sei così bella

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 A week has passed, and fashion week is approaching at a furious pace. It is now Saturday morning, and the event will take place later in the evening. Taylor had to run some errands, so I'm currently alone in my room. He stated he was going to the mall to meet a relative and would return later.   I'm hoping he'll return because he'll be at my mother's event with me. He didn't make a promise to me, but it's the same. While I waited, I lost myself in the movies for the rest of the afternoon. I had a hunch the door would open, but it didn't.   It's already 6 p.m., and Taylor is still not home. I had already put on a black suit. It's a formal occasion, therefore I'm dressing up. Taylor is still not at home, according to my watch. I'd like to send him a text asking where he is, but I don't want to disturb him. Has he forgotten about our plans? or has he simply abandoned me?   I needed to arrive at 7:00 a.m. because the event begins at 8:00 a.m. and my mother requires that I arrive promptly.   I mumbled, "screw it." I'm going to go without him.   I was adjusting my cuffs as I walked to the door when it abruptly opened, presenting Taylor with a shopping bag in his hand.   "Hi," he said.   "Hello," I froze.   "You're already on your way out? I hadn't put on any clothes yet," he stated   I shook my head and walked over to the kitchen counter "I was on my way to get some water. I'm thirsty, and I'm not even halfway through. My hair needs to be fixed." I told a falsehood. I was about to walk out of the room without him. He nodded and sat down on his bed with his belongings. When he opened it, showing a great, elegant suit inside. Is it possible that he went shopping for anything to wear to this event? Why did he say he was going to meet his relative when he wasn't? He shouldn't put in any effort. I'm flattered now.    "Didn't you say you were meeting your relative?" I inquire.   "I did it, of course. I'm asking her to assist me in finding something appropriate to wear to your mother's occasion. To be honest, my wardrobe is uninteresting. I'll come back in a moment, and I'll put this on."  he said as he walked to the bathroom.   I'm at a loss for words. Is this really going on? If this keeps going, I'll be doomed and will continue to fall in love with him.   Taylor exited the bathroom as I finished styling my hair. When I turned to face him, I almost dropped my mouth because he looked so stunning in those suits. The suit is white with a gold brooch. He's a touch of luxury.   "hello there, loser. It's rude to stare. I’m asking you if this is alright?" He became enraged.   "y-yes! You have a fantastic visual effect. Are you all set to go? My mother sent us a driver, so I'm sure he's in the parking lot right now." I murmured this while avoiding his gaze.   "All right," he replied as he walked to the door. I followed him, hoping he wouldn't notice how flushed and embarrassed I was. I noticed my mother's driver in Italy when we walked into the parking lot. He greeted me while standing beside the SUV.   As he opened the door to let us in, I said, "Ciao, Lorenzo." Taylor was the first to enter. During the car trip, neither of us said anything. Taylor, like me, is engrossed in the view from his window seat. Since we arrived at the event right away, the awkward tension hasn't lasted long.   We parked in the basement and took the elevator back up to the venue. It's on the top floor of the building, so I take a few glances at Taylor before looking out the window at the panoramic view of the city.   the ring of the elevator, indicating that we have arrived at the specified floor I walked out before Taylor as the door opened. I look around the crowd for my mom. I spun around to face Taylor after feeling him yank at my suit. He appears to be very nervous.   "Are you all right?" I question.   He stated, "Everyone is looking."   "They're all looking because they know how gorgeous you are tonight," I chuckled as I hold his hand. I winked at him and got slapped on the arm right away.    After I taunted Taylor, I noticed my mother drinking champagne around the corner. I waved my hand at him and took Taylor's hand in mine as we walked towards her. She sipped the last of the champagne and set the champagne glass down for a new refill when she saw me.   "Hello, darling!" my mother said, as the blood in my cheeks began to rise.   "Mama, please don't call me that," I pleaded, kissing her cheeks. Taylor chuckled beside me, his hand still in mine. I wrapped my arm around his shoulder and leaned him into me, causing him to grimace in surprise.   "Mama, this is Taylor, my roommate whom I’m talking about."   My mother smiled as she gazed at him. She took a step towards him and kiss his cheek.   "Hey there, sweetheart. Sei così bella.  I've discovered something lovely. I didn't expect Chase's roommate to be so attractive." She gave a kind smile.   "T-thank you," Taylor gave a shy smile.   "Are you two dating?" she inquires abruptly.   "Mama!" I hissed, and she burst out laughing once again. She enjoys teasing me.   My mother's business partner arrived at any moment. He studied Taylor and me from head to toe when she introduced us to him.   He remarked, "You two are the event's head-turner."   "What's the matter?" my mother inquires.   "I assumed they were a couple as they exited the elevator hand in hand. Their outfits are identical. An exquisite white suit and a dark suit with a little edge. You two have a lot of power." He smiled and took a sip of his wine.   Oh yeah. That’s the tea, sister.   I cast a glance at Taylor, who was flushed. I thanked him and took his hand in mine once more. So, everyone assumed we were dating?   My mother advised that we take a seat in the front row because the show was about to begin. We were also assisted by the employees, and we were seated where there was a wonderful view. I offered Taylor a drink, but he declined. He's not in the mood right now, but maybe later.   The room darkens, signaling that the show is about to begin. On the stage, the only light was turned on. The event began, and each model entered the runway to represent my mother's designs. I am so proud of her. I shot a glimpse at Taylor, who didn't even blink as he stood there watching them walk.   "Wow, it's really beautiful," he exclaims.   "But you're prettier than them," I said quietly as I leaned in close to him. I could tell we were inches apart as he stared at me.   we stared at each other for a few seconds when he heard everybody clapped their hands. It's a sign that the runaway is over, and my mother is on the stage, bearing a bouquet and raising her hand in celebration of the fashion event's success.   Was it because we were staring at each other for so long that we didn't know the runaway had ended?   Following the event, the audience gathered for an after-party. Taylor and I are seated at our table, watching each other dancing. He burst out laughing at the sight, and it was the most beautiful sound I'd ever heard. I fixed my focus on him, and he seemed to notice.   "What?" he asked, a smile on his face.   I said, "I like your laugh." He swiftly turned around and drank his champagne, trying to cover his flushed cheeks. I took a sip of mine while keeping my gaze locked on him.   My mother came to our table a few minutes later and advised us to have a good time. I declined, but she refused to budge; instead, he grabbed our wrists and dragged us both to the dance floor.   We were in the spotlight, and all eyes were on us. The music that was playing was a slow dance song, which I immediately recognized. Taylor is feeling a little uncomfortable right now because everyone is staring at him.   I said, "Just look upon me."   "Chase, this is humiliating, everyone is watching."   "That's why all you have to do is look me in the eyes," I stated previously. He did what I said and began to move my hand towards his waist. This makes us feel like the main event, and the fact that he's wearing a white suit and I'm wearing a black suit makes it feel like our wedding. I grinned at the prospect of a future with Taylor.   "Can you tell me why you're smiling?"   "Are you interested in marrying me?"   "What is this nonsense?" He said, "We aren't dating, moron," and I simply chuckled. "Will you date me if I ask you to?" I enquire once more.   He just stated, "I don't know."   I gave him a kind smile. He snaked his arm around my neck, and we both began to dance as if we were alone and unconcerned about the outside world. My body has been touched, as has our face. "I like you, Tay," I whispered in his ear as I leaned down.   We continued to dance despite his lack of response. We looked at our clock and saw that it was 11 p.m. The school dorm has a 9 p.m. curfew, so we have no choice but to remain in the hotel that my mother has reserved for us. We're both exhausted, and my mother's suite has two beds, one for each of us. Taylor sat down in his bed, and I jumped on my bed.   "I had a good time," he said abruptly as I stared at him.   "Thank you for accompanying me."   "Thank you for inviting me."
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