
1647 Words
JADA SAT down the chair in front of Edrus Crest’s desk, crossing her legs. She placed a thick, small envelope on the table and pushed it across the desk. Crest grinned and snatched the envelope. He peeked inside it. He flicked his thumb through the bundle of paper bills inside and silently counted in his head. Pleased, he chuckled and shoved the envelope in his drawer, locking it with a key that was attached to a rod on his belt afterward. He crossed his fingers and rested his arms over the furniture, smiling at the woman in front of him. “Boris sent you?” He asked. Jada lifted his chin. “No, I came on my own.” Edrus raised one of his brows. “Really? It’s not every day I make transactions with vampire assistants who have money on their own,” he remarked. “Octavius must be paying you well.” “I’m not here to chat, Crest. Do you have the information I need?” Edrus laughed and tipped his chair to reach the folder that was sitting on top of a filing cabinet next to a cherry wood shelf. Jada stared at the envelope like a prize. She had been waiting for days to get this information. She simply could not ask around in Courthall. Despite being an assistant to an important member of the legislature, she has no privilege asking about the thing she came here for. It’s something that can only be requested by a member of the council in person to the blood being who held the highest authority, Magnus Rogliesvania. It has probably been a month ago when Boris asked her to visit Müller’s bordello to settle the amount the money-grabbing human was charging his boss for the damage he did from his last visit. There, she heard the s*x workers talking about Boris’s brother, Godric, and a human who apparently had started working for the younger vampire. It shouldn’t be a big deal. Vampires usually employ humans for servant tasks from time to time as long as that human can swear to keep the identity of the blood being they will be working for as a secret. It was the same for her before when she first started working for Boris. But something that the workers said bothered her. The younger Octavius was mad that Muller almost told the woman that he was a vampire. So he was keeping the fact that he was a vampire from her? What was going on in his head that he decided to hire a human and wants to keep his bloodthirsty nature hidden from that person? Her curiosity led her to a non-aristocrat vampire who runs a tavern near the border of Woodfort. She agreed to let the man have s*x with her in order to gather information about the woman. That was the first time that she heard about a spellblood. Apparently, a spellblood is a special human blood that runs in one family lineage. The elder vampires thought the lineage died thousands of years ago. So, the vampire was surprised when he overheard someone talking about a spellblood in Clairhill, and how other vampires were disappointed when they found that Octavius had claimed the spellblood for himself. Jada remembers clearly what the middle-aged looking vampire told him. “You will hear a lot of things about a spellblood. The thing is no one really got to experience what it’s like to keep one, or feed off of one, because spellbloods are very rare. But what I’ll tell you is not just a rumor. A spellblood can be both beneficial and dangerous to a vampire,” the man told her as she was straddling him. Jada was no longer moving on top of him, but he demanded to let her sit over his erection as her thick lust continues to drip between her thighs. “What do you mean?” She asked. “I thought you said spellbloods will make a vampire strong when they drink their blood.” “Yes, and it’s true.” The man pinched her n*****s and rolled the hard bud between his fingers. “But even though a spellblood can make a vampire strong, there is one invalidated effect.” “Invalidated?” “No one really got to drink a spellblood except the pharaoh that ruled Egypt for a thousand years. No one can say for sure. But some accounts say a spellblood cost him is immortality.” She was astounded. “What—A vampire who will drink a spellblood will die?” “A vampire’s immortal essence will slowly fade as one keeps feeding off of a spellblood. Yes, they will have incomparable strength as they do it, it will be almost impossible to defeat them even by an entire army, but they will no longer be able to heal wounds on their own. A fatal injury can kill them. A vampire will remain a vampire, but they will become as vulnerable to pain as humans.” After what she found out, she decided to tell Boris that a spellblood sounds like a bad thing when he started insisting that he wants to obtain Godric’s new assistant, thinking Boris knows a thing or two about spellbloods. But it only made him more and more curious. Jada couldn’t simply tell him that she knows a spellblood might be dangerous to his kind, because he would have an idea that she’s doing a little investigating on her own and human assistants are prohibited to carry out tasks not given by their vampire masters. It will only put her in a difficult situation. She must find out something about a spellblood that would benefit her, and if possible make the spellblood gone. The only way to make it happen is to get help from the infamous problem-solver, Edrus Crest. “It was pretty difficult to get this information because even the council was tight-lipped about the matter.” Edrus slapped the folder on his desk. “Why do you need information about this anyway?” “Are you paying me to answer that question?” Jada retorted. Edrus cackled. “Witty. I like girls like you.” Jada dismissed Crest’s comment and waited for him to hand over the folder. “Be careful with this information, beautiful. You will not like the repercussions of your investigation when someone from the council finds out.” Jada snatched the folder from Crest’s hands before he could completely hand it to her. “I’m aware of that. I paid you, so I trust that you will not rat.” Edrus just tilted his head. “My lips are sealed.” He pressed his forefinger and thumb together and drew a line across his lips like he was closing a zipper. Jada got up and strutted out of Edrus Crest’s office and headed straight for her car in the parking lot. She stayed behind the wheel while going through the document, carefully reading the information written on the paperwork. An uneasy smile appeared on her lips. “So, this is how I can get rid of you, spellblood.” BORIS GLANCED over his shoulder when he heard the door opened. He was in his majestic bath, pondering about recent events. The discovery of what a spellblood is has been in his head for the last few days. He had crafted plans to get the woman, but none of it has been fleshed out. And he couldn’t really confide about it to anyone because he’s afraid they may try to sabotage him and get the spellblood themselves, too. Just how lucky was his bastard of a brother is to find a spellblood. He should have learned all about it long ago. The silent steps of the person coming into the bath were very audible in Boris’s hypersensitive senses. Despite being barefoot, he could hear Jada’s steps on the marble floor. “You’re always out lately. Are you seeing someone?” He jested. “How can you say that? I only belong to you,” Jada purred. He looked up at her. “Get in,” he invited. Without much convincing, Jada started stripping off her clothes. When she was fully naked, she stepped inside the huge marble tub and leaned against Boris. The vampire immediately caught one of her n*****s with his lips, grazing the edge of his teeth on her areola. “You’re supposed to start seeing someone by now so that my next assistant will come from you,” he said. Jada bit her lips in frustration. She didn’t want that. Once a human assistant started creating an intimate relationship with another human, any and all kinds of intimacy that the assistant is sharing with their vampire boss stops immediately. She didn’t want to stop doing it with Boris. Nobody can compare to a vampire in bed, how can she even consider seeing someone else? She lowered her face to claim his lips. “I will not leave your side, Boris. I don’t mind if you get sick of me.” He chuckled. “When you’re a bit older, you will change your mind.” “I won’t. You can count on that.” She pushed his shaft inside her and starts sliding up and down his erection. She put both hands on his shoulder and threw her head back as she pumped her hips on top of him. The bath was slowly filled with her lustful moans, she wasn’t holding herself back. Every servant in the household knows that she’s letting Boris use her body anyway. What else is there to hide? She kept moaning loudly, calling out his name. Boris pressed his mouth on her sternum and followed her rhythm. The splash of the water was audible across the room except for their labored breathing.
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