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The prisoners strikes into Guards neck and they fell dead to the ground, one guard shot it's arrow and it killed a female prisoners, in anger, the prisoners pounce on the guard punching him to death. An Arrow flew shot straight to the ground close to a prisoner, he narrowly escaped Eric picks the arrow and the bow. He aim knocking the arrow into his bow aiming at a noble sons and the prince. THWACK The arrow flew into the air it descends thrusting into the skin of a noble son with his blood spills into the air as he falls to the ground. The noble sons with Duran screams out of shock and fear, they look at the dead noble son and they look into the direction of the prisoners, their eyes widened when they saw arrows flew towards them. They quickly hide for cover under the stone castle walls. Another noble son on blue tunics turns to run when he felt a piecing arrow strike through his heart. He screams dropping to the ground. Prince Duran grunted "How dare you filthy commoner. give me the explosive Arrow? He commanded a guard. A guard gave him a quiver of explosive arrows. it has different shaped arrow Head looking like scythe, he knocked an arrow to his bow and aim directly at Eric. THWACK The arrow flew straight into the aim at Eric. Eric sees the incoming arrow and ran out of his attack range, and the arrow flew into a tree branch tearing a hole into the tree branch. BOOM The arrow exploded with a bang destroying the tree branch into pieces. " If there are no arrows, let's see how you will attack back" Shouted Duran laughing. Eric surprised knock an arrows as he begins to run swiftly closer to Duran who stood top above a stone castle, he released the arrows and Duran ran for cover with the arrow narrowly missing his head. Duran picks another explosive Arrow and aimed it at Eric however he was shocked to see ErIC knocking two arrows on his bow aiming at him. THWACK They both released their arrows simultaneously aiming for each other's Head. Accompanied by a sheer amount of force. Eric's arrows flew straight ascending in the air and Duran explosive Arrow descending to the middle of the two arrows. One of Eric's arrows flew hitting Duran arrow and it exploded in the air with large banging explosion. Duran tried to look further when an arrow flew through the smoke piercing into the side of his arm. Duran screams falling to the ground. Quickly the guards rushes to Prince. Duran attending to his injuring removing the broken arrow. Duran screams" Eriiiiiic" Few minutes later, numerous amounts of guards drawing their bows surrounded eight prisoners with Eric and they raised their hands above their head because at this point. They had no more arrows and the guards were too much for a fight however Eric broke an arrow Head and hid it under his pant belts. They all were pushed back into their prisons. Duran badly wounded was treated in his Chambers, large exquisite bed with curtains flying from the cool wind from the balcony. King Marcus walks into Duran Chambers "How are you feeling, how are your wounds? Questions King Marcus. "What kind of stupid questioned is that? Do I look alright to you" Duran replies the king. He grimaced King Marcus was about to turn and leave when he heard Duran speak. "First thing tomorrow morning, I want to witness that bastard commoner dead or else Andcross would be painted with blood as the price for their incompetency" king Marcus frowns and walks away. Most certainly as you which" king Marcus walks out, prince Darius ear shot from a corner plumbed his fist in anger to the manner his father was spoken to and how his father reacted foolishly to Duran's prepositions "Are you sure you should be doing that, prince Duran” questioned his loyal servant the butler "Doing what? Duran spoke rather harshly “My prince, you know that making an enemy of prince Darius purposely would only trigger an attempt to attack while in enemy territory" "I am counting on that, that would give me an excuse to take him out, do your job properly to protect me " said Duran. .... The sun was bright and the weather was fair, Quinn and her knights celebrates their victory, Quinn walks to the confinement room were Setsuna was confined to her chambers. “little sister Setsuna, I have Good news for you" Quinn knocks at the door trying to catch Setsuna's attention to listen to her "Little sister, I know you might be seated with your head atop your knees and your eyes watering with tears oh I which I have the pleasure to see the despair, the looks in your face but however I don't have time. I told you that you bring misfortune to people around you and it's your fault that young handsome Eric would be killed today. his head hanged of and there is more, we have captured all Elve with Betty. " hahahaha" after sometime, no voice was heard and out of curiosity she questions "Are you there, Are you listening?Quinn speaks angrily. "Guards, Guards open this door? Commanded Quinn “Princess, we were told not to open the door" "Open it, Quinn shouted. the white door swung open, princess Setsuna room painted in light colors of blue and white, a large bed in front and the wind blew the curtains from the open window however princess Setsuna was no were to be found. Quinn grunted, "Call the knights, the princess has escape, search for her immediately" Princess Setsuna atop her white horse on the run, she had a black hooded Cloak covering from her head to her body. Eric was fighting his wars, she wasn't idle either when she was confined to her room, she felt the feeling of regrets throughout the night and that's when she remembers what her mother said to her. To do what she wants, obey her feelings and Eric said to her not to ever give in a damn thing about what anyone thinks of her, she pleaded with a guard in front of her door to deliver a message to the captain of equality in exchange for Gold and they obey. She folded plane paper having messages through the window to communicate with them and so they helped her escape through the window. She mixed herself with the knights heading to captured to dragneel the dragon. . She stole a horse and raise swiftly to Andcross square were Eric will be executed. She was ready to die for the one she loves. Setsuna rush to the square and the auditorium packed full to the brim with spectators and people who were there to watched the show. Prince Duran and King Marcus and Entourage of noble men and sons walked taking sits in a grand view spot. Prince Darius and noble Jake's and two others walked, Darius face painted in disgust as he felt, watching his father and Duran talked.
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