4: Dicing Queen

1587 Words
Chapter 4 Dicing Queen 11:28 am Murder, Inc. Headquarter, somewhere underground “Oh, low lives, you have no idea how many times I have imagined this moment in my head,” Vira sings along as she brings out all her toys. Rows and rows to choose from, so many possibilities. But where should she starts? The muffled victims on the operating tables make her believe that she should create a performance to remember for. Covered from head to toe like a doctor entering an operating room, Vira knows that things are going to be bloody this night. She always stay calm and collected, though. There is no use for adrenaline. It is just going to make you dizzy and clumsy. Earlier on, she has managed to carry the two in and strap each of them into the operation tables. She purposely placed them on a line, so that they cannot see each other. She also does not forgot to play some classical at the background, so that they do not get bored. Beethoven, Sonata 11 in Bb Op.22 - III - Minuetto is playing. See? She can have manners too, if she chooses so. Approaching the knife section, she started with something in medium size. Her eyes land on a particular Cromova 18 stainless steel. It is lightweight and commonly used in the kitchen. She picks it up and stands beside Hecate, who has been chained down by the arms and legs. “Let’s start with you, ugliest. I don’t really like your face, so I’m going to cover it up a little bit.” There is no way that she can concentrate on her work with that hideous face staring at her. She hovers the knife on air, taunting Hecate by its sharpness. His eyes bulge, sweat starting to form on his wrinkled skin. She bets that he and his assistant are cursing her nonstop right now. Too bad she cannot hear them, but that’s okay. She does not like hearing people curse her anyway. Vira begins the progress by pressing the blade against the eyebrows. With excellent speed and calculation, she starts moving the knife in a zigzag pattern, bring it down to his chin. Once she is done, Vira stops to admire her work. The ugliest face has been painted red. Such a luscious color. If anyone has ever asked her years ago, she would not have dream of putting Hecate at the same league of compliment. Hecate kicks at random, trying to get his frustration out. Though it result nothing more than loud, inharmony noises. But he is starting to look like a fish that is about to be cut to pieces. “What do we have here?” Strapped down naked from the waist down, Vira ignores his disgusting, unkept physics and on to his targeted organ. His muffling gets louder when she grabs a hold of his testicles. “Don’t worry. I am known for my excellent dicing skills.” With one clean cut, Hecate goes from two testicles to ballsless. An agonizing scream erupts. It would have sound louder if it is not for the cloth she stuffed inside his wrinkly, hideous mouth. More kicking again. As the muffled scream goes more prominent, so does the blood that is pouring out from his wound. “Nice and easy. I think we got ourselves some fresh ingredients.” Vira tosses the meat into an aluminum basket and walks off, leaving Hecate to mourn his lost. On to Schlin, Vira undoes the b***h’s clothing with one vertical cut, opening her top. She places one hand on Schlin’s breast. Just like filleting a fish, Vira makes a cross cut on the withering woman. Blood begins to pool next to her, leaking from the cut meat. Mercilessly, the girl walks to the opposite side and does the same to the other breast. Wiping her knife clean with a piece of clothe, Vira sets it down for the night. After all, she has to maintain the condition of her instruments. “Let’s see. I got some new ingredients in my storage. I wonder what I should do with them? Any idea, puta? Oh, what’s that? You want it? You miss your fill? Hungry?” Vira glances at uglier. “You hear that, Hec? Your w***e misses you. Perhaps we could reunite the two of you in some way? Of course, I cannot let you off my chains. But,” Vira tries to think of something. “You can borrow her one of your body parts,” she later adds. The girl walks back towards her collection, grabbing a larger tool this time. When Hecate glances over, he sees his enemy standing at his side holding a drill in her hands. “Nooo!” He shakes his head frantically. “That’s right. We are going to give your puttana something to wrap around with. How’s a leg, Sch? Too big for you? An arm then? Yes?” She turns the engine on and holds the drill down. Blood splatters like a wild fountain as she detaches Hecate’s right arm. “A right arm for your right arm. Quite romantic, don’t you think?” she asks once the arm falls off the table. “You are mad! Mad!” “Oh, Hec. If you think that I am mad, that it surely proves that you haven’t been around much. Too bad you will never get to experience anything new outside these walls. Yes. Let me tell you an unspoken secret: You will die here. Both of you. Bronox will end under my hands.” Vira then turns to Schlin. She picks up the detached arm and pokes it against Schlin’s crotch. “Wet already?” The b***h is pissing herself. Carefully, Vira removes Schlin’s remaining clothes until she is completely naked. “You’re so wet for your bastard boss?” She pokes the cut side of the arm at her entrance. “Ready? One, two, scream!” Schlin erupts a high pitch scream the moment she pushes the chunk of meat in. Three inch, six inch, seven and a half. Vira does not give up even when she meets a blockage. She just keeps pushing in hard, cruel trust. Schlin begs for her to stop, but she is simply having too much fun. More blood pours out and she bets that this time it is not from Hecate’s limp. “You’re right. His arm is too long for your passage.” She suddenly pulls the limp out, causing Schlin to exhale in relief. “We should break it in two and try again.” Vira does as she plans, breaking the limp in to using her hip and hands. With a snap, she inserts one piece back into Schlin. The second piece is a little bit stubborn. The cries never ends, and soon it begins to frustrate Vira. It seems like she has to reduce to cutting again. But she just cleaned her knife. Lazily, Vira trusts the limp in, causing Schlin to tear in the process. More blood pours out, but she uses it as a lubricant for the limb to tuck in. “Finally!” she exclaims when the skin gives up and allows the limb to slide in smoothly. “I guess that will be all for now. Oh, wait. We still have your shafts. Want them back, Hecate? That’s okay. You can have them back. But we can’t just leave your b***h behind. Here, let her have one too, okay?” He can feel the piece of cloth in his mouth being removed. Before he can protest, though, Vira quickly shoves one testicle into his mouth. Not forgetting to close that tunnel of bad words back with its lid. She cannot begin to imagine what it would taste like in his mouth. Judging from the pale, dejected look in his eyes, she bets that he wished he would have been cleaner. Vira does the same to his assistant. Her eyes bulge in shock. But instead of waiting for Schlin to digest it, she uses the send of a stick to push the shaft in further. “Swallow it, puta. Men like them like that. Yes, that’s it. Keep swallowing. I don’t want to see any pieces or bits of its nastiness left. Do it or I will keep on pushing.” Schlin sends dead glares at her, but she just stares calmly. Deciding to be smart, the woman complies. “Yes. Good girl. Now here’s some water to wash it down.” Vira hands her a glass of turbid water. At this point, Schlin would do just about anything. The moment the liquid touch her lips, though, she begins coughing in a fit. “Ups, sorry. It seems like I gave you a corpse’ juice instead. But it should do, should it? You are, after all, a hija de puta.” She is too tired to clean up her utensils. Considering where they have just been, she thinks she would just have to replace them altogether. Tomorrow night, she will just use the same disinfect tools on them. Turning off the lights, she turns to them one last time. “Buenas noches, abominaciones.”
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