "Ah. Yes. This is my first time..." "What are your business here?" He asked with a smile. He sounds really chill and calm. "Um... I'm waiting for my family. But then... I talk to the front desk about the Test. And she said that it will be held next month." "Yes. That is indeed correct. So, What is your problem?" He asked with a smile again. I take out my documents and offer it to him. "I'm wondering... If I show you this, Can I get inside without problem?" I asked him. He look at my Document. His eyes widened and then nodded. "100 All Across huh. You're Also Boosted. Your Knowledge is A, Your Attitude is A. Your Activeness is A as well... You also Graduate from the top High School." He look at me. "Young man. What's your name and who are your family that you want to visit?" He asked. "My name is Shiro Shirone. And my Family that I'm visiting is Michi Harone." I said. He nodded. He look at the Book and see Michi name. "Okay... So it's valid. But strangely. She's the only Daughter..." "Ah yes... Michi is the only daughter. But we are indeed a family." I said. He nodded. "Well then... Shiro right? What departments are you going to pick? Or majors?" He asked. I look at him and said. "Filming." I said. He look at me and look at Michi documents. "Are you following her?" He asked. I nodded. "You can say so Sir." "I see. Well then. Sure. If you can show me your Skills. I will try to get you in. Maybe squeeze you into her Semester as well." He said with a smile. I look at him and smile as well. "What kind of skills you want me to show Sir?" I asked. He immediately said. "Hm... Let's see... You can show your Acting, Director, Camera Handling anything goes. Or let me ask you this... Are you an Influencer or some sort?" He asked. Oh, That makes is really easy. "Yes. I'm an Influencer." "What are you influencing?" "I'm influencer in the Gaming Territory Sir." "Gaming you said? Well then... Maybe you can show your Skills in the Gaming Community. If you have the skills. You can maybe influence more gamer to go here. How about that?" He asked. I nodded. "You want to see my Gaming Highlight sir?" "Sure. Let me see how well it is." Okay. That's the thing. Now, if it's highlight. There's a lot of Highlight that I make myself. I take out my Laptop and almost take the Rings out. Which would be bad. I open it and immediately go through my Storage. I go to the Highlights Reels that I made for fun. "Here Sir. The Soundtrack that you hear is made by me, and the vocal is also me. Enjoy the Highlights." I said. He hit the space bar and the Highlights started.
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