Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen    It was cold and I was wearing a short dress. Of course, I didn’t think id be leaving the party and walking home in the middle of the night, but the cold air was sobering me up a little. I can’t believe I forgot my f*****g jacket.  I walked all the way in to town, but I was getting so cold that I had to stop and I decided ordering a taxi would be the best idea. I ducked into the nearest bar to call so I wouldn’t freeze while I was waiting.  Since it was the weekend, there was a wait, over a bloody hour. Great. Luckily, i had my bank card in my phone case and I’d be able to buy myself a drink to pass the time. I ordered the taxi and walked in to the bar area to get some thing to drink.  The smell of stale beer and smoke instantly hit me as soon as I got close.  ‘Hey, what can i get you?’ The friendly looking bartender asked. I smiled at her and just ordered a coke, no ice. ‘Sure thing’. She poured me one and passed it over. I paid and went to find myself a quiet table some where.  ‘.. mate, it's not the same with out you! Ozzy is a s**t alpha’. The second I heard the word I froze. Alpha? That’s a werewolf term.. Michael used it. I looked around the room quickily and then I saw them..  Michael.. With all his friends. His ‘’pack’’. It was weird. Out of all the conversations going on in the room at that moment, I could only hear theirs. s**t, s**t, s**t!. I didn’t want to be rude, but at the same time, i didn’t want to see or speak to them.  I ducked into the nearest both which was facing towards the bar and away from the guys, and started drinking my drink, praying that none of them saw me while I was stood there like an idiot...    I was clock watching, every now and then, I’d check to see if it was time to get my taxi, but it seemed to make time drag by. It was going to be a long night!  I leaned back against the booth seat and sighed. The room was full of talking and chatting, but their conversation cut through all that like a knife through butter. It was weird.  ‘How is she?’ Some one asked, but I couldn’t place the voice.  ‘She can’t even stand to be around me. I f****d it all up. I just didn’t want to lie to her any more’. That was Mike… were they talking about me?  ‘You weren’t lying’.  ‘No, I was just keeping an incredibly large secret from the girl I love’. Hearing him say the word love made my heart sink. Of course, i still loved him too, more than anything, but it was all just too much. ‘I just wish she would accept me for me’.  ‘She’s going through a lot, give her time’. I nodded as if agreeing with whoever it was who said it.  ‘I’d gladly give her time, I’m just worried that no amount of time will ever be enough.’. I could hear the sadness in his voice and it brought me to the brink of tears.  ‘It’s my round’.    The conversation just went from there and tried my best to tune it out. I didn’t want to hear any more, it was making me feel worse and worse. I grabbed my drink and downed another big mouthful.  My phone vibrated and I looked to see who it was. It was from Anna. She had text me quite a few times, but I wasn’t interested in anything she had to say. Raven had text to ask if she was allowed to fill the other girls in on the situation. I said it was fine. If she did it, it meant I didn’t have too.  ‘Ellie?’ I looked up with out thinking, Ozzy stood in front of me. s**t. ‘Oh my god, Hey’.  ‘Hey’. I stood up and he pulled me in to a hug.  ‘I didn’t know you were here’. I just smiled politely.  ‘Yeah, I’m just waiting for my taxi though, it will be here soon’. That was a lie. ‘How come your down from Hawaii?’  ‘Oh, me and the guys are just visiting Mike’. I nodded. Of course, I already knew that. ‘Come and say hi, I’m sure the guys would love to see you’.    I didn’t want to seem rude, so I said sure and followed him back to the table where the rest of them...and Mike, were sat.  ‘Guys, look who I found’. He announced as we approached, as soon as they saw me, they all stood up and took turns to wrap me in a hug… all except Mike, and I did everything I could to hot look at him.  ‘Well hello you, What are you going here?’  ‘Waiting for my taxi’. I told them. Ozzy went back to the bar to get the drinks he had ordered while the other guys started asking me the usual questions like ‘’how have I been?’’ and ‘’What have I been up to?’’.  All of them were talking.. Again except Mike.  ‘So, What have you been up to tonight then?’ Stu asked. I just shrugged. ‘You got dirt on your arm’. I looked down. I didn’t even realise I had.  ‘Oh, I was at a party with my friends and got in to a bit of a disagreement with a friend. It's all good now though’. I explained. They shared a look.  ‘You sure?’ This time, It WAS mike who spoke.  ‘Yeah.. yeah I’m sure’. There was an awkward silence at the table for a few minutes. ‘I-I should go. I’m ruining your night together’. I stood up and went to leave.  ‘Don’t.. ‘ I stopped and looked at him. ‘You’re not ruining the evening. Stay with us, have a drink.. Please?’ I looked around the table, all the guys seemed to agree. I sighed quietly and sat back down again.  ‘Ok, sure. One drink can’t hurt’. They all started smiling again and carried on with a random conversation which, funnily enough, wasn’t the conversation they were having before I joined them.    I couldn’t help but steal looks at Mike every now and then, but every time I did.. He was looking right back at me..
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