Meet Jake

2545 Words
Jake was tall of a man, standing at around six feet and a few inches. He had black lips which were a result of his long-term smoking habit. Despite this, I was relieved to see that smoking had not caused his lips to harden. He smiled, looking at me like someone who had just done something crazy and was waiting for me to ask him about it. "Jake," I called out to him, scanning the restaurant to make sure no one was watching us. “You should know that here is too public for this sort of bizarre thing. You should improve on that.” I didn’t look at Jake as I spoke. I wasn’t the kind of person who loved too much public attention and I was lucky nobody was watching us after I had quickly finished my assessment. “Hey fella, if you would permit me, I wouldn’t mind going all the f*****g way down right now. I could munch you right away.” My eyes widened, same with my shame. “Shut it and keep your voice down, Jake,” I said. “People could be hearing you right now.” I sounded as silent as possible but not with Jake. He sounded confident. “Who gives a blatant f**k anyway? People will always say what they want. It is their lips, isn’t it? Besides, if you manage to see behind the scenes of some these holier than thou people around here, you will stay glued to your screen the whole f*****g day, believe me.” He chuckled, it was cute. “Everyone here gives a f*****g head, including these oldies. They won't deny that.” Jake bustled into a wicked giggle. He sounded like a one year old baby getting tickled— lovely. I was mesmerized by his green eyes as he blinked them graciously— almost made me lose focus. I shook my head violently. I tried to get out of his charm. In fact, that would be the only method that worked. “Jak—eee.” I rolled my eyes on him and he smiled. “O—wie, O—wie. Heard you. Don’t need to remind me.” He told me. He twisted his neck and asked, “May I?” he gestured with his hand to the wooden chair opposite me. “Of course,” I told him. I loved Jake’s outfit and also the smell of his perfume. He wore a crisp white jacket and a blue shirt inside. Jake stood aggressively tall at six feet two, strong athletic arm as though he works out occasionally, freckles hair, long face with pointed nose. The short striped sleeve he wore showed a lot of details on his biceps. He buttoned up to only the fourth, the oily black hair on his chest and tick tattoo on the right chest laid bare and on display. I would have fallen into a long gaze because he was just too sexy to behold but I was smart enough to shake it off, knocking my head with my finger. “What are you having?” he asked me. “Water.” “Water? What? Just water? Don’t be crazy!” His little green eyes narrowed and narrowed even further just a few seconds later. “Wasn’t sure how far you were and that’s why I opted for something simpler.” That was not entirely true though. I did not have enough money on me to get something tangible. Besides, I wasn’t sure how costly the restaurant was so I did not just want to embarrass myself. “Doesn’t justify it. My babe shouldn’t hang out here alone drinking just water.” His face went dark. I twisted my mouth and raised an eyebrow. He grabbed the menu on my table and began to scan through it. I took my time to examine his nose, then his cute long lashes. I wasn’t sure if this gentleman knew how cute he was to me. He raised his head to look at me after scamming through the food menu. I quickly averted his gaze. “Have you heard of Kobe beef?” he asked. I rolled my eyes, confused. “Kobe? I think I have heard the name but can’t quite remember. What about it?” “Kobe is one of the rarest meats in the world. My father had a farm in western Japan a few years ago where he raised them. He was making as much as fifty dollars an ounce selling the meat. And he had about a hectare and half for the business.” î “You are hell serious?” “Uh huh,” he answered. “My father is a businessman who has run successful businesses across shores. He would always buy me Kobe as a kid when both of us are out on a walk. Now, I would like you to grab a bite too.” I “What? Why would you buy something so expensive just for grab?” I asked him, shocked. I wasn’t satisfied. I wasn’t extravagant and I wasn’t born to live extravagantly as well. We never even had enough for such largesse. So why would allow him to spend so much on me? “I would buy anything for my babe.” He admonished. The mixture of different accents made his voice sexier as he smiled with a corner of his twisting to a corner, showing eagerness and kindness toward me. I had this hunger to see him speak. Jake was well traveled so it was no brainer. I shook my head. I wasn’t just comfortable with the suggestion. I wouldn’t buy an expensive thing for myself let alone buy it for someone else. Granted, Jake was from a rich home and it showed on the way he dressed and the manner at which he spends but I wouldn’t take extravagance as an excuse for care. I tried to stop him but he had already signalled the waitress. “You don’t listen at all, Jake. You never consider other people’s opinion but yourself,” I said thinking he would get mad. He half smiled and ignored me. Though he didn’t listen, I still found him exceedingly cute. We didn’t speak until the waitress brought the food. The young Asian waitress in her early twenties had the meat brought in a white breakable plate, two empty stainlessness plates and two spoons. There were two extra bottles of water and they were all in a tray. She carefully placed the tray on our table and dropped the bill beside it. “Seventy six dollars?” I exclaimed as I gawked at the price on the bill. “I thought she said it’s going to be only fifty?” I looked at Jake as I asked. He gestured with a propped up chin. He didn’t bother to spare me a glance even though I wanted to look at his face every minute I spent with him. “Here’s a restaurant at the heart of Chicago. What do you expect?” he queried, looking into my eyes now. “You shouldn’t expect them to sell what my father sold at a whole price. They’ve got bills to settle, remember, staff to handle, brand name to maintain.” Jake spoke eloquently like an elite businessman. I had never seen him speak much about Business like this. He must have a lot of surprises up his sleeves, I thought. “Your father didn’t have those to settle?” “He's a wholesaler. You should know better. You studied something related to this in school so I shouldn’t be the one educating about the labour market mechanics.” Deep down, I was not truly satisfied. It felt as though I was going to settle the bills myself even though I was sure I wouldn't. It took me almost a minute to say, “Alright. No problem.” I looked at him straight in the eyes and then at his long lashes. He put his hands on my lower lip and caressed it gently. The waitress saw what we were up to and quickly left. I felt like asking him to stop because we were in public but I wouldn't. I loved the feeling of his warm fingers around my lips. “Your sister, how silly I was,” he said, tapping his head repeatedly. “How long is she going to take?” “Uh.” The question caught me off guard. “She needs to be on the menu.” I breathed out hard. “Silly me,” I murmured. “Well, she ain’t going to be here for today. We are all by ourselves.” “Why’s that?” he asked, his green eyes twinkling. If his eyes were an ocean, I wouldn’t mind getting drowned. They looked so attractive. But the problem was that they are usually this attractive when he is angry or maybe worried. “She was the reason we both had this arrangement. I think?” “Yup. She was but she isn’t here. She got busy. Schedule changed.” “Damn.” Jake’s countenance changed, his eyes arched. His cheeks suddenly got dark, bitter. His face looked like a five year old boy grounded by his teacher while the rest of classmates and friends were playing a baseball game. “Hey, why the face?” I asked. “Both of you can still meet each other next time. Okay?” He didn’t try to look at me. “P—sss,” I hissed. He didn’t flinch. I held him in his hand and put it on the table between us. I looked into his eyes and I smiled at him. I didn’t understand why he got angry but I understood the fact that he should be disappointed. “Are you angry at your baby girl?” I understand that Jake usually gets angry quickly but I was always willing to apologize. He would shout at me sometimes but I would keep my mouth shut and allow him to get settled before talking to him. “Alright,” he said drily. I didn’t like the response. “That’s not what I wanted to hear.” “I said, it’s alright.” “Hmm hmm.” I shook my head bitterly. “Okay, you want me to show you that you have been forgiven right?” I nodded, looking at him like a child. He looked past me but then quickly settled his glance at me. I continued looking at him straight to the eye ball until he started laughing. I nodded. “Then close your eyes and let me brush the tips of your lips. They are so lusciously attractive anyway.” He pleaded with a soft basso tone. “No way, Jake. C’mon, there are people here.” I shook my head violently. “Should I be worried?” I didn’t want to argue about this because I was sure I would lose the argument. I loved Jake and I would do anything for him even if they seemed silly. But I was really not a public person and Jake knew it. He had told me before that he was going to convert me into an extrovert— whether I liked it or not. I believe this was one of his tactics. “Okay,” I said and kept both elbows on the table. “Come closer please.” I thought it would be better if he came closer so that nobody would see anything. “Nah. You are going to stand and do it.” “What?” I felt my brows stiffen. “You can't be serious, Jake.” “If you don’t do that then I will leave.” He threatened. Not again. The second to the last time both of us went on a date, we had an argument concerning a particular number which had been calling him repeatedly. He had refused to answer a call after three or four times the call came in and I thought it was a girl that was calling. I felt he was avoiding the call because he didn’t want to find out. Jake told me he would go home if the person turns out to be a boy or a man. To cut the long story short, he answered the call on the next call and it turned out to be an aged man, a driver. He said he was the driver who worked for his father. I tried to apologize to Jake but he walked out on me and went home. So, yeah, I didn’t want to entertain that mistake again. “I am dead serious.” At this point, the humour in his face had vanished. I didn’t want to take chances. I took a deep breath and stood up from the chair. I looked into his eyes, it felt like a magnet— I was attracted to those greenly bulbs that second. Jake made a mean face, but he still looked cute. I moved closer to him and placed my hand on the back of his head. His skin felt silky to the touch, and I took in a breath, enjoying the scent of his perfume. I closed my eyes, slowly taking in slow and constant breath. I started losing myself until my head became blank— I stopped thinking about anything else. It was just me versus Jake. My eyes closed against my will, and I wasn’t worried about the old couple anymore. I caught Jake’s oval lips and sucked them inside my mouth. I was a bad kisser but I didn’t care. Jake’s lips tasted delightful, it was sweet as blueberries soaked in honey for maybe a week. I unconsciously placed both hands on Jake’s hair and deepened the kiss, aiming more for his tongue. I could hear the sound of his teeth crushing against mine. The kiss became more tense, more forceful but I didn’t care. I let my hand slide down to his back. As my hand settled in the back, I drew him closer to me, holding him like I didn’t want to lose him to anyone else in the world. Jake placed his hand on my shoulder and tried to push me away. I stiffened up and remained like a rock. I didn’t get the message until he said, “Susan, you are embarrassing us.” For someone like Jake who didn’t care much about people’s opinion to say this, it means there was danger. I felt a slight twinge of fear erupting in my chest. I twitched and opened my eyes slowly. I became seemingly embarrassed as I met more eyes watching us. Goosebumps rose all over my body. My heart began to pound uncontrollably. “Oh my. . . what have I done?” I murmured. I covered my mouth and nose with my hands. More people were watching us now apart from the old couple. “Jake, we gotta go.” “B—but. We are not done eating yet.” “No, we are going now.” I yelled. I carried my hand bag grabbed my phone and started running out of the restaurant.
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