Chapter Nine

1580 Words
Johnny's P.O.V I was sat on Jeremy's sofa, Thinking, He had gone out for the evening, but said I could stay. I didn't want to stay at home with Tara, Especially if Cath wasn't there. She had been ignoring both of our texts and calls all evening. She was him. Probably f*****g like rabbits. If Cath wasn't coming home, Tara would want to have s*x, and I didn't want to. Me: Please, Meet me, we can talk and I can explain all of this x No answer. Me: Baby, please? Still no answer. Balling my fists up in anger, I'd had enough, She can't just cut me off like this. Standing up, I grabbed my car keys off the side and headed out the door. If she wasn't going to answer my texts then I'll go to his f*****g house and see her. Walking out the front door and locking it behind me, I ran to my car and got in. It was absolutely chucking it down it rain. I waiting for the car to heat up a little and for the windscreen whispers to clear the water from my vision before I headed off to Ollie's house. Good job I have my key to his house. Pulling up at his house, The whole front of the house was in darkness, I guess there in bed. Getting out and running to the door, I unlocked it quickily and headed inside. It was pitch black. Walking straight to the stairs, I almost ran up them to his bedroom. I could hear them before I saw them. I KNEW it! Barging in, They jumped, surprised and shocked to see me. 'What the f**k are you doing here?' I ignored him and focused my attention on here. 'You weren't answering my calls or texts'. Rolling her eyes, She sighed. 'Yeah, Because I'm busy, and don't want to talk to you!, Get out!'. 'I'm not going anywhere until you let me explain!'. 'Look-' 'No, Ollie, it's OK. Go downstairs and I'll be down in a minute'. I waiting for a moment, debating, but eventually nodded. At least she was going to talk to me, Its all I could ask for right now. I could hear the pair having a hushed conversation before I was completely out of earshot. I was surprised I was able to control my temper, seeing them like that, In bed together, but then again, I don't exactly have any right to be angry, Do I? I sat down in Ollie's front room and waited for her to come down. God knows what was taking her so long. Standing up, I wandered over to his fireplace. Wait, Isn't Ollie married? Where was his wife? Why was he in bed with Cath? I looked through the photographs he has displayed, Pausing when I came across one that brought back memories, Both happy and sad ones. It was of me and Cath and Ollie, Taken at her 18th birthday party a few months ago. She told me she loved me that night... and I.. Broke her heart. 'What are you doing here Johnny? What is it you want?' I turned to look at her, Biting my lip to silence myself when I saw what she was wearing, Basically nothing, She was stood there in Ollie's shirt, s*x-hair, with her arms crossed, looking quite pissed off. 'I wanted to talk to you'. 'About?' 'Is that why you were ignoring me? because you were shagging him all night?' Unfolding her arms, She closed the front room door, and sat down on the sofa, I joined her. 'I'm not even gonna answer that. What did you want to talk about so urgently that it couldn't wait?' 'The baby'. Anger crossed her face and she stood up, But I grabbed hold of her arm and pulled her back down. 'No, Wait'. 'WHAT!?' 'The baby probably isn't even mine, You're mum slept with someone else around the time she conceived. I didn't care because I had you, and staying with her meant I could still see you. Please don't hate me' 'You think that makes me feel better?' 'I'm trying to explain!' 'You shouldn't have even been sleeping with her, You had me!' I could see the wetness in her eyes, She was going to cry, But she was fighting it. 'You know what, Just leave, I don't even want to see you, I have more important people waiting for me'. 'Who, Him upstairs?' 'Yeah, Him upstairs, because he actually gives a s**t about me!' 'He's married you stupid slut!'. s**t, I didn't mean that! I didn't mean that! 'f**k you!'. She left the room, But I went after her, Grabbing her arm again and spinning her to face me, Pressing my lips to hers, Instantly, Kissing her passionately, Showing her how badly I needed and wanted her. She didn't fight back She didn't pull away... She actually kissed me back and held me to her... But all too soon, She did pull away. 'Stay away from me!'. Wandering back up the stairs, back to him; 'I love you, Catherine!' She stopped for a second, But didn't look at me, 'I'll divorce your mother, I only want you, Please'. Begging made me feel less like a man, But, I needed to show you how much I needed her.. How much I Loved her. But she didn't turn, She just carried on up the stairs and vanished. Admitting defeat, I left and headed back to Jeremy's house. What more could I do? Cath's P.O.V I hid behind the wall at the top of the stairs and waited until I heard Ollie's front door close. He left. Good. Instead of going back to the handsome, naked man that was waiting for me, I went back to the spare bedroom. I needed to be alone. Was he being serious? Would he really divorce my mum for me? I climbed into bed and snuggled down under the duvet, Sleep came quickily, oddly, And Ollie never bothered me once. The next morning, I overslept. When I eventually woke up, It was past 11 am. Groaning, I rolled over onto my back and just stared at the ceiling. I didn't want to go home. I wonder if Ollie would mind me staying another night. I still hadn't really made a decision on if I should Johnny a second chance or not. There were so many factors to consider. Growling, annoyed. I pulled the covers off of me and decided to take a show. After having s*x last night, I definitely needed one, and It would relax and calm my nerves before I ventured downstairs and saw Ollie. Stripping naked, I climbed in and let the hot water run over my body, Sighing happily. Bounding down the stairs, I could smell bacon. Oh god, It smelled so good! Heading into the kitchen, I smiled seeing Ollie stood with his back to me at the cooker, Shirtless... considering he was frying bacon, that was a bold move and choice. 'Careful, Don't burn that beautiful body of yours'.I notice him jump slightly, Did he really not hear me come down those stairs? 'Jeez, You scared me! How are you feeling this morning?' He asked, focusing his attention back on the food as he plated two breakfasts up, and brought them over, passing me the bigger of the two. 'I'm ok thanks'. He smiled. 'I figured I'd leave you be last night, I didn't want to overwhelm you'. Awww, he was so sweet. 'Hey... Do you want to go on a date tonight?' I froze. I wanted to say yes, but... 'Ollie... I'd love to...but.. there's something super important you should know'. 'What?' 'Well...' Johnny's P.O.V I decided it was best that I did stay at Jeremy's house last night, Tara had to go away for a work-thing for a few days, which means it was safe to go home. It wasn't a lie, She really was having an affair with someone she worked with, He was most likely the ''work-thing'' she had to go away and do, And I really didn't care. She wasn't a priority right now. 'Good morning sleeping beauty' I looked up as Jeremy came down the stairs, He must have got back pretty early. I just gave him a small wave and stood up. 'Thanks for letting me crash here last night bud'. 'Any time'. He knew about my ''affair'' with Cath, So, He was someone I could open up to about everything that was going on. I told him about everything that had happened last night, From telling her about the baby to telling her I loved her.. to catching her in bed with Ollie. He wasn't best pleased with him breaking the ''bro-code'' on that one. 'So, what are you going to do now?' I shrugged. I needed to know what she was thinking, I needed to be inside her head. ..And I know she keeps a journal. 'I'm gonna head home, I'll see you later, Ok?' 'Yeah. No worries, Call if you need anything?' 'I will'. We said our goodbyes and I left. I sat on the edge of her bed, My head in my hands, Panicked and stressed... I got home about 20 minutes ago and came straight up to raid her bedroom for information, I found more than I bargained for. Way more. I looked down at the small photo in my hand... A Babyscan. Cath was pregnant.
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