CH. 39- Papafaria

1067 Words
A monster flying above the sky screeched, destroying multiple properties. Not only that, but it woke numerous citizens in their sleep. They walk outside their houses to see what the commotion was all about. When the people gaze up in the sky, all of them froze. Some got their phone and lived broadcasted the scene of the flying creature. Clint clicked his tongue upon seeing the current situation, not favoring them. “What should we do, Clint?" Jenna asks Clint gazing with hate at the monster. “Call the organization; we must control the spread of this monster.” After receiving her order, Jenna pulls her phone out and calls the organization. Clint steps forward but halfway through the door. He looked over his shoulder and spoke, “why the three of you not following?" “We want to see how powerful that thing before joining you," Blitz replied. “Yeah, we want to know if we are going to have a chance of winning. Or not, so we can retreat if needed." Lorenzo added. “Marcus, how about you.” Marcus turns his head away from Clint and whistles. “Seriously! Even you, Marcus! What the hell is wrong with you three.” But as they were arguing outside, the screams of people suddenly reverberated. The hunters immediately looked outside the window and gazed at the monster rushing towards the civilians. The people run far away from the are in horror. “Clint, the organization is working on blocking the social media apps. They're also trying to mislead the people who watched the Livestream.” “Also, I called for backup," Jenna added as she puts her phone back into her pocket. But after putting away her phone, she looks at the three hunters with an intimidating gaze. Lorenzo was the one who got scared by it. After all, Jenna beat his ass up earlier. So the trauma was still fresh in his mind. So in fear of experiencing the same fate because of her rage. Lorenzo steps forth. Seeing this, his two fellow hunters walk forward—side by side with Clint, the three walk outside the house. They are revealing themselves to the beast terrorizing the neighborhood. The beast sensing their presence, grinned and gaze at them. It flew near them and landed in their front just a few meters away from them. “Do you feel that?" Lorenzo asks his comrades. “Yeah, it's like an overflowing power that will destroy you. It's something that sends chills to my spine.” Blitz spoke as he looks at the monster. The monster is a six-foot-tall humanoid body, with the head of a frog, who has two big red eyes, almost near his head's size. He had wings similar to a bat. Scales covered his body which seems moist all the time. Then as the hunters gaze at the monster, something unexpected occurs. “So is this the hunter organization elites. How pathetic. I don't sense any threat from you five.” “It spoke!" Exclaimed Marcus. “What else did you think? I am not like any other monsters. I am a superior kind; you five should be proud since I am here to grace you people with my magnificent presence.” “Hey, your the one who attacks me in the parking lot, correct?” Clint asks the monster. “Yes, of course, and I have been disappointed since you were the rumored Big C. The hunter who killed the countless powerful monsters eating humans. However, I guess those monsters are also weak since I beat the crap out of you with ease.” A nerve appeared in Clint's forehead, hearing the monster's insult, which he retaliates angrily, “oh yeah! You were lucky cause you caught me off guard.” “Oh, lies, are we? Did I step on your pride somehow, Big C? Or all of the rumors about you were just rumors.” The monster replied. Clint didn't like every word the monster spouted. Clint replied, “Why don't we settle it in battle rather than words. You disgusting beast.” “I take that as a compliment, thank you. But as for you, fighting me alone in that state is immensely adds to my advantage. The five of you versus me is a fair fight.” “Then we're going to beat you and chop into pieces—you ugly amphibian reptile,” Jenna spoke, whipping her chains in anger. “Hahaha, engaging, then why don't we begin the dance. Be proud as the one who will take the five of your lives is me, Paparafia.” Marcus and Lorenzo laughed out loud after hearing the name of the monster. “Paparafia! What the hell is that name. It sounds like a pizza gimmick!” Lorenzo exclaimed as he tries to control his laughter. “How stupid, laughing at a warrior's name. Then I shall show you my power.” Paparafia raised his hand high above the air. Then the hunters facing him heard a screech behind them. The hunters gazed behind and saw the carcasses of the monsters they defeated raise back from the dead. Regenerating themselves, but another strange thing happened. The demons that the hunters chopped in half grew new limbs, turning themselves into two. “Seriously, we have to deal again with those guys,” Marcus spoke as he gazes at the bat-like monsters. “Not only them, but you also have to deal with me," Papafaria spoke as he spits out a viscous green goo. Which slowly raised and turned into a Papafaria Clone. But he was not done as he spits six more, now the hunters were fighting seven Papafaria and the bat-like creatures. “This doesn't look fair?" Lorenzo spoke as he gazes at the multiple enemies. “Jenna, how's the reinforcement? Any update when they wi arrive." “Sorry, Clint, but I had not inquired the organization about that. So we have to fight our way through till our backup arrives." “Guess that's the only choice we have right now. Marcus, Blitz, and Lorenzo, brace yourselves. Since this will be a more brutal fight than anything you had fought before.” Marcus grips his sword tightly as he gazes at the multiple enemies surrounding and outnumbering them. With his cursed ability limited to only two minutes, his worry was immeasurable.

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