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No, snap out of it you silly mortal. At that Eric stood up forcing his body into action and he beginsto walk deeper into a forest with tall beautiful trees before his tired mind could think up any more reasons why it might be better to rest. He continued with his goal and his direction remains straight so that he would not get lost on the way back. In his hand, he held fruits of last night's labor, his practice bow and set of arrows, food, and a bundle of clothes. At a distance. Eric begin to hear the sound of running water. ''Mmmph, a river would serve my purpose well along the banks. There will be a clear enough area for me to practice and there were about two meters of shingle along the shore as the water lapping gently back and forth. It is a river but a small lake perhaps fifty meters in diameter, only one shore was accessible. The other side of the lake was shielded by trees,grasses and mountainous rock that yielded no entrances. The scenery is rather magnificent with the low sun reflecting off the water’s edge giving the area a warm glow. Ducks navigated the water with some diving deep in search of food. Seconds later, they would return with fish in their mouth. The aquatic life seems rather bountiful, fishing would be great. Eric couldn't resist the alluring lake. He decided to take a swim, thirty minutes later, Eric walks out from the lake naked, his eyes widened when he saw a lady standing by a clip at the sharp edge of a rock. She has a soft delicate feature, her white hair is wavy with beautiful curls in the tips. Her red and ruby clear eyes with dark long lashes were teary filled with tears. Her nose was tall and matched her pinkish lips. She is a bundle of beauty. She looked at the bountiful river and she jumps from the cliff, her way down the river. She saw Eric's"s naked body with his eyes staring at her. She was not expecting anyone. Splash! She sank deeper into the lake while she struggles for air but the bubbles rumble in the water. She felt the creeps of death sniffing out the life from her bone and then like a fish. She sees the naked boy swimming towards hers as she struggles for air. His mouth came unto her soft lips with an air of breath. He draws her closer to his body. She could feel the fibers inch of his body on her. Her eyes are wide open. ..... From the top of a rock, Setsuna stared at the bountiful lake. It was quiet and Serene, only the sound of the soft waves could be heard. She never learned how to swim as she was scared of the deepwater but tonight she would end it all. She would have to jump, she wanted everything to stop. She had never had anything go right in her life apart from the constant fear of killing intent rain at her. She had no choice but to become good with the sword causing fear to know as the best sword woman in the kingdom of Roland. This was to gain acknowledgment from everyone but it was not enough as everyone believes tales of a goddess placing a curse of misfortune on her. Her existence will cause misfortune to anyone who falls in love with her and they believe that she was the one that will kill the kill like the prophecy that was foretold before her birth. A child of the king will kill the king. Eric and I shared chemistry but I couldn't bring myself down to him knowing what will happen. I watch secretly from the shadows as I kept having thoughts about him. Nobles believe what they feel is right rather than investigating the wrongs ignoring the truth. I was hated and despised by royalties, nobles, and my siblings. Setuna the third princess of the current king of Roland but not the favorite of anyone because I am born of peasant blood. I am more hated by the queens of Roland because right before her birth. The king most happy moments when he had a crown prince. The high priestess gave a prophecy of a child to be born who would be the next ruler and that resulted in the death of the queen. She would bring misfortune to her father for his sins against the gods and her father would have that child from a peasant. I am more like a punishment of karma to the kingdom due to the sins made by King concerning a peasant queen. bullied by my stepsisters, hated by many, and now what's even more bad and unfair for me is that arranged marriage between two conflicting kingdoms. The third prince Duran was known as cruel to peasants, wicked, arrogant. He sees peasants as toy things, slaves. I could remember the first time I encountered prince Duran. Duran ordered the peasant to be placed on a stone floor for him to walk upon their backs. He believes his shoes are more precious than the life of the peasant. Rumors have it that he sends peasants to a large farm field and he invites his noble's friends who would partake in a bow and arrow shooting contest shooting peasant with arrows to death just for the entertainment of a game. They cast a lot making a fun competition from the life of these people. Setuna thought becoming the best sword woman in Roland achieving great fits will give an edge to her freedom to live the life she chooses however the arrange marriage to prince Duran was like a death wish, a life sentence of misery and pain and looking further from her perspective into her future. There is no future in sight, it is of no use living anymore and I chose to rather end it all. I stood atop The Rock looking down at the bountiful river. it's unfortunate. It would be soiled with her lifeless body and so i took a deep breath gathering the fit of courage. I closed my eyes as i jumped off into the lake with hopes of instant death and that moment. Setuna who did not know a man except for Jake she rejected. Her eyes widened when she saw the Wonders of heaven on a man. He is handsomely tall with dark hair. He has dark gleaming eyes and a straight face with soft pinkish lips. His brute shoulders and biceps reveal a perfect six-pack as though he works out now and then. He is as pale and naked. what caught setuna eyes more was his long and big rod in front of his thigh. She had never seen or felt such a thing.and at that moment. She felt regret, it was unfortunate she would die with that glorious sight ached to her memory. she fell deep into the lake struggling with the creeps of death. She choked, flashes of her final minutes in her life and she wondered if that handsome gentleman would care to save her. "Naaah, nobody cares so she thought, she closed her eyes so as death will take his cause when until she saw a naked man blocked the part the Ray of light filtered into the deep. He swept reaching to her as he draws her closer to his full body and his pinkish lips met hers, though deep in the blue lake, her body felt a hot sensation. it is Eric and she blanked out. .... Eric swiftly brings her up to shore. He coughs, presses his hands against her chest, and sucks out water from her mouth but she seems not to respond. "I have to do these though I was told not to, it should be OK since no one can see me.'' He clamped his palm together and began to rub it. Eric enchanted a healing magic spell, rainbow colors of small flames started to form into a tiny ball of light. He opened the woman's mouth and the light started to float directly into her mouth. It flowed down until the woman was filled with the blinding light of colorful flames until it exploded. She started to wake up as she coughed out the water she took in when she drowned. She slowly opened her eyes as he gently moved away from the lost curls of hair from her face and he sees the most beautiful deepest ruby eyes he has ever seen in his entire life. Just as how he expected when he saw her on the edge of the cliff. She was indeed beautiful. "Now, you are safe" Eric spoke with a soft tone, setuna blinked a couple of times to check if she was dreaming. She remembers jumping off the cliff and that she was dying. Her eyes roll over to Eric's naked body as memories jolted back to the face she saw, biceps and his man rod. Her face instantly flushes red as she shouted. "Get away from me, you perverted Satan" she screams out closing her eyes
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