Episode34-Wicked Act.

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Back at Antigon, Nimshi is sitting on the floor before the Queen in the palace. Swaying from side to side while rendering endless lines of incantations. The Queen quietly stamping her legs, she is uneasy. "How long do I've to remain a laughing stock, Nimshi?" She finally asks. "Rumours around the kingdom has it that, I am incapable of finding a mere boy." Abruptly standing, the grey regalia she is dressed in floats freely, forming a trail behind her as she walks. "Nimshi, you know that the rebels are getting stronger every day because they have hope. Hope that the boy will come back one day to fulfil the prophecy." She turns around, staring briefly at everything and everyone in there with them. Smiling, her eyes hit the tons of maids in black clothes and slaves chained up in ragged brown clothes. There is a gigantic statue of her a few feet away from her golden throne, cups, plates, mouldings of different kinds all in gold. Apart from those which are the only things that still have colours in them, the rest looks like life has left them. Withering, covered in cow webs and colourless. Nimshi interrupts her thoughts. Nimshi's eyes have turned all white. She looks like a thousand years old goddess. The false body she is wearing has flagged, revealing a very wicked looking woman with long dirty silver hair, long nails and layers upon layers of dirty sack-like apparel. "Patience, my Queen. It is only patience that can bring you victory and the revenge you so desire." "I no longer have the patience to give. I want results. To bring my enemies to their feet. I want the head of Omiri!" "A careless mistake can lead all my hard work to waste. Bear in mind that, I will never allow Rimalon to get away with what she did or allow this prophecy to be fulfilled even it is what ends me as a goddess." "Your loyalty is not in doubt. I am just tired of having the fear that all that I enjoy could be taken away from me at a snap of a finger. As long as that boy is not gone from our Kingdom, I cannot go to sleep with my eyes closed. I feel Iike I am being watched no matter how many guards I add to my Chambers." "Then I should make a protection spell for you and relaxation smoke," reaching for one of her fetish looking items. A skull and a mortar. "No, no. I don't need all that. What I want is news about Omiri. Any news at all. After all these years, I still feel that Antigona is wearing a smile on that her evil face where she might be. Why? Because she is willing. I even think that the more time we waste to strike, the more the boy gets stronger." "My Queen, you worry too much. The answers you seek are within. It is just a matter of time and Patience. Don't forget that Omiri is guided and cloaked with the most powerful magic and powers that have ever been seen in Antigon. Bit by bit, we weaken it so that when you finally strike, history will not repeat itself." "As you instruct, Nimshi, I see knowledge and wise counselling in what you say. l will not trouble you or me until you've said otherwise." She sits back on her throne. Head held up high, back thrown against the seat and her palm resting on her laps. Nimshi bows, "you shall not wait for long my Queen. He is doing the work for us. Making it even easier than I had proposed. You will get the blood of your enemies stained on your victory sword." Raising her head, one of her pots is gushing out smoke that has filed everywhere and is going high up in the sky. This pot has no fire of any sort beneath it. She returns to her incantation spot and resumes slow and indiscernible chanting. The doors to the Queen chambers opens on a figure, carrying a small sack, clambering with fear towards the Queen who is glaring at it. Getting closer it reveals itself. A slave who looks half dead or probably looks that way because he is before the Queen who he knows better not to offend. Reaching her foot, he bows. Dropping the sack that he had slung over his shoulder, "my Queen," he says, his words coming out in whispers. In a deep and resounding voice, "how dare a slave to show his face to me. Oh, I see that you are part of the rebel. No young man, no matter how you think that you could pass this arrogance because you are a boy, I'll turn a blind eye to it. You and your household shall serve as an example to us not to go against me." Standing in anger, "who let this filthy being into my chambers!" "B-but, my Queen, I have done nothing wrong. I only showed my face to you because of the news which I was sent to deliver to you personally." His entire body is trembling. Nimishi who has used magic to put away her tools now spoke. "My Queen, let us hear what the feeble corpse has to say. If he bears nothing but irrelevant news, then you can do with him as it pleases you. Whether he lives or dies, it only means more dinner," she says, snarling and hovering around the boy. "If you say so, Nimshi." Exhaling, she turns to the boy still scowling at him, "speak!" "Thank you, my Queen. And great Nimshi, you have shown nothing but your kindness." Raising his head a bit, he looks slightly at the Queen and continues, "oh my beloved Queen, the matter I've brought with me is not one that another ear shall hear. It is to be only heard by you. If you would permit, I shall deliver it in whispers to you." Looking lost in thought for a moment, Evalon looks at Nimshi who gives a slight bow, indicating that she should accept the boy's proposal. "My trusted advisor has agreed to it. You may come near and deliver this message that you so wish for me to hear. Know that your life and that of your family is on the line for whatever you have in mind shall either be rewarded kindly or punished severely. Do not be foolish to push me, you." Slowly standing, "yes, my Queen." He keeps fidgeting as he gets closer and closer to Evalon. He gets to her, Evalon with a lot of very written all over her gives her ears. The boy puts a hand to cover his mouth so that no one can make out what he is trying to tell the Queen. Whispering, "my name is Garland, I work as a cleaner here in the palace." "Get to the point," she says through gritted teeth. "Of course, of course, my Queen. I overheard a group of rebels talking about attacking the Palace Surin is the leader." "What?" She barks, the entire place shaking at her voice. "Can you defend such allegations?" "Yes, my Queen. I stole a copy of their attack map." Taking a few steps back, she looks at him from head to toe, "you are from the same Kingdom as Surin. Why would you, little boy, that despises me and everything that I stand for betrays your people for me?" "I have to protect my Queen at all cost. Even if it means putting my life on the line." "And why would you do that?" "Because I need to save myself and that of my mother." "You have just betrayed your Kindred to save yourself?" Pacing around a bit, "hmm, that is wise." "Thank you, my Queen." The boy smiles. In front of the boy, "that wasn't a compliment. It was foolish of you to betray your people. Thank you for the information. But, I can't trust someone who has no sense of loyalty. You do this to your clan just because of your unworthy and useless life is only a tick off that you will equally give me up to whosoever that can save your life without a second thought." Whimpering, "b-but...." he shutters "Silence!" Swiftly raising her hands, " your voice would not be heard or I had your tongue cut out and feed to my precious vultures. Soldiers!" "Yes, my Queen!" A battalion of soldiers in armour, shield and spare appears from the same door the boy had entered through, forming rolls with the commander in front. "Search him thoroughly. Retrieve whatever information you can from him. Squeeze it out if you have to. Attack the Airans. Kill even their animals, set their farms on fire and bring Surin before alive, before nightfall. Go!" "Yes, my Queen!" *********************************** The soldiers from the places are riding on their horses approaching the city, hurrying through the city, destroying whatever they see on the jammed road as they go. Killing and burning whatever that jas life in it. There is an awful sight of what the soldiers have caused. It is a pity that Mael is no we're ready to take up his role. But if he doesn't hurry up and push himself beyond limits, he would hardly have anyone to save. Queen Evalon has made it a point of duty to deal with anyone who she perceives to be a threat to her. With the help of her evil witch, she is doing so well. The sound of whistles, drums and trumpets from the castle to the rest of the city. A sad and scared crowd has been rounded up by the soldiers, forcing everyone to stay in place against their will. They are gathered in a large cobblestone square at the heart of Antigone. A trumpet blows loudly more than the others have been playing. The crowd falls more silent, all that can be heard is the rhythmic beat of a drum. People shuffle trying to get a look at the scene that is about to take place. They know that occasions like this ended with someone dead at the end of it. A man whose eyes are begging for mercy is bound in chains and led across the square. The drumming stops and Queen Evalon appears at the balcony dominating the rest of the square. "Let this serve as a lesson to you all ..." staring briefly at the faces of the crowd beneath her, "for those of you that so wish to rebel and dethrone me, this will be your fate!" The expression on the crowds faces pale. Mothers hiding their children seeing whatever is about to happen and men gritting their teeth in anger. There is nothing much they can do. Even if they decide to fight her and rescue Surin who nothing much is left off, they are outnumbered and wouldn't stand a chance. Nimshi is watching the scene from a hidden window high above the square with a smile on her face and early pacing around. "Because I am a merciful Queen who puts the interest of my people before any other thing, I will show him mercy." There is an uproar amongst the crowd. A slight murmuring but still with an expression of disapproval on the faces of the crowd. "Silence!" She barks. "You will not disrespect your Queen who has been nothing but kind. Bring the prisoner forth that they will see what mercy I've shown and been grateful for it. A sudden drum rolls, the crowd leaning forward, straining to get sight of what is going to happen. Some of the crowd are evening climbing crates and whatsoever they can clamber up just to get a better view of what is happening. While some are interested and doesn't even bother to move an inch. Surin a handsome looking man that doesn't have much of that side left in him is dragged to the centre with his head bending over a wood. " I'll not punish not torture him. However, I'll give him a swift and painless death. Let this image be stored in your brain when next you want to question my authority. But I promise you that, this mercy I shall show no more next time." She raises her hand and lets it fall. A man with an axe follows suit and swings his axe. Suddenly, the once silent crowd stands up with a roar, wailing and lamenting at the terrible sight. Their efforts are once more silenced when the soldiers start beating them merciless with chains, rods and whatever they have in their hands. Avalon looks at what is being done to the crowd, smiles turn and walk away. Approaching Nimshi, Nimshi bows slightly before speaking. For some reason, her eyes are filled with delight. "Your actions will lounge fear deep into those who saw and everyone who hears." "What about the informant? What would become of him?" Avalon asks, walking slowly back to her chambers? "I need him. Keep him alive for now." "Whatever you wish, Nimshi. All I want are results. How they are achieved is not my problem. Solve what has been bothering me for the past eighteen years and I'll reward you greatly for your services." Nimshi, smiles and bows, saying nothing else. As the Queen fades out of sight, returning to her chambers, "it is you who I would reward greatly for her services," she says laughing hysterically.
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