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The stone walls of a castle dungeon with his door locked with iron rod so as no prisoner can escape, two Knight in silver armor with a coated cape walks with their armor boots. They rammed the door open, Eric sleeping atop a wooden bed had spent the last two days in confinement in a dark dungeon. "Hey tunics thief, r****t let's go, it's time to have fun with your life" the guard pulled him and his dirty red Tunis, they dragged him out from his jail cell and pushed him through a dark stone tunnel. The lights from a wooden touch caress the floor with specks of light. Soon bright light shone at the end of the tunnel, they walked out with Eric falling to his knees, chains cuffs locked around his wrist. The bright sun light reflects filtering into his eyes, he cover his eyes due to the reflecting ray, he remembered the night of the ball and the king said "You shall be killed by hanging and that's my comma....nd” then prince Duran cuts in "No, his death won't be swift, he would have a painful death, Eric eye adjusting to the bright sun stared into a large Field, it has green grass and few trees, he heard another prison door slide open, guards brought dozen men and few women who had various punishments hanging over them. locked chain handcuff in their hands they set them free into the field and then the bars rammed behind them, a survival of the fittest contests, anyone who remain alive would live another day . The Guards instructed them to run, however they never understood not until six large black wolves was released from their cell to hunt over them. The prisoner's began to run. Prince Duran, king Marcus and his friends cast a lot, they reach for a bow knocking it's arrow, they target a prisoner's releasing the arrow from his bow. THWACK! The arrow travels in the air aiming itshead at the prisoner's, the prisoner turns his face and the bow flew straight into his eyes jolting out of his head. He falls to the ground and the wolf's run over his body , They bite on his soft flesh of skin. King Marcus and the prince Duran smiles as the nobles who joined in the hunt claps for its first kill. Flew more arrows into the air, some prisoner were shot dead and others wolf food. The prisoners began to scatter into different directions, some climb over a tree but were soon the noble’s target. Eric greeted his teeth, he felt pain as he saw the horrors at which commoners were killed and wolf doing their job, “Am not going to let it play the way they want it to play out", Eric made his resolve, since am going to die anyway, I should as well take few people and the prince with me. Eric looks at prince Duran, if he can at least kill him, then Princess Setsuna would be safe. Eric began to remember all he was thought, he could remember the voice of bumi, his bow master. “In a worst possible situation, use your environment against your enemy" Eric open his eyes "First I have to unlock this handcuffed chain, kill the wolf in consideration of the arrow that fly's through the air, since they haven't shot much at me because i am meant to be the last entertainment for the evening, let me use that to my own advantage" Eric looked He saw guards with arrow and spear behind the iron bars looking and smirking mocking them. Surely this guards were in control of the wolf as they could release and control them without being eaten. I have to attract a guard with a bow, I have to get his bow and arrow and to do that, Eric got to work in the field, in the field there are some trees and tall grasses, while dodging from the sight of the wolf who ran over other prisoners. He went to the dead people the wolf has eaten, their face and skin looked horror able , he picks up the arrows from them and pick locked his wrist cuffs open. he smiles and he sees a man crying for his life. he was shot by the shoulder but a large wolf grrrrr a distance at him. Eric got the arrows and rush over to a wolf attracting his attention, the wolf looked at him standing in front of the man. The wolf let out a loud roar and the wolf runs swiftly lifting from the ground to the air aim at Eric with his teeth wide open, Eric rushes forward to the wolf sliding to the ground. He strikes the belly of the wolf with all his strength with the sharp edge of the combine arrows and the wolf falls down with a scream and died. "One down, five more to go" "Thank you for saving me but are you serious, this are man eating wolf" the man commented, he had a short black hair, black skin on brown sleeves matching his pants " There is no running away from this. It's either you kill or be killed, though I don't have a way to escape but I intend to kill those bastards " Eric points to the noble son and Duran. "I am Kelvin, if am going to die then let me join in the killing also, what should I do, what's the plan?" questioned Kelvin. Eric smiles as he turn his face to the rest of the prisoners scattered across the field. Eric did not need kill all the wolf, just needed to kill enough to attract a guard. He retracted more arrows, as they hover the air. Eric spots another wolf eating another man who was injured. He swiftly ran jumping into the air, he combined two arrows and strikes it into the head of the wolf. The wolf screams as Eric held tight till he died. "What the body hell? Duran watched as Eeic courageously kills a third wolf, he aim his bow at him and he released his arrow. THWACK The arrow flew aiming at him but Eric reacted faster by dodging to the ground before the arrow got close to his head and the arrow flew over him. Like nothing ever happened, Eric picks the arrow and continues to rush for the forth wolf. King Marcus angry ordered a shoot out on him, a barrage of arrows shot to the air Swiftly descending to Eric however he ran faster. king Marcus orders the guards to go get him. The door rammed open and five guards walked out holding unto their various weapon. Eric meets the few prisoners Kelvin had gathered together releasing their cuffs and then he made a plan with them. The guards draw their arrows and Eric lifts his hands up standing at a spot. They walk closer towards him, they got closer to Eric and suddenly the prisoner's who fake themselves to be dead painting them self with blood of the dead stoop up with arrows in their hands and strikes quickly and swiftly thrusting the arrow to the guards neck.
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