Marry me

1171 Words
“Shawni!" Roy leaned back in his chair, roaring with laughter and beating his thigh in amusement. In the cosy corner of the restaurant by the river, the morning sunlight flooded in, painting the scene with a warm, golden hue. While outside life carried on as usual, inside the restaurant, Camila and Roy seemed occupied in their own world, with Roy continuing to tease about the previous night's events. Camila, not happy at all with his behaviour, shot him a sharp glare, hoisting her beer can in silence. "Don’t you dare to take that name again!" she demanded coldly. "You are the one who muttered that!" He chuckled, finding the situation rather amusing. “Who is this Shawni popping up in your head in the middle of the mission?” Frustration reaching the boiling point, she slammed the beer can hard on the table. “Whoever he is, it is none of your business. Now stop with the nonsense!” "Alright, alright!" Roy relented, grabbing the can and swiftly taking a gulp of beer. As Camila crossed her arms and leaned back, silencing Roy's discussion about Shawn, she found herself unable to shake off thoughts of the encounter. His face, illuminated by the flickering light of the alley, was imprinted in her memory so vividly that she couldn't dismiss her thoughts, not even for a moment. She was dragged back to her senses when a key was tossed onto her table, and a voice abruptly grabbed her attention, "What the hell were you two doing in that neighbourhood?" "Got her bike?" Roy glanced up at Mia, ignoring her queries. Taking a seat beside him, she grumbled, "Yeah, now spill it. What were you both doing there?" Lily, without uttering a word, grabbed a beer and downed it in a single gulp. Tossing the empty can into a nearby bin, she turned to Roy, demanding, "Any news about that man?" "He was found by the cops and taken to the hospital. But this morning, he fled from there," Roy gave the update. "Then why are you here?" She raised her brows. "Go and get him." The urgency in her voice cut through the air, emphasising the need for immediate action. "I doubt we'll discover him anytime soon and–" "Are you denying your job?" Camila squinted her eyes. “I didn’t say that!” The sense of being overlooked left Mia disappointed. "Are you both still running the operation to find Mega, even after a clear order from the boss to stay low?" "Sue the boss and his order. All I care about is my sister," Camila asserted, leaning back in her chair. "He said he will find her, right? Then why are you taking the risk?" Mia argued. "My sister is missing, Mia. I can't just sit around and wait for him to conduct his business and then go look for her. Camila declared with determination, emphasising the urgency of the situation. “I will find Mega despite his orders." Then she cast her gaze at Roy and questioned, “Are you leaving or not?” Rising to his feet, sensing her frustration, he assured, "I'm leaving.” “Roy, don’t! You're upsetting our boss,” Mia tried to persuade him. “Don’t you worry, Mia. You know I like playing with fire,” he said, saluting her with a mischievous grin. As Roy strolled past Camila, he suddenly doubled back, leaning in close to whisper in her ear, “After I find him, you need to tell me the story of Shawni!” "ROY!" she exclaimed, rising to confront him, but he had already disappeared from her sight, leaving behind a trail of laughter. Out of jealousy, Mia clenched her fist and swallowed hard. She struggled to contain the frustration brewing within her. Slumping back into her chair, Camila turned to Mia and said, “Thanks for bringing my bike back.” Shaking her head, Mia grumbled, “I am telling you, you are not doing the right thing.” “What would you do if your loved ones disappeared one day? Would you let it rest in the hands of a person who is not showing any effort?” “Boss is indeed giving his effort, you are just-”” “How?” “Um- he–” she stammered. Finding nothing in her defence, she got to her feet announcing, “I'm out of this.” Showing her to the exit, she said, “Oh! Please!” After she vanished from her sight, Camila shifted her gaze outside through the window. Her eyes widened finding Roy surrounded by police officers. Feeling a surge of urgency, she hastily made her way outside the restaurant. "Officer, I am telling you there has been some mistake," Camila heard Roy questioning the officers. "There is no mistake, you're under arrest for attempted murder!" replied the officer. “That is not true," His voice carried shock and disbelief. Camila attempted to approach them, but Roy signalled for her not to come closer. Reluctantly, she retreated to the restaurant and watched in anguish as he was forcibly pushed into the police car and driven away. Lost in her thoughts, a familiar figure caught her eye. Squinting, it didn't take long for her to recognize the stranger, Shawn leaning against the car and watching her. "Damn it!" she cursed under her breath, as she hustled outside the restaurant. However, before she could reach him, he swiftly got into his car and sped away. She reached her bike, its hum echoing as she departed from the restaurant's parking spot. Keeping close behind Shawn's car, she followed until he pulled into a parking spot. Parking her bike beside him, she hurried to catch up as he entered the elevator, just before the doors closed. Wasting no second, she looked up at him demanding, "What the hell do you want?" Leaning against the wall, he countered, "You have changed!” "Oh, come on, don't even start!" she retorted, rolling her eyes and looking away. "What do you expect of me then? To remain the same girl whose heart and feeling can be played like a doll?" "I'm sorry," his helpless whisper carried through the air, reaching her ears and tugging at her heart. Struggling to contain her emotions, she swallowed hard. A forced smile played on her lips as she muttered, "Ha! 'I'm sorry. Look who's saying sorry? The person who convinced me to elope with him and then never showed up. You must be kidding me!" Suddenly, he pinned her against the wall, his gaze piercing into hers. "I have something more than that.” “Go away, I need nothing from you!” she said, averting her gaze to the side. Gently he gripped her chin, and turning her face to him, he demanded, "Marry me." Well I cannot remain that same naive girl whose heart can be broken without any consent. ” “Marry me!” suddenly he demanded with no satisfying explanation.
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