A Walk on the Grounds

1027 Words
I finished my breakfast "A rouge, never, the old alphas knew me, I was never to be attacked or harmed in any way and in return...and if an alpha needed me, or my herbal knowledge, I would help, with my own reservations of course." "reservations?" he asked quietly, like he was in a daze. The beta and his Luna exchanged worried looks. "Yes, since I serve all packs that need me, I don't take sides...so for example I wouldn't give Alpha One a poison to give to Alpha Two so the first one could take over both packs." I pushed back on my chair and stood up "I'm checking on your other pack members, a little deal your father....well maybe your grandfather even...and I had." The Beta stood and when he saw the Alpha didn't he gave a bit of a smack to the back of his head, only to be given a "huh? what?" by Thorn...I sighed and headed out with my staff and cloak, the alpha jogged a bit to catch up. "what do you think you're doing?" he asked, finally out of his stupid daze, all I could tell was he was thinking about something blue...sighing i replied "It's a deal i had with the previous Alpha....and you better have kept it too." I walked down the stairs and headed immediately to the Omega pack house, the grounds were still laid out the same, with the alpha, his Luna, beta and his Luna, plus  some staff in the main house...which used to be a castle, then to the Left was the Omega pack house, divided between mated couples in the east wing and unmated females on the north wing with unmated males on the south wing. Naturally the omegas do the lower tasks the cleaning the cooking, some were scout warriors, things like that, but I still expected them to be treated with dignity. Entering into the west side, I saw it was very clean, further walking in I smelled food, they had their breakfast last, following the sent I found several very happy Omegas playing around chatting and eating normally. I masked my sent and started up in the living quarters, leaving the Alpha and his Beta behind so they couldn't follow me. I walked to the highest part of the building and opened the secret attic entrance that apparently stayed a secret, the layers of dust every where, no foot prints had been up here, I closed the door quietly. A small window was available to be opened here so i beat-dusted a blanket and a pillow that hadn't been touched since the last time I was here. I sat the pillow on the blanket in the middle of the room and sat on the pillow. If a person was sitting with me it would have looked very beautiful, even in it's untouched state. I let deep breathing guide me into meditation. I let myself enter a sort of spiritual mode, my body turned purple and glowed a blue colour with a white "full moon" lined in black on my forehead, and emerging from chest were two wolves, a pure black one with a waning crescent moon and a blue glow, while the other wolf was a white with a sort of purple glow and a waxing crescent moon opposite the black one. In a flash they were gone, I had sent them  to look through rooms and cracks, nooks, crannies, anywhere to see if anyone was being mistreated. The wolves came back to me and in a flash of a bright spiritual light, my wolves returned and with them the knowledge of everything in the Omega house. I opened the door and made my way down the stairs to the doors, no longer hiding my sent or powers so naturally when i went down to the commons room, where the Omegas had a nice set up of furniture, 2 televisions, a few game tables, and a standard looking swimming pool. They all seemed to be having a good time and in high spirits, with a quick glance over them, some males had mild injuries probably from training, none of them would look me in the eye, which is fine that's how they are told to do unless they are spoken to, none of the females have any injuries and no one seemed to be getting bullied and they all seemed to have equal privileges here in their own area. The alpha looked a bit uncertain, but I moved past him quickly and with a rather stern look, continued my looking on the grounds, in the back of the Omega house was a split garden for regular seasoning herbs and the other side had some vegetables growing, not enough for the whole, now much larger than before, pack, but rather like someone's hobby, and since it didn't look disturbed or torn up, I guessed the person or people tending this garden weren't bullied or cast out from normalcy. The next area I wandered to, with the very confused alpha following, was the Gamma house, or 3rd and 4th ranked in the pack line. Most of these were excellent fighters, and were on the front line if another pack came in to attack. Walking up to this house, the main entrance was a training grounds, I saw a few Omegas training here too, they had an array of different types of training, as I walked around the training grounds, there was hand-to-hand, stealth training, obstetrical courses, and looking inside a shed attached to the main house, there was electrical things, cameras, trip wires, certain things on the computer that blew up smoke bombs, nets and other things. Thorn must have made up his mind when he added the other pack that he was going to be keeping them together. I got more weird glances and stares as the alpha jogged to keep up with me, saying various phrases like "you shouldn't go there" and " that's off limits." Like I cared about what he said, I'm making sure everyone is treated with dignity here, after all that was the promise made to me.
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