Witches are not your friend

2782 Words
Tyrell opened his eyes, holding his head as he felt like it was gonna explode. He forecast himself up from the ground as he tried to recall what happened before he blacked out. As he tried to recall, that was when he noticed he was standing at the middle of corpses. His eyes widened with horror, noticing how the corpses of his dead pack members were used in forming a rather wide pentagram while he was at the middle. He crashed back to the ground, drawing his legs closer to his body. He was not easily broken but seeing his pack murdered without him able to fight for them or keep them safe, hit him hard. Why he was spared, he couldn't phantom. He sat there for hours not knowing what to do next. An alpha without a pack isn't an Alpha. **** Michael pressed the elevator button. The door opened and he came face to face with Chloe. “Detective! What a surprise. Your visits are becoming regular. Careful, I might get used to you" he flashed her a smile. Chloe gazed at him with furrowed brows as she stepped out of the elevator. For someone who was stabbed with a sharp wood, he seemed pretty cheering, she thought. “Why are you staring at me like that? Do I have something on my teeth?" He asked seeing how weird she was looking at him. “I came to check up on you and to tell you thank you but you seem fine like nothing happened" She explained “It was just a small wound. Not enough to keep me down but thank you, I didn't know you cared" He Said “I could say the same* “C'mon, I wouldn't let my favorite detective be attacked now, would I?!" “Can I see it? The wound" she asked, knowing he was lying. What she saw wasn't a small wound. It came out from the other side of his shoulder. “I'm not really comfortable exposing my body to you detective. Don't get me wrong, if it was for other purposes I would be happy to" he smiled. “I assure you detective I am fine" he added “Well, what about your eyes? It glowed yellow. I saw it" she blurted out “My eyes? Glowing yellow" he laughed “Don't be rediculous detective. You were in a bit of shock Maybe it made you see things that weren't there" he explained She thought that also made sense but she was certain about what she saw, everything was real. But he easily dismissed the argument. She nodded slowly.“So what were you doing there anyway?" She asked “I could ask you the same thing. It seems you lied to me. Ares does exist!" He defended “Yeah I lied and that was because you weren't fully honest with me too" She argued “This argument is making me feel like we are having a relationship problem" he joked “I am serious Michael" she said stomping her foot on the floor gently and giving an emotional face. “Do you realize that this is the first time you've called my first name. I didn't know we've gotten so close Chloe'" he joked. Seeing as she kept a serious face, he cleared his throat “Alright. I wasn't fully honest with you. But I'm speaking the truth when I say you I didn't know about this until the day before I visited you at your office. I heard about it from one of my sources" he confessed “Why are you so interested in this case?" She questioned “That will be a story for another day detective. As much as I value your company, I'm afraid I have some business to take care of" He adjusted his suit and walked towards the elevator. He turned back to her,“Are you coming? Or you wanna wait for me? I'm sure your fiance won't be pleased with that" he said to Chloe who still stood by the bar. She sighed before joining him in the elevator. *** Maya's blindfold was removed from her eyes. She was chained to a chair in a quiet and slightly dark room. She watched as her captors sat across from her. The three of them stood there silently, not speaking to her or amongst themselves. “Who are you people?" She asked as she tried to wriggle from her chains. That's when she noticed the drip that was fixed to her arm. Pumping blackthorn liquid into her body to keep her weak. “You guys are making a mistake. Do you know who I am?" She asked but still with no reply from them. “My father is the high lord and you just kidnapped his only daughter. He's gonna come for me and when he does, your heads will be on spikes" She continued trying to get them to talk to her but to no avail. *** Michael came out of the woods. He saw a male figure not too far from where he stood. His brows furrowed as he perceived a strong blood scent. “I got your text. Why am I here? I thought we agreed to cut ties with each other" Michael shouted as he walked closer to the figure. As he got closer, he noticed the dead wolves on the ground.“What tha hell!" He was shocked as he stood behind Tyrell who was kneeling close to the bodies. “What the hell happened here Tyrell?" He asked. “I lost my pack. That's what happened" Tyrell replied with pain and anger in his voice “I can see that, but how?" He asked “I know you won't believe me. You'll just think I'm crazy. But I'll tell you what I saw and what I saw was witches attacking us" Tyrell explained “Actually, I think I might be open to believing. The news of witches existing are spreading wide and different reports of witch sightings too. It all can't be rumours" He explained “I had no one else to call about this and that's why I called you. As I pondered about how I have failed my pack, It all started to come back to me. The witches attacked us without any warning and we didn't even have a chance to fight back. They crippled us, unable to move, they killed all of them, ripping out their hearts right in front me. They arranged the bodies into a pentagram just as you see it now. They placed me at the middle of the pentagram. They carved a siegel in my chest" he turned, facing Michael and showing him the two headed snake shaped like the letter ‘S' that was carved on his chest. “I think they performed a ritual using me as the anchor or something. I don't know. But this is the result I'm left alive to live with" He stood up and showed Michael his wolf eyes. Michael was surprised and confused as he saw his eyes glowing blue. “I'm no longer an alpha." He explained “How is that possible?" Michael asked “I don't know but they gave me a message to pass on before I passed out. They said ‘The supernatural creatures have served their purpose and now it's time to cleanse the world of them'" he said “What does that even mean?" “It's pretty simple. They are coming after us all. Vampires and werewolves alike. We need to come together and fight this common threat or face extinction" Tyrell explained “I...." Michael stopped as he sensed someone else. He looked back towards the direction of the woods. He scanned through the area but saw no one. He turned back to tyrell, dismissing the idea, guessing it was probably the spilled blood that was throwing him off. “I don't think the vampires will go for that" he stated “Then we have to make them" Said Tyrell. Chloe peered out from the wood she was using as cover after she had previously hidden when she saw Michael turn to her direction some seconds ago. She raised her binoculars up to her eyes again, getting a full view of the wolf corpses on the ground and Michael and a mysterious person standing above them. When she and Michael earlier came out of the penthouse, she entered her car to go back to the office but then the thought of tailing Michael came to her. So she decided to follow him to wherever he was going and he led her here, where he is standing close to a lot of dead bodies. She took out her phone and took pictures of them as proof. She wanted to go confront them instantly but decided against it. The part of her that was a detective was forcing her to confront them as she is supposed to in this kind of situation but the other side of her was telling her to restrain and confront Michael alone and give him a chance to explain. She didn't understand why she was feeling like that. That part of her was telling her that Michael couldn't have done this even though she has only known him for a few weeks. She then decided to confront Michael alone. So she rushed back to her car and drove off to avoid being spotted by either of them. Her mind tried to come up with different explanations of what she just saw, while dismissing the idea that it might also be a m*********r committed by both of them. *** “Just search everywhere for her. Isabella would want to keep her close, since she's the key to her freedom. Which means they would have brought her here. So scower the city till you find her." Viktor instructed “You would do well to remember I don't take orders from you. I don't work for you, we work together" Cain pointed out. “It's not an order Cain. It's in both of our best interests that she's found. So put your people to work" he concluded and walked into the cabin. He opened the door to the room Isabella was being held. He gazed at her from the outside before going in. “Tell me where you are holding my sister captive or I'm going after any one of your children next" he threatened as he took off the mask from her face. Isabella laughed weakeningly. “You wanna go after petyr?! He's stronger than you are. He'll rip you apart" she smiled “Yeah you are right, I shouldn't go after the one that will cause me problems with the people. Maybe I should go after the one nobody will miss. The prodigal and banished son" he smiled sheepishly at her “You want to go after Michael?! Yeah, you are stronger than he is, that's for sure. But that's a fight you might also lose. You see, Michael is a Corny one. Smart too. He can climb out of any problem. You shouldn't underestimate him. Those who did, it didn't work out well for them. Myself included. So yeah, go after any of my children, I have no fears." She explained. “We'll see about that when I don't find my sister within the next 24 hours" he concluded. *** William sat in his usual place of solace in the chapel. Where he always goes to think without being disturbed. He sat silently staring at the cross.“I told you all I don't want to be disturbed" he said as one of the vampires working for him entered the chapel. “We have a very important news sir" the vampire said as his voice echoed in the chapel. “What does this news entail?" He asked “It's the high lords daughter. She has been kidnapped. We can't find her anywhere" the vampire explained “You won't find her here if she has been kidnapped. I think I know who's behind this. If I'm right, then she'll be in New York right now" William explained “Have you told anyone else about this?" He asked “No sir! I came to you first" “Good. No other ear shall here of this. Not even the high lord. Do you understand me?" He asked. “Yes sir. So should I put some men together and go after her?" “No. Stand down. Everything continues as it usual. No one must know. We'll deal with that later. For now, stand down" he Instructed. “Yes sir" he responded. *** Mathew waited in his car by the side of the road. He kept on checking his watch as he waited. He leaned back on the seat and closed his eyes after some minutes. Soon he heard a car honk behind him. He opened his eyes and looked at his side mirror when he noticed the car behind, flashing it's head light at him. He came out of the car and walked up to the one behind him. “Hello Jay. Been a long time" he said. Jay, a skinny fellow with a low cut came out of the car. “Never thought I'll see you for another decade" Jay replied “Well circumstances changes things" said Mathew “So what can you tell me?" He asked “Well, based on the mark you said you noticed at the back of their neck, that is the moonstone pack. Their alpha, Cain Monroe, is a ruthless werewolf. Ever since he brought his pack into the city, he has been fighting for more territory. My guess is, he's getting what he desires from the partnership he made with the vampires" Jay explained “I see." “What do you want with him anyway?" Jay questioned “He took something I need and I need to take it back quickly. A lot depends on it" Mathew explained “Can I help?" Jay asked “Come on bro, I miss all the fun in such things" he added “No man, you've helped already. I have to do this on my own." He concluded walking back to his car. *** “Brother!" Michael called out as he stepped out of the elevator into the penthouse alongside Tyrell. Sebastian came out of the room. “What is a wolf doing here?" Sebastian asked as his eyes fell upon Tyrell “Well we used to be friends when I first got to the city. Blah blah blah, here we are. You need to hear what new discovery has been made" Michael replied “And what discovery is that?" He asked “Witches" Tyrell blurted out. Sebastian looked at both their faces and a quiet laugh escaped his lips. “You've got to be joking" he said. Looking at their faces, he noticed they were serious “You are joking, are you not?" He asked with a serious tone. “You think I'll come here just to make jokes?" Michael asked “Michael, that's what you do" Sebastian pointed out. “Alright yeah but we are serious right now. I saw what the witches did. They massacred his whole pack and did a ritual on them." He explained ”Show him your eyes" he turned to Tyrell. Tyrell showed him his glowing blue eyes. “What am I seeing here?* Sebastian asked, looking at the eyes “He was the alpha of his pack. Red eyes and all. After he passed out during the rituals, this is what he woke up with" Michael explained. “Remember mother mentioned that the Ares had discovered witches too but we dismissed it. I'm afraid they are not a myth brother. They are back and with more harm than we thought" He explained Sebastian poured himself a drink and downed the content all at once as he tried to process this news. “Wow, that is an unexpected turn of events" he said “That is not the troubling part. They left a message" Tyrell chipped in. “They Said that supernatural creatures have served their purpose. And now it's time to wipe them off the earth" Tyrell explained “What does that even mean?" Sebastian inquired “It means they are coming for us all. They made a ritual sacrifice from a pack of wolves. Well if we learnt anything from the myth story of the witches, it's that it most certainly don't end there. My best guess is that, they might want to do another ritual but this time. With Vampires" Said Michael.
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