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"Oh Eric Edward, how nice of you to join us today. I heard you were ambushed by some student and well that what you get when one doesn't know their place in life" "Hahahahahahaha" the class begins to laugh. Scum, I turn to look as I could see some male student raising their middle finger at me "Scum" Echos the air and she continues, "Well I have some interesting piece of information. The current prince in collaboration with the Royal Palace are hosting a general tournament in seven days and everyone is allowed to participate and winners will be given gold’s, granted one wish and" She kept quiet for few seconds as she takes a deep breath "The princess setuna will be part of winning prize to be won. In other words, if a peasant or noble wins. The queen, setuna's mother will be given as s*x slave to anyone who wins the event and with heavily heart. princess setuna will be executed at the end of the tournament ''. Some student were happy and decided to participate, some imagine having a queen as a slave in their home and bed and for some. It was about the gold or wish but as for me. It is more than that. This ignorant morons don't know that they are about to kill someone who was destined to save them from the incoming war to come. "So student, for those who are friends with setuna, like fatso here though I imagine that he would hide under his bed or remain by the side lines. Such a pity, she glance at me with disgust from her face" "Are you not going to run like you did at the festival? She turns her face to speak when I cut in. "Professor, quite contrary i am going to join the tournament and am going to beat everyone and win. "Pit puahhahaha "the class laughs "I will participate in the tournament and win to set setuna free with the one wish the prince would grant" "The professor glance at me with distasteful looks" she smiles, " Do you think you can win. if you win ,I will walk naked around the school". She mocked. "Why can't I create magic professor? I questioned wearing a blank expression on my face. "Hmmmp. This is quite a question, Eric are you really serious about fighting. Magic is a no for you. Magic is created from a golden mana substances found around us called Magoi and as you all know. Magic is made of six to seven attributes, fire,water,wind, earth, light, and dark matter, those who used the path of fire can control different colors of flame and if they evolve. They can used wind or lightning. Water can evolve into ice, wind into sound and more but to create those magic from a spell, you need to open a merridan core ,this are like pressure points from your head to your feet in the body were magoi flows like veins and Then you gather mana Magoi from all your body to a point which is into your hands or magical weapon then call the element attributes spell which you are affiliated with. This is why we test every fresh student magic first by placing their hands on elemental stone to know which magic attributes you are born with and then you can start your training to evolve with that element. For some, it can be more than one attributes and others one but For you Eric, for some reason you can't even form magoi mana except healing spells that you know. Not even ten a percentage of mana found in your body and if you can't use mana magoi found around you then you can't call any destructive spells and therefore, you can't use magic. End of story. You can you magical weapon but it won't get you far". The teacher taught about magic that day however everyone had swung into practice with their various weapon form magoi in their hands trying to evolve their magic with vain imaginations. I watched from where I sat when a voice cuts in "Ahem!! with the little frenzy you created in class. It seems you really serious about saving the princess? Hero looking at me with a poker face "Yes, but I need to see the princess and find exactly what is going on?". "But how do you plan on saving princess with no magic at all" Hero questioned "I sort of have a planned in mind and I gave a devilish smile "Gross" hero posed with a distorted face. "Well, I don't know what you have in mind but I do have an idea on how you can see the princess". "Really” how? "We have to see my father, he was summoned to the Royal Palace along other noble men. He will leave in two days from now". Hero and I planned our departure for the next day and later that evening I decided to have a look at the God system status to find help to train. I understood most of what I should do as the past experiences of the jorromi reincarnated life's replay in my head. The battles and knowledge through my world and then I spot the God system training skill but before my training. I have to reveal about my past. I said the princess was the love of my life but well that was the other me before I entered this body. My other tripped and fell hitting his head on the rock and died. I believe this is done by those GURDIAN goddess. When I awakened. memories of of his death and his life with the princess Setsuna flooded into me. This two pair had a relative strong romances. I couldn't recall major scene of that princess but I have to confirm. The princess looks like Catherine my beloved and it seems like the two of us from different worlds were fated to date someone similar. As my memories flooded to me. I remember the day we Eric his for self first melt with her.
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