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                                    **501 AD** Heavy footsteps ran through the woods hastily. Gaia was panting heavily as she ran non stop. She drew up her gown a little to allow her run well, not too worried about her sight, even when she could barely see from under the hood she was wearing but she could navigate through these woods with her eyes closed. She increased her pace, looking behind her from time to time. Missing a step, she fell to the floor and winced in pain as a sharp wood scratched her leg. She stood up instantly and continued her race, not noticing she had lost her leg chain when she fell. Soon, she came out into the village. People were moving about happily, going about with their daily business with no idea as to what was coming for them. She ran past them, now sweating profusely. She pushed her way through a gathering of people and soon came to the house she has been running towards. She pushed the door open, ran in and closed the door behind, making a loud noise. The two other ladies in the room turned their attention to her immediately. They ran up to her as soon as they saw her. “What news have you?" Diana asked “Tell us sister" Luna urged “We have to hurry. They are on their way here next. They are killing their way through the neighboring village and ours is their next stop. It's now or never" Gaia explained. The three of them rushed to the inner chambers of the house. They removed the white sheets covering the seven bodies on the floor, four males and three females. They placed the bodies side by side and then the three girls knelt above their heads of the corpeses. They placed a brown bowl, containing the blood of the seven corpses. Diana took out a knife and cut open her palm, placing it above the bowl as her blood dripped into it. She passed the knives to the others who did the same. “Withces of the sun, witches of the moon, witches of the earth grant thee life" Diana said as she moved her hands in circular motion in the bowl and then passed it to Luna. “Witches of the sun, witches of the moon, witches of the earth grant thee strength" Luna repeated the process before passing it to Gaia “Witches of the sun, witches of the moon, witches of the earth grant thee free pass on death" Diana made a mark on the first three bodies with the blood from the bowl. “Let the sun give you life, let the sun keep you awake, let the sun give you strength" She said Luna made same mark on the other four. “Let the moon guide you, let the moon give you strength, let the moon keep you safe, let the moon give you life" She said Gaia made a mark on all seven of them. “Let the Earth not bound you to her will, let it bound you to life, let it protect you from harm and let it shield you against disadvantages" she said “Let thy spell hold, let thy protectors rise, let thy guardians guard. For with the blood of thy old and thy first lives, there shall be protectors to protect. Let thy spell hold" the three of them recited before they started hearing, screams and cries outside. **PRESENT DAY*** Sam came out of the bedroom and walked straight to where Chloe was sitting in the living room. He stood behind her and gently massaged her nape. She held her laptop that was on her lap tightly to avoid it from falling. The massage seemed to be just what she needed to calm the stress she had been feeling. She looked up at him with a smile “Thank you" she whispered “Yeah" he stopped the massage, now having a serious look “Chloe, I'm worried about you" He confessed, joining her on the couch “Oh honey, I'm fine, it's just work" She replied “That's what I'm worried about. I think work is taking so much of you lately. You hardly sleep, very early you are off to work and everynight you return exhausted. Our wedding is just four weeks from now, you should be resting, getting yourself together so the wedding would be perfect just as you want it to be. I miss you and I wish you can jus...take the load off and just breathe while spending some time with me. You know, your fiance!" He complained “Yeah, you are right. I was so caught up in this recent case that I forgot about the most important part of my life and I'm sorry. I will remove my foot from the gas. I promise" She pleaded, drawing him in for kiss. “Come to bed" he said as he stood up to leave “Right behind you" she smiled at him. She brought out her phone as soon as he left. She brought out the picture she had earlier taken in the woods and stared at it as though she was searching for clues. She still couldn't understand what she was seeing but chose not to believe the worst just yet. *** Ramona walked into the bar, scanned the room and saw Viktor sitting at the other end of the bar. She walked up to him and joined him there, sitting opposite him. “Why did you want to meet in a bar?" She asked surprised “The beer and loud music" he joked “It doesn't matter, we are here now. So tell me, how are things looking on your end?" He asked. “Tight, less safe by the day. He knows someone in the organization betrayed him and it's only a matter of time before he finds out it's me and then he'll come for my head" She explained “I won't let anyone hurt you. Don't worry about that" he smiled “That's sweet but Nicolas is a ruthless vampire, he shows no mercy especially to betrayals. You can't take him on" Ramona pointed out “I'm sick of people telling me who I can and cannot take on" he retorted hitting his fist on the table. Ramona stared at him, surprised. He inhaled and deeply. Gently placed his hands on the table “Sorry" he said to her “I just need people to realize, you don't need to be strong to take on anyone. You just have to be smart enough" he added “Well I hope you are, if not we are both dead" she replied “You know, you are more uptight than I remember. You should let loose once in a while. We should go have fun, blow off some steam" “You want to go have fun when there's a war brewing up?" She questioned with her brows furrowed “The war has already started, just that the other parties involved haven't seen it yet" he adjusted his collar. “I need another favor from you. Apparently, Isabella made an escape plan in case she was captured. Her vampire followers, kidnapped my sister and are holding her hostage. I'm guessing she's here in New York. You have seen her followers, so I need you to track them down and free my sister so we could move along with the plan" he explained “Very well. Anything to get this done fast and remove the rope hanging over me" Said Ramona. *** Chloe arranged her files, getting ready to leave the precinct for Michael's house to confront him about what she saw. She stood up, tying her hair into a ponytail. “Detective! Detective!" She heard someone shouting. She turned to the direction where the voice came from and saw Imani standing there, Nick blocking her way, preventing her from entering. “Let her through" she said to Nick. Imani rushed to where she was. “Detective, I have got news. A bad one actually" she blurted out. Chloe looked around, seeing all the other cops prying eyes. She led Imani into the interrogation room away from all eyes and ears. “Please do not tell me you rushed here to talk about come crazy story because I have somewhere quite important to be" Chloe said “I assure you, this is no crazy story nor is it a joke" Said Imani “I had a vision. The blood witches are back. According to my grandma's journal, the blood witches are a group of witches who were originally from the first witches. You see there are originally two covens of witches. The old and the first. Under the first witches they have three categories, the circle of the moon witches, the circle of the sun witches and the circle of the earth witches. The witches in each category draw their power from the sun, moon and earth respectively While the old draw theirs from all categories and that's why they are the strongest. The blood witches were once from the bloodline of the first but when they were shunned for practicing black magic which was forbidden, they formed their own coven, drawing their power from blood sacrifices. They are vicious and ruthless. They have committed many atrocities over the centuries. And because they use purely black magic, they are strong, I mean Immeasurably strong. My grandma wrote that they disappeared some centuries ago when the witches block took place and now I'm guessing since the block has faded, they are back again and they are coming for us all" Imani explained “Blood witches huh?!" Chloe said as she remembered that was the same thing those girls told her in front of her house. There is too much at stake to stand with the non believing crowd." “You have to believe me detective. Once they sense you, which they will, they'll come for you." Imani pointed out “Me? Why would they come for me?" Chloe asked surprised “You are the last of the old witches. The old were the ones who banished the blood witches from the first. So when they formed their own coven using black magic as their source they went after all the old witches, killing them all. How you are here is a mystery, I don't know but I do know they'll come for you soon. I mean these witches just slaughtered an entire pack of werewolves for sacrifice. You need to let me protect you" Imani added “Wait, slaughtered? where?" Chloe asked “My visions are not that clear yet. I think it was in the woods somewhere" She replied Chloe brought out her phone and showed the picture she took to Imani. “Does this look familiar?" She asked “Yes...yeah, that's where it took place. They killed them all, arranged their bodies in a pentagram and did their rituals with them" She explained “I knew it, he couldn't have done it." Chloe said to herself “Wait, you said they were wolves" she asked “Yeah, a pack of them" “Then...that means, he's a wolf too. Of course that explains it" She whispered to herself. “I have to go. I'll find you" She added about to leave “Does that mean you believe me now?" Imani asked “Yeah, yeah, I think I do" She replied walking out of the interrogation room. *** Petyr stepped out of the car, parked in front of the hotel. He buttoned his suit jacket as he scanned the area. He sighed “New York, such stench of filthy blood" he said to himself. “Come come now darling" Ingrid, a redhead, with a oval shaped face said, coming out from the other side of the car. “New York is the perfect place for vampires. You'll learn to love it." She smiled, holding his hand “Well, if it all goes as planned, then I won't be here for long." “It will darling, it will" she assured him, flashing him a smile too. ***FRANCE*** William climbed the stairs leading to the throne where the high lord was sitting and handed him a glass of blood. “For you my lord" he handed it to him. The high lord took the glass and downed the content. He has always rationed his blood feast. And only his trusted adviser makes the delivery. “What news of my son?" He asked “There's rumour about him my Lord and also about your daughter" William said “And what rumour would that be?" He asked William climbed down the stairs. He faces the high lord and sighed “My lord, it seems your son has made an alliance with the wolves. They are working together now and no one knows what he's plotting. My sources tells me, he already has Isabella but he's holding her captive" he explained “My son with the wolves!" The high lord's voice echoed loudly in the room “Not my son. He knows better than that" he added “I'm afraid the rumours are true my lord. And in retaliation, Isabella's followers, have kidnapped Maya and she's nowhere to be found now" he added “What! And why I'm I just hearing this now?" He barked “We wanted to be sure my lord and we have confirmed it."william replied. “Take everyone available, scower the country. Turn the world upside down, I don't care..." He coughed “Bring me my daughter. As for my son, tell me I demand his presence at once!" he coughed again. “In due time my lord. All in due time" William said. “What do you mean by that?" He questioned “The move your son made is quite smart, I'll give him that. It also showed me his true intentions and it wasn't to please you but to be you. Kill Isabella and then come for you next. He wants to wipe the every heir to the throne so he can rule. Quite an idea he has but unfortunately, it forces me to accelerate my timeline." William explained as vampires trooped into the hall, surrounding the throne. The high lord looked around, shock clearly written on his face. He touched his nose as he felt it was bleeding. He rubbed the blood between his fingers. “What is the meaning of this?" He bellowed “There's a war coming and if you still rule by the time it comes then we are truly doomed. So here we are. You'll step down while I'll step up" said william. “You are not of the first bloodline. They'll never allow you rule" The high lord said amidst the cough. “We'll see about that" William said as he signalled the Vampires to attack. The high lord ripped off the head of the first one and tore through the next one's heart. They kept rushing towards him and he kept on ripping off their heads, hearts or sucking their blood. And as he continued, he kept on getting weaker, courtesy of the highly concentrated blackthorn mixed with the blood he had drank earlier. He held one of the vampires and bit his neck, draining him. William came from behind with vampire speed and ripped out his heart. The high lord fell to the ground, blood dripping from his mouth. William stared at him on the floor and then dropped the heart on his body. “Clean this up. I have a community of vampires to run" he said and walked away. *** The elevator door opened and Chloe rushed in. She stopped when she saw Michael moving about in the living room, searching the couch for what she knows nothing of. “I know you are a werewolf" she blurted out “I told you already detective, I am an angel. My wings are in my dressing room" he replied with looking at her as he kept on searching. “Ahah! Here it is" he said with excitement as he brought out his socks from under the couch. He then turned to the detective “You look nice detective. So what is it? You woke up this morning all dressed up, took in the fresh air and decided. Ah it's a good day to accuse someone of being a werewolf?" He joked “I Know you are. If you say you are not then explain this" she walked up to him and showed him the picture she took. “You followed me? I knew someone else was there that day." He said “I know you didn't do this to the members of your pack. I know the witches did. So stop denying it and assure me you didn't. Because this doesn't look good" She explained “How did you know about witches?" He asked surprised. “Anyway detective, I didn't do that and I'm not a wolf" he said “Then what are you?" She asked “I'm a vampire" he confessed.
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