Chapter 5: My Dream

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(Ember POV) Important note: Ember is the new name of Evelyn and I will use it from now on in the upcoming chapters.Thank you! I entered in the building where my office was present. It was my dream to be an entrepreneur and finally, I achieved my dream but I have more big goals for the future. I don’t want to be like stagnant water; I wanted to keep moving forward and achieve more and more things. My office was on the third floor and I really liked to enjoy the view of the hustle and bustle of this city. I used my VIP elevator and pushed the 3rd-floor button. Last year, I decided to quit my job as a Finance manager and pursue my dream job. It was not an easy decision for me at all because I have three more lives to look after including Kira, so I took my time and decided to take the risk. Things were going well when an old rival from that company chose to mess with my future projects. He beat me in two projects with the help of someone from my own company. I gave my blood and sweat to my company ‘Blue Light Security Company’ and I don’t want to ruin my struggles like this. I have to find that mole in my company as soon as possible but firstly, I have to find another investor for my company. The ding sound of the elevator pulled me out of my thoughts and I take a deep breath to calm my raging heart and headed toward my office. I opened the door of my office and put my bag aside. A knock on the door pulled me out of my thoughts and said ‘come in’ to my secretary, Erica Palmer. She was a really enthusiastic and hard working girl. She started working in this company about a year ago but didn’t give me a single chance to complain. She is very punctual but a lone wolf. I have many humans in this company but I didn’t allow them to show their animalistic side here, in the office. I didn’t shift in the last five years and now, Skyline stopped talking to me. I didn’t hear from her but I can’t shift in this buddy city… Call me selfish but I did all this sacrifice to save my family and my children. If I dare to shift even in the forest, then my scent will grow stronger and It would be easy for other people to search for me. “Mam! Are you listening?” Erica said while putting two important files on the table. She placed my morning coffee on the table and a smile appeared on my lips. “Thanks for the coffee but sorry, I didn’t hear a word,” I said and she flashed her pearly teeth before repeating my today’s schedule. “Thanks but please bring the file of potential investors. I wanted to do a little research,” I said while taking a small sip of my coffee. “Yes, Mam!” She said before turning around and leaving my office. I didn’t share this problem with Kira because she is planning to start her specialization and she collected funds for her studies. If I informed her about this then she will not think twice before handing me her own money and I don’t want that to happen. I will solve this problem on my own and will surely beat my rivals this time. “Mam! I highlighted a few potential investors for this project. Three of them are most important and I underlined their names. I wrote all the necessary information about our potential investors at the back of this page,” She said and I nodded before opening the file. She left my office and I started checking that file. She really did good research and made my work more easy for me. I finished my coffee and picked up the phone to contact our potential clients. After about half an hour, I finally succeeded in fixing my meeting with two of them. One of them has a chain of hotels and the other investor has a frozen food company. Honestly, I am scared to meet both of them but if any of them accepted my proposal then It would be like winning a golden lottery ticket to us. I called Erica and started preparing proposals for both companies. Robinson's group of industries has a very vast business chain and I am preferring them but I have to prepare a plan B also, so I will also prepare a business investment proposal for Winslow food company. After preparing these business proposals, I became tired and decided to take a short lunch break. Usually, I missed my lunch because of workload but I don’t think, I will be able to skip it today as I was starving already. I called Erica and asked her to bring lunch for both of us from the cafeteria. She was like my best friend and I knew about her life as knew about mine except the running away part. I told her that my abusive husband left me when he found his true mate and I hid my pregnancy from him. She believed this story without asking any more questions. “I am sure that your hard work will bear fruit soon,” She said before placing my favorite club sandwiches in front of me. “Yes! I hope so because I put a lot of hard work into this project. I don’t know what will I do if they didn't accept my offer,” I said while taking a bite of my sandwich. “No need to be afraid, Mam! I am sure that you will soon find a good investor and all your worries will vanish into thin air,” I laughed after hearing her encouraging words. She loves to build air castles for her future and for me as well. “Believe me! Sometimes, My prediction can be wrong but not all the time,” She said, and I nodded quickly while enjoying my sandwich.
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