bruschetta for breakfast

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"We need to talk." he firmly said. "talk about what?" I asked. he paused, "I want you to fail some of the exams." Is he joking? "are you kidding me? why would I? My mother is going to kill me if I did that." I defended. He rolled his eyes and flick his tongue. "Calm down, stupid. Not in the literal sense. All you have to do is stop being a smarty a*s pants and expect that you can defeat me. I know this is embarrassing but please, I beg you. I needed to win this. I'm desperate. All my plan is all clean and working not until you came. please, Chase. I badly needed to win." he looked away trying to hold back his tears. "Whatever you're planning to win over me, please stop it now. I beg you," he added. Until now, I had no idea how vulnerable Taylor was. He simply pleaded. Is this grand prize a significant award for him? Well, what more could you want for? I mean, the reward includes a trip to Europe and a full scholarship to one of your picks of universities. "Okay, fine. I won't beat you." I calmly said. "you... w-what? you're fine with it?" he averted his gaze to me. "Hmm, yeah. I don't even need to win. I'm fine with what I have now." I smiled. He was still dumbfounded by what I said. "a-are you serious?" he stuttered. "yes. in fact, I wasn't planning to win over you. why do you think of that?" I chuckled. He looked away and I can see a little pinkish on his cheeks. "because you're at number two. I'm worried that you want also to win." I laughed, "no. I don't need that." He just smiled at me and for the first time in life, I felt butterflies on my stomach. Taylor. Just. Smiled. He smiled like a maniac! Oh, how I wish I could photograph those smiles. When he smiles, he's stunning, yet you can sense his eyes are hiding something. We were staring at each other and I didn't even notice it. Taylor averted his gaze and swallowed his saliva. I mentally slap myself for staring those eyes in the face.   I set my belongings on the counter before the situation became unpleasant. I took my favorite from the other brown paper bag. Chinese food delivered to your door.   I handed him the second one, and he gave me a puzzled look. "I remembered you from a recent trip to a Chinese restaurant with my mom. I bought it for you "I stated.   Following that, we both ate and talked about other topics. We despise casual conversations. Unfortunately for me, I became even more vulnerable to him. He isn't as horrible as everyone makes him out to be. If you simply push him to his angelic side, he's nice.   He doesn't have any school enemies or hates anyone; instead, everyone is terrified of him because he is superior and holds a school title. Taylor is a spoilt little brat, and the professors are his parents.   Maybe this is his first time having a nemesis, and I, who also happens to be his roommate, triggered him so badly that he wanted to kill me. I grinned as I remembered that our friendship is still in its infancy. Once I've established a friendship with him, I'll be able to ask him why he's in agony at times and why he teared up when I first saw him.   And there's something else I'd like to know about Taylor. Now we're each in our own beds. We don't want to study since he's sleepy, and if I read a book, I won't be able to concentrate on the fact that I'm talking to Taylor right now. There isn't any beef in between. "Hey, Taylor. can I ask you something?" I ask. "you're already asking," he said. I chuckled and turned myself at the side to face him, "there is an upcoming fashion week this weekend. do you mind joining me?" he paused for a while before he spoke again, "why me? don't you have any friends?" "I do. but I want to take you." "But why?" "because I like you." another paused again. "I'll try."  He hid his face in a duvet and murmured, "night."   "Good night," I grin at him even though I know he won't see me. ♡ It's Sunday morning, and there's nothing else I can do but study. I also wanted to see my mother, but she's too preoccupied with the models and all of her designs to see me, so I'm staying in my room. But it's fine since I was able to chat to Taylor without him yelling or screaming at me.   When he emerged from the restroom, I was waiting for my coffee to brew. He went through his morning routine, which I guess included skincare, before greeting me with a "hello."   I offered him coffee and was fortunate that he did not decline. I also put two pieces of Bruschetta on a dish and set it in front of him as he was waiting for his coffee at the kitchen tool. He was confused by the bread I had served for him. It was a takeout order from the Italian restaurant the day before. I missed eating the meals from my homeland.   "What is this?" he said as I set his coffee down.   "Bruschetta is the name of the dish. Give it a shot. I'm sure you'll love it "I stated.   Before nodding, he picked the other one and took a single bite, savoring the flavor.   "Is it good?" I inquired, taking a taste myself.   "yep. It's delicious." He chewed his lip once more.   "Believe me when I say that my recipe is better than this." I made a joke, and he laughed.   This is the first time Taylor and I have shared a breakfast. We normally don't see each other in the mornings because I always get up late, or because when I do, he's already made his coffee and is ready to leave. It's good to have a quiet breakfast with someone you enjoy, and he appreciates it as well.   "Hey,  Can we watch a movie since it's Sunday? "I questioned.   He didn't think twice about responding. "Sure. Why are you requesting permission from me? We share a room, and this is also your room."   His response made me smile. We do have a tv, but we rarely watch it. I'm uncomfortable using it because Taylor and I haven't gotten along in the last two weeks, and we've both retreated to our study. That's why, when I want to watch something, I turn to my laptop rather than the tv screens.
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