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Mael didn't have a good night sleep. He kept tossing and turning until he could no longer lay down on the bed. He abruptly stands and starts pacing the room. As he is about to turn to the left, Eugene appears from nowhere, holding a wrapped envelope in his hand. "Oh, Eugene, you scared the living daylight out of me." Placing his hands on his chest. "I am sorry." "What brings you here so late?" "Ah, you have a message from Professor Mackenzie." "Really? It must be so urgent for her to have a letter delivered this late." He takes the white envelop that has an emerald now tie in front and a red seal. Opening it; Dear, Antigon. I have sensed that your soul is troubled. Come meet me at the Ground of Peace. There are things yet to be revealed. Eugene will guide you to the place. I am waiting. Professor Mackenzie. Mael hurriedly takes his robe off the hanger and walks with Eugene. Passing through Hunter, it hits Mael that he barely knows anything about messengers and since he has one, it is necessary for him to know. "Eugene?" "Yes, young master." "I would love for you to tell me everything there is to know about a messenger. How do you become one? How did you become one? Every tiny detail is welcome." Keeping quiet for a moment, he stops walking, turns and is at eye level with Mael. "No one has ever cared about details like that. Not even one person What matters is that they have a messenger and that is it for them." "I want to know," he mumbles. He resumes walking, "you do not just become a messenger, you get chosen. The council of twelve, well, technically eleven because the twelfth is missing...." "What are you talking about?" "Sorry, I mentioned it. That is not in my place to talk about. I'll get in trouble for discussing the affairs of the council. We are not allowed to do so." "That is fine." "So, when it gets decided, the messenger is formed. Drawing energy and strength from everything the master has a connection with. Your spirit guide, your spirit animal and your lucky gems. All of them will give you the capacity to realise your full potential once you connect with your messenger." "Interesting. How do I connect with you?" "We have already connected. You are extraordinary so that process took care of itself quickly." Changing the topic," do you think I am in trouble with professor Mackenzie?" "I don't know. I am just running errands. The details, I don't usually get the whole of it." "You don't ask questions? Disagree? I mean stand up for yourself?" "I have been created to obey and stay invisible." "There is no difference between you and my old life," Mael mumbles. "Welcome, Antigon." "Professor?" "You may go, Eugene. Thank you so much." Professor Mackenzie give an excited Eugene a small bow. Eugene reciprocates and disappears. "Am I in some kind of trouble?" Mael asks, looking concerned. "Not at all. This is a united decision." “Aren't we breaking the curfew rule?” “That we are doing but for a good cause.” Moving closer to the trees, “Antigon, what do you see when you look at this tree?” “Uhm, a tired-looking tree?” “Search deeper. More than what mere eyes would see.” Mael doesn't know what is expected of him to see. His concentration is weary. He hopes that this kind of demanding task would be over soon enough so that he can get back to his room. “Honestly, I…. Ouch!” A sharp, piercing and wavering pain pricks his head with a flash and blurry memory. “What is it?” He doubts if he can trust anyone just yet, not even professor Mackenzie. “Nothing,” he replies, waiting impatiently for this to be over with. Linking both hands behind her back, “this tree was once peaceful. It is the centre of all the magic that guides this school, the binding force. It is known as the Ground of Peace because it has maintained balance in this school for a long time. The sword of Peace buried underneath the tree is another binding force of our magic. Distort this place, and the school becomes unsafe and ordinary.” Looking at her with total confusion written all over his face. Why does everyone in this school speak in parables? Would it kill them to just go straight to the point? Make it clear and simple for someone to understand? So many secrets. So much trouble. “I am telling you this because your soul is disturbed just like the ground of peace has been disturbed, your spirit too is disturbed. You must focus and keep aside all distractions. Your mind must be clear, your spirit, collected and your body ready. You are not just for yourself, but for everyone. A great deal is expected of you.” “Yes, professor Mackenzie.” Faking a yawn. “I see that you are tired. Why don't you get some rest?” Before Mael could say anything, with a snap of her fingers, he was back to his room. Everything seems like a dream because it looks like he never stepped out of the room. “So much for saving the Kingdoms,” he gasps, head thrown back, hands clench around two pillows as he keeps writhing his legs. “ Ah, seriously. What do they want me to do? Beg them to talk to me in a language that I can understand? I am tired of all these parables. It is just so exhausting.” Lifting his covers so that his face is visible, “you know, some of us has to sleep to maintain this youthful glow. With the way you are ranting, I can't do that,” Duke glares at him. “I am sorry,” Mael mouths. Mael shoves his cover over him and tries to once more fall asleep, but that effort is futile. He could barely close his eyes. He keeps seeing the flash of memory that he had earlier seen. Blurry and lacking. Before he could even try once more to force himself back to sleep, the bell goes off. “Ugh!” Thanks to you, I didn't get any sleep,” Duke complains. Mael gets himself out of bed and ready to start his day. It feels like a thousand stones were laid on him since he didn't get any sleep and now his body is fighting him for that. Dragging his weak body to the shower, he switches on the water, waiting for the rush of that warm water that will soothe his nerve and relax every bit of his body. But it never came. Instead, a rush of cold water is what he felt at that chilly early hour of the morning. With so much anger he waves his hand to the left, concentrating seriously on all the shower heads. “Ah!” “Hot. Got.” “It is so hot.” Comes different voices of the student who are in the bathroom with Mael. He has used magic to turn all the water in that roll into hot water. But how? Just with his mind. “This is better,” Mael says. After a long hot bath, he dresses in his robe and goes to join Duke, Melody, and Harry for breakfast. “Someone decided to finally join us for breakfast,” Duke says to Mael. “You guys left me.” “Yeah, it took you forever to finish up. And, you know how I love breakfast, would want to miss it for anything in the world.” Harry says. "Besides, whatever nightmare you were having last night tired you out this morning. What did you dream about? “Forever? Nightmare? I can't remember anything.” “Not even a slight detail?” “Nothing at all. Just pitch black.” Putting his hands on the table, “what is going on with me? I feel that some part of my memory is being wiped.” “If it is happening, then that is serious.” “I know. It is awful not to remember a thing the next moment. This has never happened to me, and for it to start happening now is uncomfortable. Harry, you mentioned a nightmare. How do you know I was having a nightmare?” “Because as soon as your body touched the bed, you kept wrestling with something all night long.” “But Duke complained that I didn't let him sleep.” “Duke?” “Dude slept like a log of wood.” “I can hear you. Don't forget, I am still seated here with the both of you.” Duke, who has been absent in their conversation, finally joins. “Then who was I talking to? Duke didn't say anything? Even this morning?” “Nope, not at all. He said nothing. I had to even drag you both to the bathroom because you guys wouldn't just wake up.” “Hmm.” Could this two be pulling a prank on Mael because he was pretty sure that he heard Duke's voice. What is going on? “But there was an interesting incident in the bathroom this morning.” “What happened?” “We were all bathing with cold water and out of the blue, it turned to hot water. Just like magic. Maybe, someone is displeased with the early cold water that we are subjected to.” The dining bell starts ringing, they realise that they have spent their breakfast time talking instead of eating. Harry takes a little bread and juice, hiding them in his backpack. An uninterested Mael just strolls off without touching a thing. “Is Mael okay? He is too quiet.” Melody asks, Harry, joining them for class. Duke on the other hand has gone to his class. “He is fine. Just a little moody. Give him till afternoon, and we will have our boy back.” “Okay.” “What class are we having now?” Harry changes the topic. “Vampireology, Harry. I told you to get the timetable. One day, you will get in trouble for not knowing what class to attend.” “Did you say Vampirology?” Mael asks without looking at any of them in the eyes. He pauses from walking but still keeps his focus straight ahead, “Is he talking to me? I think he is communicating with an invisible being.” Melody jokes. “I am asking you both.” Mael turns his gaze to the two of them. “Oh, I thought you were having a mood. Yes, we are having SPORTS in Vampireology. Only the universe knows what that means.” “Then we should hurry. It is something to look forward to.”
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