A Promise Kept

1025 Words
~Shaman's P.O.V~ After checking the members of this pack, which grew a lot compared to years ago, they all seemed to be treated just fine, I saw no abuse going on and a very happy over all pack, even with the merge everyone seemed happy. I had been called to many packs before and had seen much abuse, but there was only one pack that had a pure intention alpha, and now with the merge, I should have known that would have happened but I never would have imagined it as smooth as this, the Alpha and Betta are like brothers it seems. This was a promise kept, I need to force this agreement on every pack now that I see the results here, perhaps I should attend the next meeting of Council of Nine and make it known that I'm here again, if this little runt didn't know who I was, I'm sure the new alphas don't either. They should all know I'm not a force to be trifled with, and what a powerful ally I would be if they keep their end of the bargain too. I sighed as the sunset and the moon shown bright, as I got in a meditative sitting pose, I released my wolves again, this time to look everywhere on the grounds and observe how this pack functions and find weaknesses. The spiritual wolves can't be detected by anyone other than someone who is a very spiritual being, like many older werewolves and even some humans. My white wolf stayed close to the pack houses and the pack village, most packs have their own villages now with their own clubs and stores and doctors. My black spirit wolf however was going into the surrounding forest and watching the scouts do their works. I saw happy pack members in the pack houses, all having fun, some Omegas were hanging out and having dinner with their Gamma friends and vice-versa, the couples that wished to have their own houses with their kids showed no signs of abuse, they all seemed happy and cheerful, I know not every day is like this and there would be arguments and fights but it seems this new alpha has done a good job of keeping everyone settled. My black wolf was watching the scouts pace through the forests, someone seemed very suspicious, my wolf followed him to the lake where I was found, and the scout transformed back into a human, and another man came from the forest opposite the lake. "Did anyone follow you?" the man asked "No, you?" the scout responded. "Good, let's get down to business." they both turned back into their wolf form and went behind the waterfall. I called both my wolves back and let myself think over what I had seen. i thought hard on what they had done, were they scheming? I just left it alone, after hearing a knock on my door and a younger woman's voice asking if I wanted dinner. It was one of the Omegas employed as a maid. I opened the door and she had her hand out toward the stairs with her head down a bit. "Thank you," i said as I shut my door and went down the stairs, she followed. I sat again to the right of the Alpha this time the Beta and his Luna knew it would happen, I guess the Alpha told him to humor me for a bit. As the plates were served, and everyone ate, it was really quiet until finally Thorn asked "Do you have a mate?" It caught me off guard, and clearly everyone else as well. I choked a bit on my tea, "such an odd question....but no, Shamans don't get a mate." I heard gasps escape the room. "Since you kept your packs promise to me, I will answer any questions you wish to ask me." I put my tea down, looking at the Alpha beside me. "Why don't you have a mate? Surly the moongodd..." I stopped him with my hand held up. "The Moon Goddess gives the Shaman a long life, power to rule where they want to, but that power takes a male and female side together, as such Shamans are born with 2 wolves, not wolves like you know, no.... these are spiritual wolves, a whole to the half that is normally given. As a completed pair, and kissed by the moon goddess at birth, I am able to do spiritual, herbal, medical, a well rounded amount of things, a power to heal and a power to harm. My master told be I should balance and only harm when i needed to, so far no alpha has tried to take up arms with me, if he did that would be a rather stupid thing on his part." i sighed, barely touching dinner. "I used to come to the lake on your pack line and get these rare mushrooms and that purple grass that grows on the edge of the lake for medicinal herbs, your father knew when it was me and the scouts just left me alone, often I would take a dip in the lake under the moon and even sleep there in the summer breeze, so now you can imagine my surprise and anger when I was interrupted in my gathering by your scouts, who should have known me." There was a long pause in the room finally the alpha broke the silence and said "I remember you with my father, in his bedchamber, it was glowing blue and I could only see through the c***k, but i remember after that night, my mother changed and she never spoke again either." He managed to sound much calmer since the first time when he accused me of a******y. I pushed the plate away from me, the room very silent, I knew what I did was what the old Alpha wanted and I knew that his Luna wouldn't have been the same, even though she'd rather have died that what I was tasked with doing. "Let me tell you what happened that night." I said quietly
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