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FOUR “Damn, God should forgive my manners; I was almost drooling over his voice on the phone! What the hell is wrong with me?” Amelia sad loudly as she face-palmed herself and Emma laughed really hard, Amelia was startled to hear her voice, she thought that she was still in her room, “I thought you were in your room, what are you doing here? Have you been listening to me the whole time?” She asked and Emma laughed as she tried to catch her breath. “Yes, may the Lord have mercy on you young lady, and yes I was here the whole time, in fact, you didn’t hear me because you were busy blushing over a professional call, who even does that and don’t forget the phone was on speaker and I heard everything, he has a nice voice by the way, point blank, I don’t want to beat around the bush, maybe you should start preparing and stop wasting time, remember, you have one hour, exactly one hour, your first day at work, I don’t think you would want to mess it up, so ticktack honey, we will talk about this when you come back.” She said and Amelia shook her head. Like Emma had just told her, she only had like roughly less than an hour to prepare and also make sure that she was in town on time. “Okay, my bad, it is just so confusing and I am confused right now, speaking of time, I have less than an hour, so as I go to the shower, will you please help me choose an outfit, I really don’t have time to start rummaging through my clothes you know? Please this is a request” she said with puppy eyes and Emma chuckled. “You do know that I would never say no to you, not when it comes to choosing an outfit for you, so you go the shower, you will find everything ready and don’t forget we have to talk about this when you come, he must be such a handsome young man.” she said as she winked and Amelia smiled in return “Thank you, you are heaven sent but don’t forget you have a boyfriend so you can’t be possibly crushing on people right now and my boss to precise, Ashton must hear of this.” “He doesn’t give a f**k about whom I have a crush on, so get your ass in the whoever and start preparing, I am not the one who will be late on their first day at work, at least make this day memorable, you are always messy and disorganized but at least be time conscious, it saves a lot of time.” She said with a wink and Amelia shrugged her shoulders. “Whatever Emma, you did not have to remind me about it though thank you, I can keep time you know that?” “Then stop wasting time, Amelia!” she said. “Okay ma’am.” Amelia said and raised her arms up I surrender then walked upstairs without uttering another word, besides being lazy, messy and disorganized, she could keep time really well and that was one good thing about her, she also had a big heart and not at one time had she been there for her best friend Emma but several times, isn’t that what friends are for after all?” Amelia got busy in the bathroom and she made sure that she was done within fifteen minutes, she walked out of the shower and into her room, found her clothes neatly put on the bed, it was a nice official high pencil skirt, a nicely ironed cream chiffon top with buttons at the front and some nice black heels beside the bed. She really does know how to match these things, I wouldn’t have known what to wear, I would still be stuck here contemplating on what to wear! Amelia said to herself as she went ahead to put the clothes on. After giving herself, one last look on the mirror, she walked out of her room looking satisfied, she did not even have time to do her makeup but decided to go with some nude lip-gloss to keep her lip wet, she had a black designer sling back on her shoulder to match her outfit. “You look like the boss herself.” Emma said to her as she walked downstairs. “If that is one way of giving me a nice compliment then thank you Emma and thank you for choosing this outfit for me, but I have to be on my way, I have exactly twenty-five minutes to get my ass to work and I hope there will be no traffic today because if there is, then I am doomed, I can’t just waste this one opportunity that my sister went through nail and to find for me, I will see you later.” She said and started walking towards the main door. “I like the way you have tied your hair up in a ponytail, it makes you look like a teenager.” Emma said “Thank you, Emma; I don’t have time for these endless compliments bye.” “The least you can do is saying thank you again Amelia!” she shouted. “I already said that countless times, Emma, goodbye.” She half shouted at her as she got into her car and drove out of the compound and off to the main road, she turned on her Google Maps and keyed in the address that Cullen had sent to her email, it was approximately twenty minutes to get to the company premises and she only hoped that she got there in time. After driving for about twenty minutes, she finally saw the big lettered word SMITH’S ART MUSEUM COMPANY printed high up on the building, she was a few minutes late buts he had managed to get there on time, she was driving half crazily on the road, she drove into the compound and parked her car. She turned off the ignition, got out of the car and took her bag with her, she made sure that she had everything she needed in her bag and locked the car before walking towards the main entrance, she stood at the entrance for a few seconds while scanning the environment then took a deep breath before waking into the building, the first thing she noticed was how perfect and nice the inside looked, it had several arts inside and sculptures placed carefully behind the glass walls, she liked the place already and since she was a fan of arts and loved everything to do with arts, she smiled and said, “i know I am in the right place.” “Excuse me ma’am, how can I help you?” she was startled by a female voice, the receptionist who was watching her all the time. “Oh, my name is Amelia Watson and I am here to see your boss, Mr. Smith, I am sorry I just got caught up staring at the arts and the sculptress and they are very beautiful.” She said with a smile but the receptionist did not smile back Rude! “Yes, most of the people find them beautiful and they are beautiful in deed, you are not the only person to stare at them the moment you walked in, so as I was saying, how may I help you?” She asked and Amelia shook her head, she had met a lot of ladies with an attitude including her own self, but she was quick to notice that the receptionist did not like her. “I think I just told you that I am here to see your boss, Mr. Smith.” “Oh it might have escaped my mind, or maybe I did not catch that, so do you have an appointment or what are you here to talk to him about? You know you can just tell me and then I will give him a call” she said and Amelia sighed. “I don’t have an appointment but he knows that I am here, would you please give him a call and tell him that I am here, I would like to see him personally because the reason as to why I am here is also personal, I don’t think your work is to relay messages to your boss, he has a personal assistant to help him with that” she said and the receptionist gave her a glare, if she was going to be rude to her for no reason then Amelia was as well as going to treat her the same way. “That was unnecessary but sorry to disappoint you, he is busy, and he cannot see you without an appointment, so you can book an appointment and maybe come back tomorrow when he is less busy.” She said and Amelia chuckled. “You see, I am not that type of a girl to be intimidated by people like you, I don’t get why you are so rude at me and we are just meeting for the first time, what is it with you anyway?” she decided to ask. “Your kind is always troublesome and let me tell you one thing, if you are here to seduce him, then I think you are at the wrong place, you don’t want to mess with me.” She said and Amelia laughed so hard that the people around turned to stare at her. “I can’t imagine that you refused to let me see him just because you think I am after him, honey you are mistaken, some of us are here to work and not to follow some stupid flings, so, maybe I should just call his phone and tell him that you didn’t want to let me see him.” She said and without hesitation dialed Cullen’s number, it rung twice before he picked it. “Hello, Mr. Smith, I am here and the receptionist won’t let me see you, she says that I must have an appointment to see you and that you are busy so I should come back tomorrow maybe when you are less busy.” She said and the receptionist turned to look at her, shock written all over her face. “Don’t worry about her, I am coming down myself, just give me a few minutes, I will be there.” He said and hung up. “You see, I told you it wasn’t so hard to talk to him, anyway he is on his way downstairs and maybe you should start packing your things because maybe who knows? You might lose your job, anyway I am just kidding, sorry for wasting your time, and I will wait for him on the couch.” She said with a sly smile on her face “Bitch.” The receptionist said under her voice. “Don’t worry honey, you are yet to see the whole side of me, bitch.” She said with a wink and then walked away.
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