glasses & books

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We both ended up staying up all night watching movies and forgetting to study. Our teacher shocked us with a quiz the next morning, and we regret what we did the night before. Fortunately, I still have some stock knowledge and am able to do well. In comparison to Taylor, I am confident that his stock knowledge is superior to mine. He remembers everything.   It's fine because the tests aren't too challenging. I attempted to converse with Taylor outside the room, but he only gave me a frigid stare. When he did that, I mentally frowned. I thought we were all set now?   If he doesn't want everyone to know we're now friends, I understand. Trevor, after all, is his only friend, so I'm sure he'll be fascinated. Taylor doesn't have any friends.   I ate lunch with Riley in the cafeteria after class. Unlike me and Taylor, Riley and I rarely see each other because our schedules aren't aligned. Riley is such a stubborn kid that he almost always fails his examinations. We talked about some random topics, and I told him that I like Taylor. He shrieked like a girl and everyone's attention was drawn to him. It's a good thing I stuffed an apple in his mouth to keep him quiet.   "Oh my gosh, I'm speechless! Did you already tell him?!" He sighs and sighs and sighs and sigh   "yes. I've told him numerous times, but he hasn't responded."   "Kiss him, and he'll respond!" Riley's request   I locked my gaze on him. "Thank you for the suggestion. Only death will evoke a response from him " He chuckles.   Kissing comes immediately to my mind. When I snatched my watch from him, I kissed him inadvertently. And, certainly, he was surprised rather than reacting. Riley doesn't need to know that I accidentally kissed him. I also didn't inform Riley that Taylor and I are doing better now. To be honest, I don't want to make any assumptions. Maybe I was too thrilled, but I believe we both made it out. Maybe for Taylor, it could just be part of his plan after he begged me to stop competing against him.   Lunch was over, and I was having a fantastic time chatting with my friend. Riley returned to his class, while I returned to my dorm room. It was empty when I noticed it. Perhaps he spent some of his time with Trevor.   Before having a short snooze, I watched some movies and ate a little food. I was startled awake by the thunder, and when I checked the time, it was now 7 p.m. It's pouring outside. Taylor isn't home yet when I check around.   Before I started to eat, I took a shower. It was only a leftover, so I microwaved it and sat down in front of my table to read. I just heard the door open, and I'm guessing it's Taylor. I was about to welcome him when he first greeted me.   He stood in front of me, quietly smiling at me.   "Hello, have you had your meal yet?" I inquire.   He smiled and nodded "Yes, indeed. I apologize for not being able to provide you with more information. I don't have your contact information. I'd appreciate it if you could give it to me."   "You don't have to apologize," I said hesitantly as I scratched my nape.   "You have the right to know where I am because you're my roommate."   What exactly is this?   "I promise I'll have lunches and dinners with you from now on." He smiled and walked slowly towards me. He took my spectacles and placed them on my face.   "You look good in glasses, why don't you put them on?" he inquires.   I couldn't take my eyes off him the entire time. Is what I'm hearing correct? Did he just tell me that my glasses make me look good?   "Until now, I had no idea you wore specs," he added.   "When you're around, I don't use it. You'll mock me and say it's not good." I stated. He furrowed his brows and straightened my stray hair from my brow. "You're a moron for thinking those things." He rose up and laughed. He made his way to the bathroom right away. I tried on the glasses and think I'm ready to wear them now. I continued thinking about what Taylor said to me as I worked on my homework. My tummy is churning with butterflies. Taylor took a long time to go to the bathroom, which I noted. He went to the little kitchen when he got out of his jammies to see what else he could eat for a snack. I asked if he was finished with his work, and he nodded. When he spoke again, I was going to return to what I was doing. He and Trevor had a study session at the library, and he finished his schoolwork there because he was bored. "I'm free this weekend for the fashion week that you're inviting me to attend," he explained. My jaw was about to drop. "Are you serious?" I inquire, clarifying. "yep. I have nothing better to do here, so I'll join you. if that's okay with you—" "Yes, indeed. It's all right. definitely." "okay. If that's the case, I'm going to bed. I'll see you tomorrow." He murmured this while tucking himself inside the duvet. I just smiled at him, which makes me question whether we have anything to do with each other. I'm free to develop my friendship with him, and he's cool with it. I began to believe that I could see his true colors. Taylor, the gentle one. the one who is calm. What possessed him to agree to me so quickly? I really hope this is it. My ultimate goal is to form a friendship with him, and if that occurs, I will be the luckiest guy alive. I'd like to invite him to my mother's event so she can meet him. I didn't tell her how much I admire Taylor. I explained to him that he is simply my roommate. He'd be a favorite with my mother.
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