Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve    I decided to walk home, it was a little whole, sure, but It would give me time to clear my head a bit. I was still a little upset and worked up over the stupid theory session, so the nice, slightly warm breeze would do. Summer may be over, but for some reason, we have been lucky enough to be graced with the sun still, Which, for Washington... Is rare.  I didn’t particularly want to go home though, i know I’ll be quizzed on how the session went, especially since my parents had specially requested it.  It was nothing but a waste of time and money.  As I came up to Starbucks, I decided to go in and get myself a caramel frappuccino. When I walked in, the place was pretty empty so i was served in seconds. Once I had my drink, I went to sit on the sofa and relax for a bit.  I forgot I had turned my phone off when I went into my appointment so when I turned it back on again, I had 3 missed calls, all of my friends, and some texts. It was basically just Anna letting me know Raven was having a party tonight and then the rest were just other friends asking if I was going to said party.  This was the first I had heard about a party, and normally I’d say no, but it would keep me out of the house and keep my mind off more depressing things.  I text them all back saying I’d be there and I was looking forward to it. Putting my phone away again, I started sipping my drink and people watching out of the window.  I suddenly had that awkward feeling again.. The ‘’being watched’’ feeling, but when I looked, I couldn’t see any thing or any one out of the ordinary. The feeling was enough to make me feel uneasy, So I picked up my barely touched drink and headed out of the coffee shop and towards the closest bus stop.  Maybe I will get a ride on second thoughts…      **   I had showered, changed and done my hair and make up and soon enough, my friends were at my front door to pick me up. I grabbed a few essentials, stuffed them in to my bag and headed down stairs. I had successfully managed to avoid my parents, and I hurried out the door before either of them could say anything about where I was going.  ‘You look hot tonight’. Vicky, One of Anna’s friends commented. I smiled and thanked her as I got into the car and we headed off.  I knew there was going to be people I didn’t know here tonight Like I knew there would be people i couldn’t stand, but a party is a party, so you can’t complain, and knowing Ray’s parties, there is no doubt going to be lots and lots… and f*****g lots of booze so, can’t go wrong!    When we pulled up at the house, it looked like the party was already in full swing, the music was deafening outside the house, so I can only imagine what it was like INSIDE, there were cars everywhere and already drunk teens as far as the eye can see.  I followed my friends inside and I could already tell tonight was going to be interesting...    
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